<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <issues format="4" by="lint 3.2.1"> <issue id="DrawAllocation" severity="Warning" message="Avoid object allocations during draw/layout operations (preallocate and reuse instead)" category="Performance" priority="9" summary="Memory allocations within drawing code" explanation="You should avoid allocating objects during a drawing or layout operation. These are called frequently, so a smooth UI can be interrupted by garbage collection pauses caused by the object allocations.

The way this is generally handled is to allocate the needed objects up front and to reuse them for each drawing operation.

Some methods allocate memory on your behalf (such as `Bitmap.create`), and these should be handled in the same way." errorLine1=" calendar.time = Date()" errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> <location file="D:\workingSpace\saga-android\sybotan-android-graphy\src\main\java\com\sybotan\android\graphy\items\SGraphyClockItem.kt" line="106" column="25"/> </issue> </issues>