@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.persagy.proxy.adm.utils;
+import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.map.MapUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.ArrayUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ public class AdmQueryCriteriaHelper {
/** 条件匹配字符串 */
public static final String[] COND_STR = {" = "," != "," > "," >= "," < "," <= "," in "," isnull "," contain "," startwith "," endwith "};
/** 条件匹配字符串 根据ADM实际调用查看,去掉空格*/
- public static final String[] COND_STR_TRIM = {"=","!=",">",">=","<","<=","in","isnull","contain","startwith","endwith"};
+ public static final String[] COND_STR_TRIM = {"=","!=",">",">=","<","<=","contain","in","isnull","startwith","endwith"};
/** 需要替换的字段对照 Map<AdmQueryCriteria.name, Map<AdmFieldName, DmpFieldName> */
public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> RENAME_MAP = new HashMap<>(16);
/** 与数据中台的操作参数对照 */
@@ -116,6 +117,9 @@ public class AdmQueryCriteriaHelper {
if(StrUtil.isBlank(orderStr)) {
return null;
+ // 2021年10月20日16:00:01 兼容DMP中台的createTime,updateTime字段
+ orderStr = StrUtil.replace(orderStr,"createTime","creationTime");
+ orderStr = StrUtil.replace(orderStr,"updateTime","modifiedTime");
// 按,分隔
String[] orders = StrUtil.split(orderStr, ",");
List<OrderItem> orderList = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -157,43 +161,42 @@ public class AdmQueryCriteriaHelper {
filters = StrUtil.replace(filters, "[", " ( ");
filters = StrUtil.replace(filters, "]", " ) ");
// 查找下一个 连接点[and or为连接点]
- ensureOrCondition(name, criteria, filters);
+ convertCondition(name, criteria, filters);
return criteria;
- * 从or条件中截取表达式
- * @param criteria
- * @param filters
- */
- private static void ensureOrCondition(String name, ObjectNode criteria, String filters) {
- int orIndex = StrUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(filters, " or ", 0);
- String orLeft = orIndex < 0 ? filters : StrUtil.subPre(filters, orIndex);
- ensureAndCondition(name, criteria, orLeft);
- // 有or条件
- if(orIndex >= 0) {
- String orRight = StrUtil.subSuf(filters, orIndex + 4);
- ObjectNode node = criteria.putObject("$or");
- // 右侧字符串继续递归处理
- ensureOrCondition(name, node, orRight);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 从and条件中截取表达式
+ * 转换为查询条件
+ * @param name
* @param criteria
* @param filters
- private static void ensureAndCondition(String name, ObjectNode criteria, String filters) {
- int andIndex = StrUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(filters, " and ", 0);
- String andLeft = andIndex < 0 ? filters : StrUtil.subPre(filters, andIndex);
- // 处理左侧条件
- ensureAndExpress(name, criteria, andLeft);
- // 处理右侧条件
- if(andIndex >= 0) {
- String andRight = StrUtil.subSuf(filters, andIndex+5);
- // 递归处理and
- ensureAndCondition(name, criteria, andRight);
+ private static void convertCondition(String name, ObjectNode criteria, String filters) {
+ // 按and分隔
+ List<String> andFilters = StrUtil.splitTrim(filters, " and ");
+ // 按分隔后的表达式依次处理
+ for(String andFilter:andFilters) {
+ // 按or分组
+ List<String> orFilters = StrUtil.splitTrim(andFilter, " or ");
+ if(CollUtil.isEmpty(orFilters)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // 长度为1,则不是or条件
+ if(orFilters.size() == 1) {
+ // 转换为Condition
+ convertExpress(name, criteria, orFilters.get(0));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // or条件
+ ObjectNode andOr = (ObjectNode) criteria.get(QueryOperator.AND_OR.getIndex());
+ if(andOr == null) {
+ // 没有此条件则创建
+ andOr = criteria.putObject(QueryOperator.AND_OR.getIndex());
+ }
+ // 转换为Condition
+ for(String orFilter:orFilters) {
+ convertExpress(name, andOr, orFilter);
+ }
@@ -202,8 +205,9 @@ public class AdmQueryCriteriaHelper {
* @param criteria
* @param express
- private static void ensureAndExpress(String name, ObjectNode criteria, String express) {
- String cond = StrUtil.isBlank(StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR)) ? StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR_TRIM) : StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR);
+ private static void convertExpress(String name, ObjectNode criteria, String express) {
+ String cond = StrUtil.isBlank(StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR)) ?
+ StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR_TRIM) : StrUtil.getContainsStr(express, COND_STR);
if(StrUtil.isBlank(cond)) {