namespace SharpCompress.Compressors.PPMd.I1
/// The PPM context structure. This is tightly coupled with .
/// This must be a structure rather than a class because several places in the associated code assume that
/// is a value type (meaning that assignment creates a completely new copy of
/// the instance rather than just copying a reference to the same instance).
internal partial class Model
/// The structure which represents the current PPM context. This is 12 bytes in size.
internal struct PpmContext
public uint _address;
public byte[] _memory;
public static readonly PpmContext ZERO = new PpmContext(0, null);
public const int SIZE = 12;
/// Initializes a new instance of the structure.
public PpmContext(uint address, byte[] memory)
_address = address;
_memory = memory;
/// Gets or sets the number statistics.
public byte NumberStatistics { get => _memory[_address]; set => _memory[_address] = value; }
/// Gets or sets the flags.
public byte Flags { get => _memory[_address + 1]; set => _memory[_address + 1] = value; }
/// Gets or sets the summary frequency.
public ushort SummaryFrequency
get => (ushort)(_memory[_address + 2] | _memory[_address + 3] << 8);
_memory[_address + 2] = (byte)value;
_memory[_address + 3] = (byte)(value >> 8);
/// Gets or sets the statistics.
public PpmState Statistics
get => new PpmState(
_memory[_address + 4] | ((uint)_memory[_address + 5]) << 8 |
((uint)_memory[_address + 6]) << 16 | ((uint)_memory[_address + 7]) << 24, _memory);
_memory[_address + 4] = (byte)value._address;
_memory[_address + 5] = (byte)(value._address >> 8);
_memory[_address + 6] = (byte)(value._address >> 16);
_memory[_address + 7] = (byte)(value._address >> 24);
/// Gets or sets the suffix.
public PpmContext Suffix
get => new PpmContext(
_memory[_address + 8] | ((uint)_memory[_address + 9]) << 8 |
((uint)_memory[_address + 10]) << 16 | ((uint)_memory[_address + 11]) << 24, _memory);
_memory[_address + 8] = (byte)value._address;
_memory[_address + 9] = (byte)(value._address >> 8);
_memory[_address + 10] = (byte)(value._address >> 16);
_memory[_address + 11] = (byte)(value._address >> 24);
/// The first PPM state associated with the PPM context.
/// The first PPM state overlaps this PPM context instance (the context.SummaryFrequency and context.Statistics members
/// of PpmContext use 6 bytes and so can therefore fit into the space used by the Symbol, Frequency and
/// Successor members of PpmState, since they also add up to 6 bytes).
/// PpmContext (context.SummaryFrequency and context.Statistics use 6 bytes)
/// 1 context.NumberStatistics
/// 1 context.Flags
/// 2 context.SummaryFrequency
/// 4 context.Statistics (pointer to PpmState)
/// 4 context.Suffix (pointer to PpmContext)
/// PpmState (total of 6 bytes)
/// 1 Symbol
/// 1 Frequency
/// 4 Successor (pointer to PpmContext)
public PpmState FirstState => new PpmState(_address + 2, _memory);
/// Gets or sets the symbol of the first PPM state. This is provided for convenience. The same
/// information can be obtained using the Symbol property on the PPM state provided by the
/// property.
public byte FirstStateSymbol { get => _memory[_address + 2]; set => _memory[_address + 2] = value; }
/// Gets or sets the frequency of the first PPM state. This is provided for convenience. The same
/// information can be obtained using the Frequency property on the PPM state provided by the
///context.FirstState property.
public byte FirstStateFrequency { get => _memory[_address + 3]; set => _memory[_address + 3] = value; }
/// Gets or sets the successor of the first PPM state. This is provided for convenience. The same
/// information can be obtained using the Successor property on the PPM state provided by the
public PpmContext FirstStateSuccessor
get => new PpmContext(
_memory[_address + 4] | ((uint)_memory[_address + 5]) << 8 |
((uint)_memory[_address + 6]) << 16 | ((uint)_memory[_address + 7]) << 24, _memory);
_memory[_address + 4] = (byte)value._address;
_memory[_address + 5] = (byte)(value._address >> 8);
_memory[_address + 6] = (byte)(value._address >> 16);
_memory[_address + 7] = (byte)(value._address >> 24);
/// Allow a pointer to be implicitly converted to a PPM context.
public static implicit operator PpmContext(Pointer pointer)
return new PpmContext(pointer._address, pointer._memory);
/// Allow pointer-like addition on a PPM context.
