@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+# Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java processes, and print the stack of these threads.
+# @Usage
+# $ ./show-busy-java-threads
+# @online-doc https://github.com/oldratlee/useful-scripts/blob/master/docs/java.md#-show-busy-java-threads
+# @author Jerry Lee (oldratlee at gmail dot com)
+# @author superhj1987 (superhj1987 at 126 dot com)
+readonly PROG="`basename $0`"
+readonly -a COMMAND_LINE=("$0" "$@")
+# Get current user name via whoami command
+# See https://www.lifewire.com/current-linux-user-whoami-command-3867579
+# Because if run command by `sudo -u`, env var $USER is not rewritten/correct, just inherited from outside!
+readonly USER="`whoami`"
+# util functions
+# NOTE: $'foo' is the escape sequence syntax of bash
+readonly ec=$'\033' # escape char
+readonly eend=$'\033[0m' # escape end
+colorEcho() {
+ local color=$1
+ shift
+ # if stdout is console, turn on color output.
+ [ -t 1 ] && echo "$ec[1;${color}m$@$eend" || echo "$@"
+colorPrint() {
+ local color=$1
+ shift
+ colorEcho "$color" "$@"
+ [ -n "$append_file" -a -w "$append_file" ] && echo "$@" >> "$append_file"
+ [ -n "$store_dir" -a -w "$store_dir" ] && echo "$@" >> "${store_file_prefix}$PROG"
+normalPrint() {
+ echo "$@"
+ [ -n "$append_file" -a -w "$append_file" ] && echo "$@" >> "$append_file"
+ [ -n "$store_dir" -a -w "$store_dir" ] && echo "$@" >> "${store_file_prefix}$PROG"
+redPrint() {
+ colorPrint 31 "$@"
+greenPrint() {
+ colorPrint 32 "$@"
+yellowPrint() {
+ colorPrint 33 "$@"
+bluePrint() {
+ colorPrint 36 "$@"
+die() {
+ redPrint "Error: $@" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+logAndRun() {
+ echo "$@"
+ echo
+ "$@"
+logAndCat() {
+ echo "$@"
+ echo
+ cat
+usage() {
+ local -r exit_code="$1"
+ shift
+ [ -n "$exit_code" -a "$exit_code" != 0 ] && local -r out=/dev/stderr || local -r out=/dev/stdout
+ (( $# > 0 )) && { echo "$@"; echo; } > $out
+ > $out cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${PROG} [OPTION]... [delay [count]]
+Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java processes,
+and print the stack of these threads.
+ ${PROG} # show busy java threads info
+ ${PROG} 1 # update every 1 second, (stop by eg: CTRL+C)
+ ${PROG} 3 10 # update every 3 seconds, update 10 times
+Output control:
+ -p, --pid <java pid> find out the highest cpu consumed threads from
+ the specified java process.
+ default from all java process.
+ -c, --count <num> set the thread count to show, default is 5.
+ -a, --append-file <file> specifies the file to append output as log.
+ -S, --store-dir <dir> specifies the directory for storing
+ the intermediate files, and keep files.
+ default store intermediate files at tmp dir,
+ and auto remove after run. use this option to keep
+ files so as to review jstack/top/ps output later.
+ delay the delay between updates in seconds.
+ count the number of updates.
+ delay/count arguments imitates the style of
+ vmstat command.
+jstack control:
+ -s, --jstack-path <path> specifies the path of jstack command.
+ -F, --force set jstack to force a thread dump. use when jstack
+ does not respond (process is hung).
+ -m, --mix-native-frames set jstack to print both java and native frames
+ (mixed mode).
+ -l, --lock-info set jstack with long listing.
+ prints additional information about locks.
+CPU usage calculation control:
+ -d, --top-delay specifies the delay between top samples.
+ default is 0.5 (second). get thread cpu percentage
+ during this delay interval.
+ more info see top -d option. eg: -d 1 (1 second).
