15 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from operator import attrgetter
  3. from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
  4. import numpy as np
  5. from fastapi import HTTPException
  6. from httpx import AsyncClient
  7. from loguru import logger
  8. from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
  9. from import EquipmentController
  10. from import get_weights_by_vav
  11. from app.models.domain.devices import ACATVAInstructionsRequest
  12. from import VAVBox, FCU
  13. from app.schemas.instructions import ACATVAInstructions
  14. from app.schemas.sapce_weight import SpaceWeight
  15. from import Space
  16. from import DataPlatformService
  17. from import Duoduo, SpaceInfoService, Season
  18. from import get_time_str
  19. class VAVController(EquipmentController):
  20. def __init__(self, equipment: VAVBox):
  21. super(VAVController, self).__init__()
  22. = equipment
  23. async def get_strategy(self):
  24. strategy = 'Plan A'
  25. for space in
  26. for eq in
  27. if isinstance(eq, FCU):
  28. strategy = 'Plan B'
  29. break
  30. return strategy
  31. async def build_virtual_temperature(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
  32. target_list, realtime_list = [], []
  33. buffer_list = []
  34. strategy = await self.get_strategy()
  35. for space in
  36. if not np.isnan(space.temperature_target):
  37. target_list.append(space.temperature_target)
  38. realtime_list.append(space.realtime_temperature)
  39. if strategy == 'Plan B':
  40. for eq in
  41. if isinstance(eq, FCU):
  42. buffer = (4 - eq.air_valve_speed) / 4
  43. buffer_list.append(buffer)
  44. break
  45. total_target = buffer_list + target_list
  46. total_realtime = buffer_list + realtime_list
  47. if total_target and total_realtime:
  48. target_result = np.array(total_target).sum() / len(target_list)
  49. realtime_result = np.array(total_realtime).sum() / len(realtime_list)
  50. = target_result
  51. else:
  52. target_result, realtime_result = np.NAN, np.NAN
  53. return target_result, realtime_result
  54. async def get_supply_air_flow_set(self, temperature_set: float, temperature_realtime: float) -> float:
  55. if np.isnan(temperature_set) or np.isnan(temperature_realtime):
  56. supply_air_flow_set = 0.0
  57. else:
  58. temperature_supply =
  59. if np.isnan(temperature_supply):
  60. temperature_supply = 19.0
  61. try:
  62. ratio = abs(1 + (temperature_realtime - temperature_set) / (temperature_set - temperature_supply))
  63. except ZeroDivisionError:
  64. ratio = 1
  65. supply_air_flow_set = * ratio
  66. supply_air_flow_set = max(, supply_air_flow_set)
  67. supply_air_flow_set = min(, supply_air_flow_set)
  68. = supply_air_flow_set
  69. = temperature_set
  70. = temperature_realtime
  71. return supply_air_flow_set
  72. async def run(self):
  73. temperature_set, temperature_realtime = await self.build_virtual_temperature()
  74. await self.get_supply_air_flow_set(temperature_set, temperature_realtime)
  75. = True
  76. def get_results(self):
  77. return
  78. class VAVControllerV2(VAVController):
  79. def __init__(self, equipment: VAVBox, weights: Optional[List[SpaceWeight]] = None, season: Optional[Season] = None):
  80. super(VAVControllerV2, self).__init__(equipment)
  81. self.weights = weights
  82. self.season = season
  83. async def build_virtual_temperature(self) -> None:
  84. valid_spaces = []
  85. weights = []
  86. for sp in
  87. if sp.realtime_temperature > 0.0 and sp.temperature_target > 0.0:
  88. valid_spaces.append(sp)
  89. for weight in self.weights:
  90. if weight.space_id ==
  91. weights.append(weight)
  92. if valid_spaces:
  93. weights = sorted(weights, key=lambda x: x.temporary_weight_update_time)
  94. if weights[-1].temporary_weight_update_time > get_time_str(60 * 60 * 2, flag='ago'):
  95. # If someone has submitted a feedback in past two hours, meet the need.
