@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-"""system calc utils.
-1. get connectors where model_id='@model_id' and belong_type='Equipment' and mep_system_type='@system_name'
-2. get path start with connector,end with triple ,cross,equipment,end
-from functools import cmp_to_key
-import vg
-import json
-def path2edge(elements):
- """
- Convert path to GraphtEdge
- :param elements:
- :return:
- """
- pass
-def graph_arrange(graph):
- """
- Combine Vertex that connect to virtul Vertex
- :param graph:
- :return:
- """
- pass
-def connector_sort(connector1, connector2):
- """Use Define Sort rule"""
- dic = {EQUIPMENT: 0, COMPONENT: 1, OTHER: 2, PIPE: 3,
- DUCT: 4}
- x = dic[connector1.belong_type]
- y = dic[connector2.belong_type]
- return 1 if x > y else -1
-def sort_connectors(connectors):
- """Sort Connector order by Equipment>EquipPart>Other>Pipe>Duct"""
- return sorted(connectors, key=cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: connector_sort(x, y)))
-def is_break_condition(element):
- """Path end Condition."""
- res = element.type in FACILITY
- return res
-def dic2obj(d):
- """Convert Dict to Object.
- """
- top = type('new', (object,), d)
- seqs = tuple, list, set, frozenset
- for i, j in d.items():
- j0 = j
- try:
- j0 = json.loads(j0)
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- if isinstance(j0, dict):
- setattr(top, i, dic2obj(j0))
- elif isinstance(j0, seqs):
- setattr(top, i,
- type(j0)(dic2obj(sj) if isinstance(sj, dict) else sj for sj in j0))
- else:
- setattr(top, i, j0)
- return top
-def list_to_dict(lis):
- ids = [idx.id for idx in lis if idx.id]
- dic = dict(zip(ids, lis))
- return dic
-def add_attr_is_used(x):
- """
- Add is_used attribute.
- :param x:
- :return:
- """
- x.is_used = False
- return x
-def is_xyz_equal(origin1, origin2):
- """
- Judge the two origin are almost equal.
- :param origin1:
- :param origin2:
- :return:
- """
- v1 = [origin1.X, origin1.Y, origin1.Z]
- v2 = [origin2.X, origin2.Y, origin2.Z]
- return vg.almost_equal(v1, v2, atol=1e-08)
-def get_specify_type_parent(vertex, type):
- parent = vertex
- try:
- while not isinstance(parent, type):
- parent = parent.parent
- except :
- parent=None
- return parent
-"""PipeNetwork Data .
-import test
-def get_dicdata(sql,dic):
- """
- Request db for data through sql.
- Convert data to dict.
- :param sql:
- :param dic:
- :return:
- """
- data=test.get_data(sql)
- dic_data=[dict(zip(dic,item)) for item in data]
- return list(dic_data)
-def get_project_models(project_id):
- '''
- Get all the models in the project.
- project-->folder-->model.