+ -P, --use-ps use ps command to find busy thread(cpu usage)
+ instead of top command.
+ default use top command, because cpu usage of
+ ps command is expressed as the percentage of
+ time spent running during the *entire lifetime*
+ of a process, this is not ideal in general.
+ -h, --help display this help and exit.
+ exit $exit_code
+# Check os support
+uname | grep '^Linux' -q || die "$PROG only support Linux, not support `uname` yet!"
+# parse options
+# NOTE: ARGS can not be declared as readonly!!
+# readonly declaration make exit code of assignment to be always 0, aka. the exit code of `getopt` in subshell is discarded.
+# tested on bash 4.2.46
+ARGS=`getopt -n "$PROG" -a -o p:c:a:s:S:Pd:Fmlh -l count:,pid:,append-file:,jstack-path:,store-dir:,use-ps,top-delay:,force,mix-native-frames,lock-info,help -- "$@"`
+[ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo; usage 1; }
+eval set -- "${ARGS}"
+while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -c|--count)
+ count="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -p|--pid)
+ pid="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -a|--append-file)
+ append_file="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -s|--jstack-path)
+ jstack_path="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -S|--store-dir)
+ store_dir="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -P|--use-ps)
+ use_ps=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -d|--top-delay)
+ top_delay="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -F|--force)
+ force=-F
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -m|--mix-native-frames)
+ mix_native_frames=-m
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -l|--lock-info)
+ more_lock_info=-l
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+[ -z "$1" ] && update_count=1 || update_count=${2:-0}
+(( update_count < 0 )) && update_count=0
+# check the directory of append-file(-a) mode, create if not exsit.
+if [ -n "$append_file" ]; then
+ if [ -e "$append_file" ]; then
+ [ -f "$append_file" ] || die "$append_file(specified by option -a, for storing run output files) exists but is not a file!"
+ [ -w "$append_file" ] || die "file $append_file(specified by option -a, for storing run output files) exists but is not writable!"
+ else
+ append_file_dir="$(dirname "$append_file")"
+ if [ -e "$append_file_dir" ]; then
+ [ -d "$append_file_dir" ] || die "directory $append_file_dir(specified by option -a, for storing run output files) exists but is not a directory!"
+ [ -w "$append_file_dir" ] || die "directory $append_file_dir(specified by option -a, for storing run output files) exists but is not writable!"
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$append_file_dir" || die "fail to create directory $append_file_dir(specified by option -a, for storing run output files)!"
+ fi
+ fi
+# check store directory(-S) mode, create directory if not exsit.
+if [ -n "$store_dir" ]; then
+ if [ -e "$store_dir" ]; then
+ [ -d "$store_dir" ] || die "$store_dir(specified by option -S, for storing output files) exists but is not a directory!"
+ [ -w "$store_dir" ] || die "directory $store_dir(specified by option -S, for storing output files) exists but is not writable!"
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$store_dir" || die "fail to create directory $store_dir(specified by option -S, for storing output files)!"
+ fi
+# check the existence of jstack command
+if [ -n "$jstack_path" ]; then
+ [ -f "$jstack_path" ] || die "$jstack_path is NOT found!"
+ [ -x "$jstack_path" ] || die "$jstack_path is NOT executalbe!"
+elif which jstack &> /dev/null; then
+ jstack_path="`which jstack`"
+ [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] || die "jstack not found on PATH and No JAVA_HOME setting! Use -s option set jstack path manually."
+ [ -f "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] || die "jstack not found on PATH and \$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack($JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack) file does NOT exists! Use -s option set jstack path manually."
+ [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] || die "jstack not found on PATH and \$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack($JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack) is NOT executalbe! Use -s option set jstack path manually."
