@@ -1,7 +1,572 @@
package com.persagy.adm.diagram.core.line;
+import cn.hutool.core.util.ArrayUtil;
+import com.persagy.adm.diagram.core.model.Line;
+import com.persagy.adm.diagram.core.model.base.XY;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+ * 连线路径计算
+ */
public class PathBuilder {
+ private static final int D_RIGHT = 1;
+ private static final int D_DOWN = 2;
+ private static final int D_LEFT = 3;
+ private static final int D_UP = 4;
+ private static int edge = 10;
+ private Line line;
+ private LineEnd end1;
+ private LineEnd end2;
+ private boolean exchange;
+ private List<XY> points = new ArrayList<>();
+ private XY currentPoint;
+ private int fromDirection;
+ private Random random = new Random();
+ public PathBuilder(Line line, LineEnd end1, LineEnd end2, boolean exchange) {
+ this.line = line;
+ this.end1 = end1;
+ this.end2 = end2;
+ this.exchange = exchange;
+ setCurrentPoint(end1.getPoint());
+ String fromAnchor = (!exchange ? line.getFrom() : line.getTo()).getAnchorCode();
+ switch (fromAnchor.charAt(0)) {
+ case 'T':
+ fromDirection = D_DOWN;
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ fromDirection = D_UP;
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ fromDirection = D_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ fromDirection = D_LEFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void setCurrentPoint(XY point){
+ currentPoint = point;
+ points.add(currentPoint);
+ }
+ public List<XY> calcPath(List<Block> blocks) {
+ findPath(blocks);
+ if(exchange)
+ Collections.reverse(points);
+ if(line.getFrom().getLocation() != null) {
+ points.add(0, line.getFrom().getLocation());
+ }
+ if(line.getTo().getLocation() != null) {
+ points.add(line.getTo().getLocation());
+ }
+ return points;
+ }
+ private void findPath(List<Block> blocks) {
+ Block rectArea = buildRectArea();
+ List<Block> currentBlocks = blocks.stream().filter(block -> block.getRect().intersects(rectArea.getRect())).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ int[] directions = findDirection();
+ for(int direction : directions) {
+ if(direction == fromDirection)
+ continue;
+ boolean vDirection = isVerticalDirection(direction);
+ int trackPos = vDirection ? currentPoint.x : currentPoint.y;
+ int pos = vDirection ? currentPoint.y : currentPoint.x;
+ boolean reverse = direction == D_LEFT || direction == D_UP;
+ List<BlockLine> blockLines = buildBlockLines(currentBlocks, direction);
+ int stopPos = -1;
+ for(BlockLine bl : blockLines) {
+ boolean valid = !reverse ? bl.base > pos : bl.base < pos;
+ if(valid && bl.begin <= trackPos && bl.end >= trackPos) {
+ stopPos = bl.base;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(stopPos != -1) {
+ int move = stopPos - pos;
+ if(Math.abs(move) <= edge)
+ continue;
+ }
+ List<int[]> nonBlockRoads = getNonBlockRoads(blockLines, rectArea, vDirection);
+ int[] nbr = findNonBlockRoad(nonBlockRoads, trackPos);
+ if(nbr != null) {
+ if (checkEnd(nbr, vDirection)) {
+ connectEnd(direction, nbr, vDirection);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ int crossDirection = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) {
+ if(isVerticalDirection(directions[i]) != vDirection) {
+ crossDirection = directions[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean crossReverse = crossDirection == D_LEFT || crossDirection == D_UP;
+ List<BlockLine> crossBlockLines = buildBlockLines(currentBlocks, crossDirection);
+ List<int[]> crossNonBlockRoads = getNonBlockRoads(crossBlockLines, rectArea, !vDirection);
+ int[] crossNbr = findNonBlockRoad(crossNonBlockRoads, pos);
+ if(crossNbr != null) {
+ if (checkEnd(crossNbr, !vDirection)) {