public static PpmContext operator +(PpmContext context, int offset)
context._address = (uint)(context._address + offset * SIZE);
return context;
/// Allow pointer-like subtraction on a PPM context.
public static PpmContext operator -(PpmContext context, int offset)
context._address = (uint)(context._address - offset * SIZE);
return context;
/// Compare two PPM contexts.
public static bool operator <=(PpmContext context1, PpmContext context2)
return context1._address <= context2._address;
/// Compare two PPM contexts.
public static bool operator >=(PpmContext context1, PpmContext context2)
return context1._address >= context2._address;
/// Compare two PPM contexts.
public static bool operator ==(PpmContext context1, PpmContext context2)
return context1._address == context2._address;
/// Compare two PPM contexts.
public static bool operator !=(PpmContext context1, PpmContext context2)
return context1._address != context2._address;
/// Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
/// true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false.
/// Another object to compare to.
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is PpmContext)
PpmContext context = (PpmContext)obj;
return context._address == _address;
return base.Equals(obj);
/// Returns the hash code for this instance.
/// A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.
public override int GetHashCode()
return _address.GetHashCode();
private void EncodeBinarySymbol(int symbol, PpmContext context)
PpmState state = context.FirstState;
int index1 = _probabilities[state.Frequency - 1];
int index2 = _numberStatisticsToBinarySummaryIndex[context.Suffix.NumberStatistics] + _previousSuccess +
context.Flags + ((_runLength >> 26) & 0x20);
if (state.Symbol == symbol)
_foundState = state;
state.Frequency += (byte)((state.Frequency < 196) ? 1 : 0);
_coder._lowCount = 0;
_coder._highCount = _binarySummary[index1, index2];
_binarySummary[index1, index2] +=
(ushort)(INTERVAL - Mean(_binarySummary[index1, index2], PERIOD_BIT_COUNT, 2));
_previousSuccess = 1;
_coder._lowCount = _binarySummary[index1, index2];
_binarySummary[index1, index2] -= (ushort)Mean(_binarySummary[index1, index2], PERIOD_BIT_COUNT, 2);
_coder._highCount = BINARY_SCALE;
_initialEscape = EXPONENTIAL_ESCAPES[_binarySummary[index1, index2] >> 10];
_characterMask[state.Symbol] = _escapeCount;
_previousSuccess = 0;
_numberMasked = 0;
_foundState = PpmState.ZERO;
private void EncodeSymbol1(int symbol, PpmContext context)
uint lowCount;
uint index = context.Statistics.Symbol;
PpmState state = context.Statistics;
_coder._scale = context.SummaryFrequency;
if (index == symbol)
_coder._highCount = state.Frequency;
_previousSuccess = (byte)((2 * _coder._highCount >= _coder._scale) ? 1 : 0);
_foundState = state;
_foundState.Frequency += 4;
context.SummaryFrequency += 4;
_runLength += _previousSuccess;
if (state.Frequency > MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY)
_coder._lowCount = 0;
lowCount = state.Frequency;
index = context.NumberStatistics;
_previousSuccess = 0;
while ((++state).Symbol != symbol)
lowCount += state.Frequency;
if (--index == 0)
_coder._lowCount = lowCount;
_characterMask[state.Symbol] = _escapeCount;
_numberMasked = context.NumberStatistics;
index = context.NumberStatistics;
_foundState = PpmState.ZERO;
_characterMask[(--state).Symbol] = _escapeCount;
while (--index != 0);
_coder._highCount = _coder._scale;
_coder._highCount = (_coder._lowCount = lowCount) + state.Frequency;
Update1(state, context);
private void EncodeSymbol2(int symbol, PpmContext context)
See2Context see2Context = MakeEscapeFrequency(context);
uint currentSymbol;
uint lowCount = 0;
uint index = (uint)(context.NumberStatistics - _numberMasked);
PpmState state = context.Statistics - 1;
currentSymbol = state[1].Symbol;
while (_characterMask[currentSymbol] == _escapeCount);
_characterMask[currentSymbol] = _escapeCount;
if (currentSymbol == symbol)
goto SymbolFound;
lowCount += state.Frequency;
while (--index != 0);
_coder._lowCount = lowCount;