- :param project_id:
- :return:
- '''
- element_data = []
- sql ="select " \
- "file.id as file_id" \
- ",file.original_name as file_name" \
- ",file.status as file_status" \
- ",floor.id as floor_id" \
- ",floor.floor_name as floor_name" \
- ",folder.id as folder_id" \
- ",folder.name as folder_name" \
- ",folder.project_id as project_id " \
- "from revit.model_file as file " \
- "inner join " \
- "revit.model_floor as floor " \
- "on ( file.id=floor.current_model_id) " \
- "inner join " \
- "revit.model_folder as folder " \
- "on (floor.folder_id=folder.id )" \
- "where folder.project_id='%s'" \
- "and folder.id='bbe510dbe26011e999b69b669ea08505'"\
- % (project_id)
- #"and file.status=4 "\
- 'file_id',
- 'file_name',
- 'file_status',
- 'floor_id',
- 'floor_name',
- 'folder_id',
- 'folder_name',
- 'project_id'
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(sql, COMPONENT_KEYS))
- element_data = list(map(dic2obj, element_data))
- return element_data
-def get_element_data(model_id):
- """
- Cache all Element from Db
- :return:
- """
- element_data=[]
- component_sql="select * from revit.component where model_id='%s'"%(model_id)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'local_id',
- 'local_name',
- 'family',
- 'location',
- 'outline',
- 'source_id',
- 'name',
- 'revit_id',
- 'parameters',
- 'type',
- 'tag',
- 'owner',
- 'last_update',
- 'create_time',
- 'owner_id',
- 'family_name',
- 'owner_source_id'
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(component_sql,COMPONENT_KEYS))
- equipment_sql="select * from revit.equipment where model_id='%s'"%(model_id)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'local_id',
- 'local_name',
- 'family',
- 'location',
- 'outline',
- 'last_update',
- 'create_time',
- 'source_id',
- 'name',
- 'parameters',
- 'revit_id',
- 'type',
- 'tag',
- 'family_name',
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(equipment_sql,EQUIPMENT_KEYS))
- other_sql="select * from revit.other where model_id='%s'"%(model_id)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'connected_ids',
- 'source_id',
- 'name',
- 'revit_id',
- 'type',
- 'create_time',
- 'last_update',
- 'location',
- 'outline'
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(other_sql,OTHER_KEYS))
- pipe_sql = "select * from revit.pipe where model_id='%s'" % (model_id)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'location',
- 'outline',
- 'connected_ids',
- 'mep_system_type',
- 'diameter',
- 'source_id',
- 'name',
- 'revit_id',
- 'type',
- 'last_update',
- 'create_time',
- 'parameters'
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(pipe_sql, PIPE_KEYS))
- duct_sql="select * from revit.duct where model_id='%s'"%(model_id)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'location',
- 'outline',
- 'connected_ids',
- 'mep_system_type',
- 'shape',
- 'diameter',
- 'width',
- 'height',
- 'source_id',
- 'revit_id',
- 'name',
- 'type',
- 'last_update',
- 'create_time',
- 'parameters'
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(duct_sql,DUCT_KEYS))
- element_data=list(map(dic2obj, element_data))
- return element_data
-def get_connectors_data(model_id, system_name, domain):
- """Cache all connector from Db。"""
- connector_data=[]
- connector_sql = "SELECT * FROM revit.connector where model_id='%s' and mep_system_type='%s' and domain='%s'" % (model_id,system_name,domain)
- 'id',
- 'model_id',
- 'belong',
- 'belong_type',
- 'origin',
- 'domain',
- 'description',
- 'connected',
- 'owner',
- 'connected_ids',
- 'mep_system_type',
- 'source_id',
- 'revit_id',
- 'type',
- 'create_time',
- 'last_update',
- 'connect_id_json'
- ]
- connector_data.extend(get_dicdata(connector_sql, CONNECTOR_KEYS))
- connector_data=list(map(dic2obj, connector_data))
- return connector_data
-def save_project_data(project_graph,project_id):
- """
- Sava project graph data.
- :param floor_graph:
- :return:
- """
- del_project_data(project_id)
- # Create
- block_id=0
- for g in project_graph.groupedsystemgraphs:
- print("g")
- for s in g.systemgraphs:
- print("s")
- for e in s.system_edges:
- print("e")
- #save_edge_data(e, block_id)
- for e in g.connectedges:
- print("e2")
- #save_edge_data(e,block_id)
- block_id+=1
-def save_edge_data(edge,block_id):
- """
- Save edge info using sql
- :param edge:
- :param block_id:
- :return:
- """
- try:
- vertex1=edge.start_vertex
- vertex2=edge.end_vertex
- c1=vertex1.system_data
- c2=vertex2.system_data
- model1= vertex1.get_parent_floor()
- model2 = vertex2.get_parent_floor()
- sql="insert into revit_calc.connected_block" \
- "(id1,type1,model_id1,id2,type2,model_id2,block_id,project_id) values " \
- "('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"\
- %(c1.id,c1.type,model1.file_id,c2.id,c2.type,model2.file_id,block_id,model1.project_id)
- data = test.save_data(sql)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
-def del_project_data(project_id):
- """
- Before save.delete old data.