+ connectEnd(crossDirection, crossNbr, !vDirection);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nbr != null) {
+ for(int[] crossRoad : crossNonBlockRoads) {
+ boolean valid = !reverse ? crossRoad[0] > pos : crossRoad[1] < pos;
+ if(valid && checkEnd(crossRoad, !vDirection)){
+ connectEnd(direction, crossRoad, !vDirection);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(crossNbr != null) {
+ for(int[] road : nonBlockRoads) {
+ boolean valid = !crossReverse ? road[0] > pos : road[1] < pos;
+ if(valid && checkEnd(road, vDirection)){
+ connectEnd(crossDirection, road, vDirection);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int targetPos = -1;
+ if(!reverse) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < crossNonBlockRoads.size(); i++) {
+ int[] crossRoad = crossNonBlockRoads.get(i);
+ if(crossRoad[0] > pos){
+ targetPos = crossRoad[0] + (crossRoad[1] - crossRoad[0]) / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = crossNonBlockRoads.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ int[] crossRoad = crossNonBlockRoads.get(i);
+ if(crossRoad[1] < pos){
+ targetPos = crossRoad[0] + (crossRoad[1] - crossRoad[0]) / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(targetPos == -1) {
+ if(stopPos != -1) {
+ if(stopPos > pos) {
+ targetPos = stopPos - edge;
+ } else {
+ targetPos = stopPos + edge;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(BlockLine crossBl : crossBlockLines) {
+ boolean valid = !crossReverse ? crossBl.base > trackPos : crossBl.base < targetPos;
+ if(valid && crossBl.begin <= pos && crossBl.end >= pos) {
+ if(!reverse) {
+ targetPos = crossBl.end;
+ } else {
+ targetPos = crossBl.begin;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(targetPos == -1)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ setCurrentPoint(vDirection ? new XY(trackPos, targetPos) : new XY(targetPos, trackPos));
+ fromDirection = direction > 2 ? direction - 2 : direction + 2;
+ findPath(blocks);
+ }
+ }
+ private Block buildRectArea() {
+ int[] xs;
+ int[] ys;
+ if(end2.getPoint() != null) {
+ xs = new int[] {currentPoint.x, end2.getPoint().x};
+ ys = new int[] {currentPoint.y, end2.getPoint().y};
+ } else {
+ xs = new int[] {currentPoint.x, end2.getLine()[0].x, end2.getLine()[1].x};
+ ys = new int[] {currentPoint.y, end2.getLine()[0].y, end2.getLine()[1].y};
+ }
+ XY location = new XY(ArrayUtil.min(xs), ArrayUtil.min(ys));
+ location.x -= edge;
+ location.y -= edge;
+ XY size = new XY(ArrayUtil.max(xs) - location.x, ArrayUtil.max(ys) - location.y);
+ size.x += edge;
+ size.y += edge;
+ return new Block(location, size);
+ }
+ private int[] findDirection(){
+ int[] rtn = new int[4];
+ if(end2.getPoint() != null) {
+ XY endPoint = end2.getPoint();
+ if (endPoint.x == currentPoint.x) {
+ setDirection(rtn, null, endPoint.y > currentPoint.y);
+ } else if (endPoint.y == currentPoint.y) {
+ setDirection(rtn, endPoint.x > currentPoint.x, null);
+ } else {
+ setDirection(rtn, endPoint.x > currentPoint.x, endPoint.y > currentPoint.y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int trackPos = end2.getLineTrackPos();
+ int[] scope = end2.getLineScope();
+ if(end2.isLineHorizontal()) {
+ boolean xMatch = scope[0] <= currentPoint.x && scope[1] >= currentPoint.x;
+ if (xMatch) {
+ setDirection(rtn, null, trackPos > currentPoint.y);
+ } else if (trackPos == currentPoint.y) {
+ rtn[0] = D_DOWN;
+ rtn[1] = D_UP;
+ boolean right = scope[0] > currentPoint.x;
+ rtn[2] = right ? D_RIGHT : D_LEFT;
+ rtn[3] = right ? D_LEFT : D_RIGHT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ boolean yMatch = scope[0] <= currentPoint.y && scope[0] >= currentPoint.y;
+ if (yMatch) {
+ setDirection(rtn, trackPos > currentPoint.x, null);
