from typing import Dict, List from httpx import AsyncClient from loguru import logger from app.models.domain.devices import ThermalMode from import VAVBox from import DataPlatformService, InfoCode from import Duoduo, Season def count_vav_box_weight( realtime: float, target: float, upper_limit_flow: float, lower_limit_flow: float, current_flow_set: float, season: Season ) -> float: diff = realtime - target flag = False if current_flow_set < lower_limit_flow * 1.1: if season == Season.cooling: if diff < 0: flag = True if season == Season.heating: if diff > 0: flag = True elif current_flow_set > upper_limit_flow * 0.9: if season == Season.cooling: if diff > 0: flag = True if season == Season.heating: if diff < 0: flag = True if flag: weight = round(diff, 0) weight = max(-4.0, min(4.0, weight)) else: weight = 0 return weight class ACATAHThermalModeController: """ Decide whether to use cooling or heating mode according to space condition controlled by VAV Box. Writen by WuXu """ def __init__(self, vav_boxes_list: List[VAVBox], season: Season): super(ACATAHThermalModeController, self).__init__() self.vav_boxes_list = vav_boxes_list self.season = season def build(self) -> str: weight = 0.0 for box in self.vav_boxes_list: weight += count_vav_box_weight( box.virtual_realtime_temperature, box.virtual_target_temperature, box.supply_air_flow_upper_limit, box.supply_air_flow_lower_limit, box.supply_air_flow_set, self.season ) if weight > 0: mode = 'cooling' elif weight < 0: mode = 'heating' else: mode = 'hold' return mode async def fetch_status_params(project_id: str, device_id: str) -> Dict: async with AsyncClient() as client: platform = DataPlatformService(client, project_id) duoduo = Duoduo(client, project_id) season = duoduo.get_season() relations = await platform.query_relations(from_id=device_id, graph_id='GtControlEquipNetwork001') vav_id_list = [item.get('to_id') for item in relations] vav_boxes_list = [] for vav_id in vav_id_list: virtual_realtime_temperature = await duoduo.query_device_virtual_data( vav_id, 'VirtualRealtimeTemperature' ) virtual_temperature_target = await duoduo.query_device_virtual_data(vav_id, 'TargetTemperatureSet') lower_limit_flow, upper_limit_flow = await platform.get_air_flow_limit(vav_id) current_flow_set = await platform.get_realtime_data(InfoCode.supply_air_flow_set, vav_id) vav_params = { 'id': vav_id, 'virtual_realtime_temperature': virtual_realtime_temperature, 'virtual_target_temperature': virtual_temperature_target, 'supply_air_flow_lower_limit': lower_limit_flow, 'supply_air_flow_upper_limit': upper_limit_flow, 'supply_air_flow_set': current_flow_set } vav = VAVBox(**vav_params) vav_boxes_list.append(vav) return {'vav_boxes_list': vav_boxes_list, 'season': season} @logger.catch() async def get_thermal_mode(project_id: str, device_id: str) -> ThermalMode: prams = await fetch_status_params(project_id, device_id) controller = ACATAHThermalModeController(prams.get('vav_boxes_list'), prams.get('season')) mode = return ThermalMode(mode)