+ jstack_path="$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack"
+# biz logic
+readonly run_timestamp="`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%N"`"
+readonly uuid="${PROG}_${run_timestamp}_${RANDOM}_$$"
+readonly tmp_store_dir="/tmp/${uuid}"
+if [ -n "$store_dir" ]; then
+ readonly store_file_prefix="$store_dir/${run_timestamp}_"
+ readonly store_file_prefix="$tmp_store_dir/${run_timestamp}_"
+mkdir -p "$tmp_store_dir"
+cleanupWhenExit() {
+ rm -rf "$tmp_store_dir" &> /dev/null
+trap "cleanupWhenExit" EXIT
+headInfo() {
+ colorEcho "0;34;42" ================================================================================
+ echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N") [$(( i + 1 ))/$update_count]: ${COMMAND_LINE[@]}"
+ colorEcho "0;34;42" ================================================================================
+ echo
+if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ readonly ps_process_select_options="-p $pid"
+ readonly ps_process_select_options="-C java -C jsvc"
+# output field: pid, thread id(lwp), pcpu, user
+# order by pcpu(percentage of cpu usage)
+findBusyJavaThreadsByPs() {
+ # 1. sort by %cpu by ps option `--sort -pcpu`
+ # 2. use wide output(unlimited width) by ps option `-ww`
+ # avoid trunk user column to username_fo+ or $uid alike
+ local -a ps_cmd_line=(ps $ps_process_select_options -wwLo pid,lwp,pcpu,user --sort -pcpu --no-headers)
+ local -r ps_out="$("${ps_cmd_line[@]}")"
+ if [ -n "$store_dir" ]; then
+ echo "$ps_out" | logAndCat "${ps_cmd_line[@]}" > "${store_file_prefix}$(( i + 1 ))_ps"
+ fi
+ echo "$ps_out" | head -n "${count}"
+# top with output field: thread id, %cpu
+__top_threadId_cpu() {
+ # 1. sort by %cpu by top option `-o %CPU`
+ # unfortunately, top version 3.2 does not support -o option(supports from top version 3.3+),
+ # use
+ # HOME="$tmp_store_dir" top -H -b -n 1
+ # combined
+ # sort
+ # instead of
+ # HOME="$tmp_store_dir" top -H -b -n 1 -o '%CPU'
+ # 2. change HOME env var when run top,
+ # so as to prevent top command output format being change by .toprc user config file unexpectedly
+ # 3. use option `-d 0.5`(update interval 0.5 second) and `-n 2`(update 2 times),
+ # and use second time update data to get cpu percentage of thread in 0.5 second interval
+ # 4. top v3.3, there is 1 black line between 2 update;
+ # but top v3.2, there is 2 blank lines between 2 update!
+ local -a top_cmd_line=(top -H -b -d $top_delay -n 2)
+ local -r top_out=$(HOME="$tmp_store_dir" "${top_cmd_line[@]}")
+ if [ -n "$store_dir" ]; then
+ echo "$top_out" | logAndCat "${top_cmd_line[@]}" > "${store_file_prefix}$(( i + 1 ))_top"
+ fi
+ echo "$top_out" |
+ awk 'BEGIN { blockIndex = 0; currentLineHasText = 0; prevLineHasText = 0; } {
+ currentLineHasText = ($0 != "")
+ if (prevLineHasText && !currentLineHasText)
+ blockIndex++ # from text line to empty line, increase block index
+ if (blockIndex == 3 && ($NF == "java" || $NF == "jsvc")) # $NF(last field) is command field
+ # only print 4th text block(blockIndex == 3), aka. process info of second top update
+ print $1 " " $9 # $1 is thread id field, $9 is %cpu field
+ prevLineHasText = currentLineHasText # update prevLineHasText
+ }' | sort -k2,2nr
+__complete_pid_user_by_ps() {
+ # ps output field: pid, thread id(lwp), user
+ local -a ps_cmd_line=(ps $ps_process_select_options -wwLo pid,lwp,user --no-headers)