  96. weight_dic = {weight.space_id: 0.0 for weight in weights}
  97. weight_dic.update({weights[-1].space_id: weights[-1].temporary_weight})
  98. else:
  99. weight_dic = {weight.space_id: weight.default_weight for weight in weights}
  100. total_weight_value = 0.0
  101. for v in weight_dic.values():
  102. total_weight_value += v
  103. if total_weight_value > 0:
  104. weight_dic = {k: v / total_weight_value for k, v in weight_dic.items()}
  105. else:
  106. weight_dic.update({list(weight_dic.keys())[0]: 1.0})
  107. try:
  108. virtual_target, virtual_realtime = 0.0, 0.0
  109. for sp in valid_spaces:
  110. virtual_target += sp.temperature_target * weight_dic.get(
  111. virtual_realtime += sp.realtime_temperature * weight_dic.get(
  112. except KeyError:
  113. logger.error(f'{} has wrong vav-space relation')
  114. raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail='This VAV box has wrong eq-sp relation')
  115. = virtual_target
  116. = virtual_realtime
  117. else:
  118. = np.NAN
  119. = np.NAN
  120. async def rectify(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
  121. bad_spaces = list()
  122. for sp in
  123. if (sp.realtime_temperature > max(27.0, sp.temperature_target) or
  124. sp.realtime_temperature < min(21.0, sp.temperature_target)):
  125. bad_spaces.append(sp)
  126. if bad_spaces:
  127. virtual_diff = -
  128. if self.season == Season.cooling:
  129. bad_spaces = sorted(bad_spaces, key=attrgetter('diff'))
  130. worst = bad_spaces[0]
  131. if worst.diff <= 0:
  132. if worst.diff < virtual_diff:
  133. = worst.temperature_target
  134. = worst.realtime_temperature
  135. else:
  136. = min(21.0, worst.temperature_target) + 0.5
  137. = worst.realtime_temperature
  138. elif self.season == Season.heating:
  139. bad_spaces = sorted(bad_spaces, key=attrgetter('diff'), reverse=True)
  140. worst = bad_spaces[0]
  141. if worst.diff >= 0:
  142. if worst.diff > virtual_diff:
  143. = worst.temperature_target
  144. = worst.realtime_temperature
  145. else:
  146. = max(27.0, worst.temperature_target) - 0.5
  147. = worst.realtime_temperature
  148. return,
  149. async def run(self) -> None:
  150. await self.build_virtual_temperature()
  151. temperature_set, temperature_realtime = await self.rectify()
  152. await self.get_supply_air_flow_set(temperature_set, temperature_realtime)
  153. = True
  154. class VAVControllerV3(VAVControllerV2):
  155. def __init__(self, vav_params: VAVBox, season: Season):
  156. super(VAVControllerV3, self).__init__(vav_params)
  157. self.season = season
  158. def get_valid_spaces(self) -> List:
  159. valid_spaces = list()
  160. for sp in
  161. if sp.realtime_temperature > 0.0 and sp.temperature_target > 22.0:
  162. valid_spaces.append(sp)
  163. return valid_spaces
  164. async def build_virtual_temperature(self) -> None:
  165. valid_spaces = self.get_valid_spaces()
  166. if not valid_spaces:
  167. virtual_realtime, virtual_target = np.NAN, np.NAN
  168. else:
  169. sorted_spaces = sorted(valid_spaces, key=lambda x: x.vav_temporary_update_time)
  170. if sorted_spaces[-1].vav_temporary_update_time > get_time_str(60 * 60 * 2, flag='ago'):
  171. virtual_realtime = sorted_spaces[-1].realtime_temperature
  172. virtual_target = sorted_spaces[-1].temperature_target
  173. else:
  174. virtual_realtime, virtual_target = 0.0, 0.0
  175. total_weight = 0.0
  176. for sp in valid_spaces:
  177. temp_weight = sp.vav_default_weight
  178. virtual_realtime += sp.realtime_temperature * temp_weight
  179. virtual_target += sp.temperature_target * temp_weight
  180. total_weight += temp_weight
  181. if total_weight == 0:
  182. for sp in valid_spaces:
  183. virtual_realtime += sp.realtime_temperature
  184. virtual_target += sp.temperature_target
  185. virtual_realtime /= len(valid_spaces)
  186. virtual_target /= len(valid_spaces)
  187. else:
  188. virtual_realtime /= total_weight
  189. virtual_target /= total_weight
  190. = virtual_realtime
  191. = virtual_target
  192. async def fetch_vav_control_params(project_id: str, equipment_id: str) -> Dict:
  193. async with AsyncClient() as client:
  194. duo_duo = Duoduo(client, project_id)
  195. platform = DataPlatformService(client, project_id)
