using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using SharpCompress.Common; using SharpCompress.IO; namespace SharpCompress.Archives.Tar { internal class TarWritableArchiveEntry : TarArchiveEntry, IWritableArchiveEntry { private readonly bool closeStream; private readonly Stream stream; internal TarWritableArchiveEntry(TarArchive archive, Stream stream, CompressionType compressionType, string path, long size, DateTime? lastModified, bool closeStream) : base(archive, null, compressionType) { = stream; Key = path; Size = size; LastModifiedTime = lastModified; this.closeStream = closeStream; } public override long Crc => 0; public override string Key { get; } public override long CompressedSize => 0; public override long Size { get; } public override DateTime? LastModifiedTime { get; } public override DateTime? CreatedTime => null; public override DateTime? LastAccessedTime => null; public override DateTime? ArchivedTime => null; public override bool IsEncrypted => false; public override bool IsDirectory => false; public override bool IsSplitAfter => false; internal override IEnumerable Parts => throw new NotImplementedException(); Stream IWritableArchiveEntry.Stream => stream; public override Stream OpenEntryStream() { //ensure new stream is at the start, this could be reset stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return new NonDisposingStream(stream); } internal override void Close() { if (closeStream) { stream.Dispose(); } } } }