- :param project_id:
- :return:
- """
- sql = "delete from revit_calc.connected_block where project_id='%s'"% (project_id)
- data = test.save_data(sql)
-def get_connected_block_data(project_id,block_id):
- '''
- Get all the connected_block .
- :param project_id:
- :param block_id:
- :return:
- '''
- element_data = []
- sql = "select * from revit_calc.connected_block " \
- "where project_id='%s'" \
- "and block_id='%s'" \
- "order by cast(depth as int) asc"\
- % (project_id,block_id)
- KEYS = [
- 'id',
- 'id1',
- 'type1',
- 'model_id1',
- 'id2',
- 'type2',
- 'model_id2',
- 'direction',
- 'block_id',
- 'project_id',
- 'depth',
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(sql, KEYS))
- element_data = list(map(dic2obj, element_data))
- return element_data
-def get_connected_block_source_data(project_id,block_id):
- '''
- Get all the connected_block source .
- :param project_id:
- :param block_id:
- :return:
- '''
- element_data = []
- sql = "select * from revit_calc.connected_block_source " \
- "where project_id='%s'" \
- "and block_id='%s'" \
- % (project_id,block_id)
- KEYS = [
- 'id',
- 'project_id',
- 'block_id',
- 'source_id',
- ]
- element_data.extend(get_dicdata(sql, KEYS))
- element_data = list(map(dic2obj, element_data))
- return element_data
-def update_connected_block_data(block_datas):
- '''
- update connected_block direction by id.
- :param block_datas:
- :return:
- '''
- for block_data in block_datas:
- sql="update revit_calc.connected_block set direction='%s',depth='%s' where id='%s'"\
- %(block_data.direction,block_data.depth,block_data.id)
- data = test.save_data(sql)
-"""Graph Model.
-from enum import Enum
-class SystemVertex:
- """Graph Vertex.
- """
- vertex_type = 0
- def __init__(self,parent, connector,system_data):
- self.connector=connector
- self.system_data = system_data
- self.parent= parent
- def __str__(self):
- return str(get_specify_type_parent(self, FloorGraph).model.floor_name) + ':' + str(self.system_data.source_id)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.system_data.source_id==other.system_data.source_id
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.system_data.source_id)
- def is_open_vertical_pipe(self):
- '''
- Connector to other floor
- :return:
- '''
- if (len(self.connector.connect_id_json)==0):
- if( self.connector.belong_type in MEPCURVE):
- return True
- return False
- def get_parent_floor(self):
- '''
- Get relation floorgraph.
- :return:
- '''
- model = get_specify_type_parent(self, FloorGraph).model
- return model
-class SystemEdge:
- """Graph Edge."""
- # edge data.contain all edge element
- flow_direction = 0
- def __init__(self,parent, system_data):
- self.system_data = system_data
- self.parent = parent
- def get_vertexs(self):
- return [self.start_vertex,self.end_vertex]
-# @property
-# def start_vertex(self):
-# return self.start_vertex
-# @property
-# def end_vertex(self):
-# return self.end_vertex
-class SystemGraph:
- """System Graph
- """
- # system edge array.
- system_graph_id = ''
- # system type Name
- system_name = ""
- def __init__(self,parent):
- self.system_edges = []
- self.parent=parent
- def add_edge(self, c1, c2, elements):
- """
- Create edge and add to system_edges list
- :param c1:
- :param c2:
- :param elements:
- :return:
- """
- edge = SystemEdge(self,elements)
- edge.start_vertex = SystemVertex(edge,c1,elements[0])
- edge.end_vertex = SystemVertex(edge,c2,elements[-1])
- self.system_edges.append(edge)
- return edge
- def get_open_vertical_pipes(self):
- """
- Get all open vertical pipe Vertex
- :return:
- """
- open_pipes=[]
- for edge in self.system_edges:
- for vertex in edge.get_vertexs():
- if vertex.is_open_vertical_pipe():
- open_pipes.append(vertex)
- return open_pipes
-class FloorGraph:
- """FLoor Graph.