+ local -r ps_out="$("${ps_cmd_line[@]}")"
+ if [ -n "$store_dir" ]; then
+ echo "$ps_out" | logAndCat "${ps_cmd_line[@]}" > "${store_file_prefix}$(( i + 1 ))_ps"
+ fi
+ local idx=0
+ local -a line
+ while IFS=" " read -a line ; do
+ (( idx < count )) || break
+ local threadId="${line[0]}"
+ local pcpu="${line[1]}"
+ # output field: pid, threadId, pcpu, user
+ local output_fields="$( echo "$ps_out" |
+ awk -v "threadId=$threadId" -v "pcpu=$pcpu" '$2==threadId {
+ printf "%s %s %s %s\n", $1, threadId, pcpu, $3; exit
+ }' )"
+ if [ -n "$output_fields" ]; then
+ (( idx++ ))
+ echo "$output_fields"
+ fi
+ done
+# output format is same as function findBusyJavaThreadsByPs
+findBusyJavaThreadsByTop() {
+ __top_threadId_cpu | __complete_pid_user_by_ps
+printStackOfThreads() {
+ local -a line
+ local idx=0
+ while IFS=" " read -a line ; do
+ local pid="${line[0]}"
+ local threadId="${line[1]}"
+ local threadId0x="0x`printf %x ${threadId}`"
+ local pcpu="${line[2]}"
+ local user="${line[3]}"
+ (( idx++ ))
+ local jstackFile="${store_file_prefix}$(( i + 1 ))_jstack_${pid}"
+ [ -f "${jstackFile}" ] || {
+ local -a jstack_cmd_line=( "$jstack_path" ${force} $mix_native_frames $more_lock_info ${pid} )
+ if [ "${user}" == "${USER}" ]; then
+ # run without sudo, when java process user is current user
+ logAndRun "${jstack_cmd_line[@]}" > ${jstackFile}
+ elif [ $UID == 0 ]; then
+ # if java process user is not current user, must run jstack with sudo
+ logAndRun sudo -u "${user}" "${jstack_cmd_line[@]}" > ${jstackFile}
+ else
+ # current user is not root user, so can not run with sudo; print error message and rerun suggestion
+ redPrint "[$idx] Fail to jstack busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})."
+ redPrint "User of java process($user) is not current user($USER), need sudo to rerun:"
+ yellowPrint " sudo ${COMMAND_LINE[@]}"
+ normalPrint
+ continue
+ fi || {
+ redPrint "[$idx] Fail to jstack busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})."
+ normalPrint
+ rm "${jstackFile}" &> /dev/null
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ bluePrint "[$idx] Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user}):"
+ if [ -n "$mix_native_frames" ]; then
+ local sed_script="/--------------- $threadId ---------------/,/^---------------/ {
+ /--------------- $threadId ---------------/b # skip first separator line
+ /^---------------/d # delete second separator line
+ p
+ }"
+ elif [ -n "$force" ]; then
+ local sed_script="/^Thread ${threadId}:/,/^$/ {
+ /^$/d; p # delete end separator line
+ }"
+ else
+ local sed_script="/ nid=${threadId0x} /,/^$/ {
+ /^$/d; p # delete end separator line
+ }"
+ fi
+ {
+ sed "$sed_script" -n ${jstackFile}
+ echo
+ } | tee ${append_file:+-a "$append_file"} ${store_dir:+-a "${store_file_prefix}$PROG"}
+ done
+# Main
+main() {
+ local i
+ # if update_count <= 0, infinite loop till user interrupted (eg: CTRL+C)
+ for (( i = 0; update_count <= 0 || i < update_count; ++i )); do
+ (( i > 0 )) && sleep "$update_delay"
+ [ -n "$append_file" -o -n "$store_dir" ] && headInfo | tee ${append_file:+-a "$append_file"} ${store_dir:+-a "${store_file_prefix}$PROG"} > /dev/null
+ (( update_count != 1 )) && headInfo
+ if $use_ps; then
+ findBusyJavaThreadsByPs
+ else
+ findBusyJavaThreadsByTop
+ fi | printStackOfThreads
+ done