+ } else if (trackPos == currentPoint.x) {
+ rtn[0] = D_RIGHT;
+ rtn[1] = D_LEFT;
+ boolean down = scope[0] > currentPoint.y;
+ rtn[2] = down ? D_DOWN : D_UP;
+ rtn[3] = down ? D_UP : D_DOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ if(rtn[0] == 0) {
+ XY p0 = end2.getLine()[0];
+ setDirection(rtn, p0.x > currentPoint.x, p0.y > currentPoint.y);
+ }
+ }
+ return rtn;
+ }
+ private void setDirection(int[] directions, Boolean right, Boolean down){
+ if (right != null && down != null) {
+ directions[0] = right ? D_RIGHT : D_LEFT;
+ directions[1] = down ? D_DOWN : D_UP;
+ directions[2] = right ? D_LEFT : D_RIGHT;
+ directions[3] = down ? D_UP : D_DOWN;
+ } else if(right != null) {
+ directions[0] = right ? D_RIGHT : D_LEFT;
+ directions[1] = D_DOWN;
+ directions[2] = D_UP;
+ directions[3] = right ? D_LEFT : D_RIGHT;
+ } else if(down != null) {
+ directions[0] = down ? D_DOWN : D_UP;
+ directions[1] = D_RIGHT;
+ directions[2] = D_LEFT;
+ directions[3] = down ? D_UP : D_DOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ private List<BlockLine> buildBlockLines(List<Block> currentBlocks, int direction) {
+ List<BlockLine> blockLines = new ArrayList<>();
+ for(Block block : currentBlocks) {
+ addBlockLine(block, direction, blockLines);
+ }
+ Iterator<BlockLine> iter = blockLines.iterator();
+ BlockLine pre = null;
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ BlockLine bl = iter.next();
+ if(pre != null) {
+ if(pre.end == bl.begin && pre.base == bl.base) {
+ pre.end = bl.end;
+ iter.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ pre = bl;
+ }
+ return blockLines;
+ }
+ private void addBlockLine(Block block, int direction, List<BlockLine> blockLines) {
+ BlockLine toHandle = new BlockLine();
+ XY loc = block.getLocation();
+ XY size = block.getSize();
+ switch (direction) {
+ case D_UP:
+ if(currentPoint.y <= loc.y)
+ return;
+ toHandle.base = loc.y + size.y;
+ toHandle.begin = loc.x;
+ toHandle.end = loc.x + size.x;
+ break;
+ case D_DOWN:
+ if(currentPoint.y >= loc.y + size.y)
+ return;
+ toHandle.base = loc.y;
+ toHandle.begin = loc.x;
+ toHandle.end = loc.x + size.x;
+ break;
+ case D_LEFT:
+ if(currentPoint.x <= loc.x)
+ return;
+ toHandle.base = loc.x + size.x;
+ toHandle.begin = loc.y;
+ toHandle.end = loc.y + size.y;
+ break;
+ case D_RIGHT:
+ if(currentPoint.x >= loc.x + size.x)
+ return;
+ toHandle.base = loc.x;
+ toHandle.begin = loc.y;
+ toHandle.end = loc.y + size.y;
+ break;
+ }
+ int pos = toHandle.begin;
+ for (int i = 0; i < blockLines.size(); i++) {
+ BlockLine item = blockLines.get(i);
+ if (pos > item.begin && pos < item.end) {
+ blockLines.add(i + 1, new BlockLine(pos, item.end, item.base));
+ item.end = pos;
+ if(pos == toHandle.begin)
+ pos = toHandle.end;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LinkedList<BlockLine> nls = new LinkedList<>();
+ boolean finish = false;
+ for(BlockLine item : blockLines) {
+ int[] posArr = new int[] {item.begin, item.end};
+ for(int p : posArr) {
+ if(p > toHandle.begin && p < toHandle.end) {
+ nls.add(new BlockLine(toHandle.begin, p, toHandle.base));
+ toHandle.begin = p;
+ } else if(p > toHandle.end) {
+ finish = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(finish)
+ break;;
+ }
+ nls.add(toHandle);
+ for (int i = 0; i < blockLines.size(); i++) {
+ if(nls.size() == 0)
+ break;
+ BlockLine item = blockLines.get(i);
+ BlockLine nl = nls.getFirst();
+ if(nl.begin < item.begin){
+ blockLines.add(i, nl);
+ nls.removeFirst();
+ } else if(nl.begin == item.begin) {
+ item.base = (direction == D_UP || direction == D_LEFT) ? Math.max(nl.base, item.base) : Math.min(nl.base, item.base);
+ nls.removeFirst();
+ }
+ }