- May contain one or more SystemGraph.
- """
- def __init__(self,model, system_name, domain,floor_connectors,element_data):
- self.model=model
- self.system_name = system_name
- self.domain = domain
- floor_connectors = sort_connectors(floor_connectors)
- floor_connectors = list(map(add_attr_is_used, floor_connectors))
- self.connector_data = floor_connectors
- self.element_data = list_to_dict(element_data)
- self.system_graphs = []
- def get_floor_graphs(self):
- """Get current floor graph.
- system_name,domain
- """
- for connector in self.connector_data:
- system_graph = SystemGraph(self)
- graph_next_connectors = [connector]
- # dept-first
- for connector in graph_next_connectors:
- self.get_path(connector, system_graph, graph_next_connectors)
- if len(system_graph.system_edges) != 0:
- self.system_graphs.append(system_graph)
- return self.system_graphs
- def get_path(self, connector, system_graph, graph_next_connectors):
- """
- Get Graph_Edge start with connector,end with triple ,cross,equipment.
- :param connector:
- :return:Graph_Edge
- """
- system_edge = None
- if (connector.is_used):
- return system_edge
- try:
- #Add other side to be spreaded
- graph_next_connectors.extend(self.get_other_connectors(connector))
- edge_elements = [self.get_element(connector.belong)]
- current_connector = connector
- while (current_connector is not None):
- current_connector.is_used = True
- connecteds = self.get_connecteds(current_connector.connect_id_json)
- if len(connecteds) > 1:
- raise Exception("connected to many.connector_id:", current_connector.connect_id_json)
- #Open Connector
- if len(connecteds) == 0:
- if current_connector != connector:
- system_edge = system_graph.add_edge(connector, current_connector, edge_elements)
- break
- next_connector = connecteds[0]
- if next_connector is not None and next_connector.domain == connector.domain and next_connector.mep_system_type == connector.mep_system_type:
- next_element = self.get_element(next_connector.belong)
- edge_elements.append(next_element)
- other_connectors = self.get_other_connectors(next_connector)
- if is_break_condition(next_element) or len(other_connectors) != 1:
- next_connector.is_used = True
- if(len(other_connectors) != 1):
- graph_next_connectors.extend(other_connectors)
- system_edge = system_graph.add_edge(connector, next_connector, edge_elements)
- break
- if len(other_connectors)==1:
- next_connector.is_used = True
- current_connector = other_connectors[0]
- continue
- current_connector = None
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return system_edge
- def get_other_connectors(self, use_connector):
- """
- Get the connector owner other connectors.
- belong,domian,mep_system_type same.
- is_used==False.
- :param use_connector:
- :return:
- """
- connectors = [connector for connector in self.connector_data if
- connector != use_connector and connector.belong == use_connector.belong and connector.domain == use_connector.domain and connector.mep_system_type == use_connector.mep_system_type]
- connectors = [connector for connector in connectors if bool(1 - connector.is_used)]
- return connectors
- def get_connecteds(self, connetor_id):
- """
- Get Ref Connector. may have two.like system logic connector
- :param connetor_id:
- :return:
- """
- connectors = list(self.get_connector(id) for id in connetor_id)
- return connectors
- def get_connector(self, connector_id):
- """
- Get Connector by Id.
- :param connector_id:
- :return:
- """
- cons = list(c for c in self.connector_data if c.id == connector_id)
- return cons[0] if len(cons)>0 else None
- def get_element(self, element_id):
- """
- Get Element by Id.
