@@ -132,6 +132,54 @@ class FloorGraph:
print("Next loop:",connector.source_id)
return self.system_graphs
+ def combine_single_model(self):
+ '''
+ 将一层内, 计算连接在一起的构建合并成一个分块
+ :return:
+ '''
+ arr_tmp = []
+ for systemgraph in self.system_graphs:
+ set1 = set()
+ for edge in systemgraph.system_edges:
+ set1.add(str(edge.start_vertex))
+ set1.add(str(edge.end_vertex))
+ arr_tmp.append(set1)
+ # for idx1 in range(0, len(arr_tmp)):
+ # for idx2 in range(idx1 + 1, len(arr_tmp)):
+ # tmp_set = set.intersection(arr_tmp[idx1], arr_tmp[idx2])
+ # if len(tmp_set) > 0:
+ # arr_tmp[idx1].union(arr_tmp[idx2])
+ # edges1 = self.system_graphs[idx1].system_edges
+ # edges2 = self.system_graphs[idx2].system_edges
+ # edges1.append(edges2)
+ # # self.system_graphs.remove(idx2)
+ # del self.system_graphs[idx2]
+ # # arr_tmp.remove(arr_tmp[idx2])
+ # del arr_tmp[idx2]
+ idx1 = 0
+ while idx1 < len(arr_tmp):
+ merged = False
+ idx2 = idx1 + 1
+ while idx2 < len(arr_tmp):
+ tmp_set = set.intersection(arr_tmp[idx1], arr_tmp[idx2])
+ if len(tmp_set) > 0:
+ arr_tmp[idx1] = arr_tmp[idx1].union(arr_tmp[idx2])
+ edges1 = self.system_graphs[idx1].system_edges
+ edges2 = self.system_graphs[idx2].system_edges
+ edges1.extend(edges2)
+ # self.system_graphs.remove(idx2)
+ del self.system_graphs[idx2]
+ # arr_tmp.remove(arr_tmp[idx2])
+ del arr_tmp[idx2]
+ merged = True
+ break
+ idx2 = idx2 + 1
+ if not merged :
+ idx1 = idx1 + 1
+ return self.system_graphs
def get_path(self, connector, system_graph, graph_next_connectors):
Get Graph_Edge start with connector,end with triple ,cross,equipment.
@@ -308,19 +356,42 @@ def combine_systemgraph(project_id,floorgraphs):
v2 = open_vertical_pipes[j]
if systemutils.is_xyz_equal(v1.connector.origin, v2.connector.origin):
+ # 获取竖管连接的其他楼层竖管
+ if len(group_pipes) < 2:
+ continue
+ for k in range(len(group_pipes)):
+ vertex = group_pipes[k]
+ # systemgraph = systemutils.get_specify_type_parent(vertex, graph_model.SystemGraph)
+ systemgraph = systemutils.get_system_graph_by_vertex(vertex)
+ if not systemgraph:
+ continue
+ if (k == 0):
+ temp_groupedsystemgraphs = graph_model.GroupedSystemGraph(systemgraph)
+ else:
+ prev_vertex = group_pipes[k - 1]
+ temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_system(systemgraph)
+ temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_edge(prev_vertex, vertex)
+ if temp_groupedsystemgraphs:
+ projectgraph.groupedsystemgraphs.append(temp_groupedsystemgraphs)
+ for floorgraph in floorgraphs:
+ for systemgraph in floorgraph.system_graphs:
+ temp_groupedsystemgraphs = graph_model.GroupedSystemGraph(systemgraph)
+ projectgraph.groupedsystemgraphs.append(temp_groupedsystemgraphs)
# combine systemgraph
- for k in range(len(group_pipes)):
- vertex = group_pipes[k]
- systemgraph = systemutils.get_specify_type_parent(vertex, graph_model.SystemGraph)
- if not systemgraph:
- continue
- projectgraph.remove_groupedsystemgraphs(systemgraph)
- if (k == 0):
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs = graph_model.GroupedSystemGraph(systemgraph)
- else:
- prev_vertex = group_pipes[k - 1]
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_system(systemgraph)
- temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_edge(prev_vertex, vertex)
- if temp_groupedsystemgraphs:
- projectgraph.groupedsystemgraphs.append(temp_groupedsystemgraphs)
+ # for k in range(len(group_pipes)):
+ # vertex = group_pipes[k]
+ # systemgraph = systemutils.get_specify_type_parent(vertex, graph_model.SystemGraph)
+ # if not systemgraph:
+ # continue
+ # projectgraph.remove_groupedsystemgraphs(systemgraph)
+ # if (k == 0):
+ # temp_groupedsystemgraphs = graph_model.GroupedSystemGraph(systemgraph)
+ # else:
+ # prev_vertex = group_pipes[k - 1]
+ # temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_system(systemgraph)
+ # temp_groupedsystemgraphs.add_edge(prev_vertex, vertex)
+ # if temp_groupedsystemgraphs:
+ # projectgraph.groupedsystemgraphs.append(temp_groupedsystemgraphs)
return projectgraph