@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- *
- * This class was automatically generated by the
- * gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
- * should not be modified by hand.
- */
-package android.support.v7.recyclerview;
-public final class R {
- private R() {}
- public static final class attr {
- private attr() {}
- public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
- public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f0300af;
- public static final int fastScrollEnabled = 0x7f0300ec;
- public static final int fastScrollHorizontalThumbDrawable = 0x7f0300ed;
- public static final int fastScrollHorizontalTrackDrawable = 0x7f0300ee;
- public static final int fastScrollVerticalThumbDrawable = 0x7f0300ef;
- public static final int fastScrollVerticalTrackDrawable = 0x7f0300f0;
- public static final int font = 0x7f0300f3;
- public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f0300f5;
- public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f0300f6;
- public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f0300f7;
- public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f0300f8;
- public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f0300f9;
- public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f0300fa;
- public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f0300fb;
- public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f0300fc;
- public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f0300fd;
- public static final int keylines = 0x7f03012d;
- public static final int layoutManager = 0x7f030132;
- public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030133;
- public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f030134;
- public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f030135;
- public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f030161;
- public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03016a;
- public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03016b;
- public static final int reverseLayout = 0x7f0301bf;
- public static final int spanCount = 0x7f0301d7;
- public static final int stackFromEnd = 0x7f0301dd;
- public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0301e4;
- public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03024e;
- }
- public static final class color {
- private color() {}
- public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050115;
- public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050116;
- public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f050159;
- public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f05015b;
- }
- public static final class dimen {
- private dimen() {}
- public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004e;
- public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004f;
- public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f060050;
- public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f060051;
- public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f060052;
- public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060053;
- public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060054;
- public static final int fastscroll_default_thickness = 0x7f060083;
- public static final int fastscroll_margin = 0x7f060084;
- public static final int fastscroll_minimum_range = 0x7f060085;
- public static final int item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame = 0x7f06008d;
- public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity = 0x7f06008e;
- public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity = 0x7f06008f;
- public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f0600c0;
- public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f0600c1;
- public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f0600c2;
- public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f0600c3;
- public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f0600c4;
- public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f0600c5;
- public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f0600c6;
- public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f0600c7;
- public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f0600c8;
- public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f0600c9;
- public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f0600ca;
- public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f0600cb;
- public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f0600cc;
- public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f0600cd;
- public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f0600ce;
- }
- public static final class drawable {
- private drawable() {}
- public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f07006f;
- public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070070;
- public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070071;
- public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070072;
- public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070073;
- public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070074;
- public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f070075;
- public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f070076;
- public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f070077;
- public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f070078;
- public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f070079;
- public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07007a;
- }
- public static final class id {
- private id() {}
- public static final int action_container = 0x7f08000f;
- public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080011;
- public static final int action_image = 0x7f080012;
- public static final int action_text = 0x7f080018;
- public static final int actions = 0x7f080019;
- public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
- public static final int blocking = 0x7f080026;
- public static final int bottom = 0x7f080027;
- public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
- public static final int end = 0x7f08004f;
- public static final int forever = 0x7f08005c;
- public static final int icon = 0x7f080064;
- public static final int icon_group = 0x7f080065;
- public static final int info = 0x7f080068;
- public static final int italic = 0x7f08006a;
- public static final int item_touch_helper_previous_elevation = 0x7f08006b;
- public static final int left = 0x7f080070;
- public static final int line1 = 0x7f080071;
- public static final int line3 = 0x7f080072;
- public static final int none = 0x7f080081;
- public static final int normal = 0x7f080082;
- public static final int notification_background = 0x7f080083;
- public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f080084;
- public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f080085;
- public static final int right = 0x7f080099;
- public static final int right_icon = 0x7f08009a;
- public static final int right_side = 0x7f08009b;
- public static final int start = 0x7f0800c6;
- public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ce;
- public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800cf;
- public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800d0;
- public static final int text = 0x7f0800d1;
- public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800d2;
- public static final int time = 0x7f0800da;
- public static final int title = 0x7f0800db;
- public static final int top = 0x7f0800df;
- }
- public static final class integer {
- private integer() {}
- public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f09000e;
- }
- public static final class layout {
- private layout() {}
- public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0032;
- public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0033;
- public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003a;
- public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b003b;
- public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b003f;
- public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0040;
- }
- public static final class string {
- private string() {}
- public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f003c;
- }
- public static final class style {
- private style() {}
- public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f10011a;
- public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f10011b;
- public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f10011d;
- public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f100120;
- public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f100122;
- public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f1001c9;
- public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f1001ca;
- public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f1001f9;
- }
- public static final class styleable {
- private styleable() {}
- public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
- public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
- public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
- public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
- public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f03012d, 0x7f0301e4 };
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
- public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030133, 0x7f030134, 0x7f030135, 0x7f030161, 0x7f03016a, 0x7f03016b };
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
- public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
- public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f0300f5, 0x7f0300f6, 0x7f0300f7, 0x7f0300f8, 0x7f0300f9, 0x7f0300fa };
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
- public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
- public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f0300f3, 0x7f0300fb, 0x7f0300fc, 0x7f0300fd, 0x7f03024e };
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
- public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
- public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
- public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
- public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
- public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
- public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
- public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
- public static final int[] RecyclerView = { 0x10100c4, 0x10100f1, 0x7f0300ec, 0x7f0300ed, 0x7f0300ee, 0x7f0300ef, 0x7f0300f0, 0x7f030132, 0x7f0301bf, 0x7f0301d7, 0x7f0301dd };
- public static final int RecyclerView_android_orientation = 0;
- public static final int RecyclerView_android_descendantFocusability = 1;
- public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollEnabled = 2;
- public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollHorizontalThumbDrawable = 3;
- public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollHorizontalTrackDrawable = 4;
- public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollVerticalThumbDrawable = 5;
- public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollVerticalTrackDrawable = 6;
- public static final int RecyclerView_layoutManager = 7;
- public static final int RecyclerView_reverseLayout = 8;
- public static final int RecyclerView_spanCount = 9;
- public static final int RecyclerView_stackFromEnd = 10;
- }