- :param eleemnt_id:
- :return:
- """
- return self.element_data[element_id]
-class GroupedSystemGraph:
- '''
- Systemgraph be connected via vertical pipe
- May contain more system.Different floor;
- '''
- def __init__(self, systemgraph):
- self.systemgraphs=[systemgraph]
- self.connectedges=[]
- def add_system(self,systemgraph):
- '''
- Add system into groupsystem
- :param systemgraph:
- :return:
- '''
- self.systemgraphs.append(systemgraph)
- def add_edge(self,vertex1,vertex2):
- '''
- Create virtual edge that connect two floor.
- Add edge to edge list.
- :param vertex1:
- :param vertex2:
- :return:
- '''
- edge=SystemEdge(None,None)
- edge.start_vertex=vertex1
- edge.end_vertex=vertex2
- self.connectedges.append(edge)
-class ProjectGraph:
- '''
- ProjectGraph contain more than one GroupedSystemGraph.
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- self.groupedsystemgraphs=[]
- def remove_groupedsystemgraphs(self, systemgraph):
- '''
- Check system has existed in grouped system list.
- if exist remove it .
- :param systemgraph:
- :return:
- '''
- try:
- tt = next(groupedsystemgraph for groupedsystemgraph in self.groupedsystemgraphs if
- systemgraph in groupedsystemgraph.systemgraphs)
- if tt:
- self.groupedsystemgraphs.remove(tt)
- except StopIteration:
- pass
-class SystemFlowDirection(Enum):
- """Edge Flow Direction.
- """
- flow_in = 1
- flow_out = -1
- flow_undefine = 0
-class SystemVertexType(Enum):
- """Vertex Type.
- """
- real_point = 0
- imaginary_point = 1
- hollow_dot = 2
-def combine_systemgraph(floorgraphs):
- """
- Consider the riser merger
- :param floorgraphs:
- :return:projectgraph
- """
- # get all open vertical pipe
- open_vertical_pipes = []
- for floorgraph in floorgraphs:
- for systemgraph in floorgraph.system_graphs:
- open_vertical_pipes.extend(systemgraph.get_open_vertical_pipes())
- # group systemvertex
- projectgraph = ProjectGraph()
- print(len(open_vertical_pipes))
- for i in range(len(open_vertical_pipes)):
- v1 = open_vertical_pipes[i]
- group_pipes = [v1]
- for j in range(i + 1, len(open_vertical_pipes)):
- v2 = open_vertical_pipes[j]
- if is_xyz_equal(v1.connector.origin, v2.connector.origin):
- group_pipes.append(v2)
- # combine systemgraph
- for k in range(len(group_pipes)):
- vertex = group_pipes[k]
- systemgraph = get_specify_type_parent(vertex, SystemGraph)
- if not systemgraph:
- continue
- projectgraph.remove_groupedsystemgraphs(systemgraph)
- if (k == 0):
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs = GroupedSystemGraph(systemgraph)
- else:
- prev_vertex = group_pipes[k - 1]
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_system(systemgraph)
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_edge(prev_vertex, vertex)
- if temp_groupedsystemgraphs:
- projectgraph.groupedsystemgraphs.append(temp_groupedsystemgraphs)
- return projectgraph
-if '__main__'==__name__:
- project_id="Pj1101010015"
- system_name="冷冻水供水管"
- domain="DomainPiping"
- models= get_project_models(project_id)
- floorgraphs=[]
- for model in models:
- floor_connectors = get_connectors_data(model.file_id, system_name, domain)
- floor_elements = get_element_data(model.file_id)
- g= FloorGraph(model, system_name, domain,floor_connectors,floor_elements)
- g.get_floor_graphs()
- floorgraphs.append(g)
- projectgraph= combine_systemgraph(floorgraphs)
- #save_project_data(projectgraph, project_id)
- # systemgraph_display.show_project(projectgraph)