  196. season = await duo_duo.get_season()
  197. served_spaces = await duo_duo.get_space_by_equipment(equipment_id)
  198. space_objects = []
  199. realtime_supply_air_temperature_list = []
  200. for sp in served_spaces:
  201. sp_id = sp.get('id')
  202. transfer = SpaceInfoService(client, project_id, sp_id)
  203. current_target = await transfer.get_current_temperature_target()
  204. realtime_temperature = await platform.get_realtime_temperature(sp_id)
  205. related_equipment = await transfer.get_equipment()
  206. equipment_objects = []
  207. for eq in related_equipment:
  208. if eq.get('category') == 'ACATFC':
  209. speed = await platform.get_fan_speed(eq.get('id'))
  210. temp_fcu_params = {'id': eq.get('id'), 'air_valve_speed': speed}
  211. fcu = FCU(**temp_fcu_params)
  212. equipment_objects.append(fcu)
  213. elif eq.get('category') == 'ACATAH':
  214. realtime_supply_air_temperature_list.append(
  215. await platform.get_realtime_supply_air_temperature(eq.get('id'))
  216. )
  217. temp_space_params = {
  218. 'id': sp_id,
  219. 'realtime_temperature': realtime_temperature,
  220. 'equipment': equipment_objects,
  221. 'temperature_target': current_target,
  222. 'diff': current_target - realtime_temperature
  223. }
  224. space = Space(**temp_space_params)
  225. space_objects.append(space)
  226. realtime_supply_air_temperature = np.array(realtime_supply_air_temperature_list).mean()
  227. realtime_supply_air_flow = await platform.get_realtime_supply_air_flow(equipment_id)
  228. lower_limit, upper_limit = await platform.get_air_flow_limit(equipment_id)
  229. vav_params = {
  230. 'id': equipment_id,
  231. 'spaces': space_objects,
  232. 'supply_air_temperature': realtime_supply_air_temperature,
  233. 'supply_air_flow': realtime_supply_air_flow,
  234. 'supply_air_flow_lower_limit': lower_limit,
  235. 'supply_air_flow_upper_limit': upper_limit,
  236. 'season': season
  237. }
  238. return vav_params
  239. @logger.catch()
  240. async def get_vav_control_v1(project: str, equipment_id: str) -> VAVBox:
  241. vav_params = await fetch_vav_control_params(project, equipment_id)
  242. vav = VAVBox(**vav_params)
  243. vav_controller = VAVController(vav)
  244. await
  245. regulated_vav = vav_controller.get_results()
  246. return regulated_vav
  247. @logger.catch()
  248. async def get_vav_control_v2(db: Session, project_id: str, equipment_id: str) -> VAVBox:
  249. vav_params = await fetch_vav_control_params(project_id, equipment_id)
  250. vav = VAVBox(**vav_params)
  251. weights = get_weights_by_vav(db, equipment_id)
  252. vav_controller = VAVControllerV2(vav, [SpaceWeight.from_orm(weight) for weight in weights], vav_params['season'])
  253. await
  254. regulated_vav = vav_controller.get_results()
  255. return regulated_vav
  256. @logger.catch()
  257. async def build_acatva_instructions(params: ACATVAInstructionsRequest) -> ACATVAInstructions:
  258. space_params = []
  259. for sp in params.spaces:
  260. temp_sp = Space(**sp.dict())
  261. temp_sp.diff = temp_sp.temperature_target - temp_sp.realtime_temperature
  262. space_params.append(temp_sp)
  263. if params.supply_air_temperature == -1:
  264. if params.acatah_supply_air_temperature == -1:
  265. supply_air_temperature = np.NAN
  266. else:
  267. supply_air_temperature = params.acatah_supply_air_temperature
  268. else:
  269. supply_air_temperature = params.acatah_supply_air_temperature
  270. vav_params = VAVBox(
  271. spaces=space_params,
  272. supply_air_temperature=supply_air_temperature,
  273. supply_air_flow=params.supply_air_flow,
  274. supply_air_flow_lower_limit=params.supply_air_flow_lower_limit,
  275. supply_air_flow_upper_limit=params.supply_air_flow_upper_limit
  276. )
  277. controller = VAVControllerV3(vav_params=vav_params, season=Season(params.season))
  278. await
  279. regulated_vav = controller.get_results()
  280. instructions = ACATVAInstructions(
  281. supply_air_flow_set=regulated_vav.supply_air_flow_set,
  282. virtual_realtime_temperature=regulated_vav.virtual_realtime_temperature,
  283. virtual_temperature_target_set=regulated_vav.virtual_target_temperature
  284. )
  285. return instructions