using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Microsoft.Win32
/// 窗口位置结构定义
public static partial class NativeMethods
/// 窗口位置结构
public struct WINDOWPOS
/// A handle to the window.
public IntPtr hwnd;
/// The position of the window in Z order (front-to-back position). This member can be a handle to the window behind which this window is placed, or can be one of the special values listed with the SetWindowPos function.
public IntPtr hwndInsertAfter;
/// The position of the left edge of the window.
public int x;
/// The position of the top edge of the window.
public int y;
/// The window width, in pixels.
public int cx;
/// The window height, in pixels.
public int cy;
/// The window position. This member can be one or more of the following values. 参见 SWP
public uint flags;