+ if(nls.size() > 0) {
+ blockLines.addAll(nls);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<int[]> getNonBlockRoads(List<BlockLine> blockLines, Block rectArea, boolean vDirection){
+ int from, to;
+ if(vDirection) {
+ from = rectArea.getLocation().x;
+ to = rectArea.getLocation().x + rectArea.getSize().x;
+ } else {
+ from = rectArea.getLocation().y;
+ to = rectArea.getLocation().y + rectArea.getSize().y;
+ }
+ List<int[]> list = new ArrayList<>();
+ int tmp = from;
+ for(BlockLine bl : blockLines) {
+ if(tmp < bl.begin)
+ list.add(new int[]{tmp, bl.begin});
+ tmp = bl.end;
+ }
+ if(tmp < to)
+ list.add(new int[]{tmp, to});
+ return list;
+ }
+ private int[] findNonBlockRoad(List<int[]> nonBlockRoads, int pos) {
+ for(int[] road : nonBlockRoads) {
+ if(road[0] <= pos && road[1] >= pos) {
+ return road;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ * 检查终点是否在某个无阻挡通道上
+ */
+ private boolean checkEnd(int[] nonBlockRoad, boolean vDirection){
+ if(end2.getPoint() != null) {
+ int pos = vDirection ? end2.getPoint().x : end2.getPoint().y;
+ return nonBlockRoad[0] <= pos && nonBlockRoad[1] >= pos;
+ } else {
+ boolean hLine = end2.isLineHorizontal();
+ if(hLine == vDirection) {
+ int[] scope = end2.getLineScope();
+ boolean notJoin = scope[0] > nonBlockRoad[1] || nonBlockRoad[0] > scope[1];
+ return !notJoin;
+ } else {
+ int trackPos = end2.getLineTrackPos();
+ return nonBlockRoad[0] <= trackPos && nonBlockRoad[1] >= trackPos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void connectEnd(int direction, int[] endNbr, boolean vEndNbr) {
+ boolean vDirection = isVerticalDirection(direction);
+ if(end2.getPoint() != null) {
+ XY endPoint = end2.getPoint();
+ if(currentPoint.x != endPoint.x && currentPoint.y != endPoint.y) {
+ moveTo(vDirection ? endPoint.y : endPoint.x, vDirection);
+ }
+ points.add(endPoint);
+ } else {
+ boolean hLine = end2.isLineHorizontal();
+ int lineTrackPos = end2.getLineTrackPos();
+ int[] lineScope = end2.getLineScope();
+ if(vDirection == vEndNbr) {
+ if(vEndNbr == hLine) {
+ moveTo(lineTrackPos, hLine);
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(vEndNbr == hLine) {
+ int[] targetScope = new int[] {Math.max(lineScope[0], endNbr[0]), Math.min(lineScope[1], endNbr[1])};
+ int safeOffset = 5;
+ int target0 = targetScope[0] + safeOffset + random.nextInt(targetScope[1] - targetScope[0] - safeOffset * 2);
+ moveTo(target0, vDirection);
+ moveTo(lineTrackPos, hLine);
+ } else {
+ int target0;
+ if(endNbr[1] - lineTrackPos > lineTrackPos - endNbr[0]) {
+ target0 = lineTrackPos + LineEnd.offset;
+ } else {
+ target0 = lineTrackPos - LineEnd.offset;
+ }
+ if(target0 > endNbr[1]){
+ target0 = endNbr[1];
+ } else if(target0 < endNbr[0]) {
+ target0 = endNbr[0];
+ }
+ XY point0 = moveTo(target0, vDirection);
+ int target1 = hLine ? point0.x : point0.y;
+ int offset = random.nextInt((lineScope[1] - lineScope[0]) / 2);
+ if(Math.abs(lineScope[0] - target1) < Math.abs((lineScope[1] - target1))){
+ target1 = lineScope[0] + offset;
+ } else {
+ target1 = lineScope[1] - offset;
+ }
+ moveTo(target1, !vDirection);
+ moveTo(lineTrackPos, vDirection);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private XY moveTo(int targetPos, boolean vDirection) {
+ XY point = new XY(currentPoint);
+ if(vDirection)
+ point.y = targetPos;
+ else
+ point.x = targetPos;
+ setCurrentPoint(point);
+ return point;
+ }
+ private boolean isVerticalDirection(int direction) {
+ return direction == D_DOWN || direction == D_UP;
+ }
+ class BlockLine {
+ BlockLine(){
+ }
+ BlockLine(int begin, int end, int base) {
+ this.begin = begin;
+ this.end = end;
+ this.base = base;
+ }
+ int begin;
+ int end;
+ int base;
+ }