@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+## 前置条件
+ 1. 系统下有设备
+ 2. 系统下的设备有所在业务空间关系
+## 计算流程
+ 1. 根据 系统 --> 设备 --> 业务空间 的间接关系, 获取系统和业务空间的关系
+ 2. 计算结果存储在r_sy_in_sp_*中
+## 函数
+-- 系统所在楼层
+create or replace function public.rel_sy2sp(project_id character varying) returns boolean
+ input_tables = ['r_eq_in_sp_zone_air_conditioning', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_clean', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_domestic_water_supply', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_fire', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_function',
+ 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_general', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_heating', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_lighting', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_network', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_power_supply', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_security', 'r_eq_in_sp_zone_tenant']
+ output_tables = ['r_sy_in_sp_zone_air_conditioning', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_clean', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_domestic_water_supply',
+ 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_fire', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_function', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_general', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_heating', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_lighting',
+ 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_network', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_power_supply', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_security', 'r_sy_in_sp_zone_tenant']
+ # 将下面对数据库的操作作为一个事务, 出异常则自动rollback
+ with plpy.subtransaction():
+ for i in range(len(output_tables)):
+ delete_plan = plpy.prepare("delete from {0} where project_id = $1 and sign = 2".format(output_tables[i]), ["text"])
+ delete_plan.execute([project_id])
+ join_plan = plpy.prepare("select sy.sys_id, rel.space_id from r_sy_eq sy inner join {0} rel on sy.equip_id = rel.equip_id where rel.project_id = $1 and sy.project_id = $1".format(input_tables[i]), ["text"])
+ rel = join_plan.execute([project_id])
+ sy2sp = dict()
+ for row in rel:
+ sys = row['sys_id']
+ space = row['space_id']
+ if sys not in sy2sp:
+ sy2sp[sys] = set()
+ space_set = sy2sp[sys]
+ space_set.add(space)
+ for sid, space_set in sy2sp.items():
+ for space in space_set:
+ plan = plpy.prepare("insert into {0}(sys_id, space_id, project_id, sign) values($1, $2, $3, 2)".format(output_tables[i]), ["text", "text", "text"])
+ plan.execute([sid, space, project_id])
+except Exception as e:
+ plpy.warning(e)
+ return False
+ return True
+LANGUAGE 'plpython3u' VOLATILE;
+## 输入
+ 1. 项目id
+## 例子
+ select public.rel_sy2sp('Pj1101010015');