_coder._scale += _coder._lowCount;
_coder._highCount = _coder._scale;
see2Context._summary += (ushort)_coder._scale;
_numberMasked = context.NumberStatistics;
_coder._lowCount = lowCount;
lowCount += state.Frequency;
_coder._highCount = lowCount;
for (PpmState p1 = state; --index != 0;)
currentSymbol = p1[1].Symbol;
while (_characterMask[currentSymbol] == _escapeCount);
lowCount += p1.Frequency;
_coder._scale += lowCount;
Update2(state, context);
private void DecodeBinarySymbol(PpmContext context)
PpmState state = context.FirstState;
int index1 = _probabilities[state.Frequency - 1];
int index2 = _numberStatisticsToBinarySummaryIndex[context.Suffix.NumberStatistics] + _previousSuccess +
context.Flags + ((_runLength >> 26) & 0x20);
if (_coder.RangeGetCurrentShiftCount(TOTAL_BIT_COUNT) < _binarySummary[index1, index2])
_foundState = state;
state.Frequency += (byte)((state.Frequency < 196) ? 1 : 0);
_coder._lowCount = 0;
_coder._highCount = _binarySummary[index1, index2];
_binarySummary[index1, index2] +=
(ushort)(INTERVAL - Mean(_binarySummary[index1, index2], PERIOD_BIT_COUNT, 2));
_previousSuccess = 1;
_coder._lowCount = _binarySummary[index1, index2];
_binarySummary[index1, index2] -= (ushort)Mean(_binarySummary[index1, index2], PERIOD_BIT_COUNT, 2);
_coder._highCount = BINARY_SCALE;
_initialEscape = EXPONENTIAL_ESCAPES[_binarySummary[index1, index2] >> 10];
_characterMask[state.Symbol] = _escapeCount;
_previousSuccess = 0;
_numberMasked = 0;
_foundState = PpmState.ZERO;
private void DecodeSymbol1(PpmContext context)
uint index;
uint count;
uint highCount = context.Statistics.Frequency;
PpmState state = context.Statistics;
_coder._scale = context.SummaryFrequency;
count = _coder.RangeGetCurrentCount();
if (count < highCount)
_coder._highCount = highCount;
_previousSuccess = (byte)((2 * _coder._highCount >= _coder._scale) ? 1 : 0);
_foundState = state;
highCount += 4;
_foundState.Frequency = (byte)highCount;
context.SummaryFrequency += 4;
_runLength += _previousSuccess;
if (highCount > MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY)
_coder._lowCount = 0;
index = context.NumberStatistics;
_previousSuccess = 0;
while ((highCount += (++state).Frequency) <= count)
if (--index == 0)
_coder._lowCount = highCount;
_characterMask[state.Symbol] = _escapeCount;
_numberMasked = context.NumberStatistics;
index = context.NumberStatistics;
_foundState = PpmState.ZERO;
_characterMask[(--state).Symbol] = _escapeCount;
while (--index != 0);
_coder._highCount = _coder._scale;
_coder._highCount = highCount;
_coder._lowCount = _coder._highCount - state.Frequency;
Update1(state, context);
private void DecodeSymbol2(PpmContext context)
See2Context see2Context = MakeEscapeFrequency(context);
uint currentSymbol;
uint count;
uint highCount = 0;
uint index = (uint)(context.NumberStatistics - _numberMasked);
uint stateIndex = 0;
PpmState state = context.Statistics - 1;
currentSymbol = state[1].Symbol;
while (_characterMask[currentSymbol] == _escapeCount);
highCount += state.Frequency;
_decodeStates[stateIndex++] = state;
// note that decodeStates is a static array that is re-used on each call to this method (for performance reasons)
while (--index != 0);
_coder._scale += highCount;
count = _coder.RangeGetCurrentCount();
stateIndex = 0;
state = _decodeStates[stateIndex];
if (count < highCount)
highCount = 0;
while ((highCount += state.Frequency) <= count)
state = _decodeStates[++stateIndex];
_coder._highCount = highCount;
_coder._lowCount = _coder._highCount - state.Frequency;
Update2(state, context);
_coder._lowCount = highCount;
_coder._highCount = _coder._scale;
index = (uint)(context.NumberStatistics - _numberMasked);
_numberMasked = context.NumberStatistics;
_characterMask[_decodeStates[stateIndex].Symbol] = _escapeCount;
while (--index != 0);
see2Context._summary += (ushort)_coder._scale;
private void Update1(PpmState state, PpmContext context)
_foundState = state;
_foundState.Frequency += 4;
context.SummaryFrequency += 4;
if (state[0].Frequency > state[-1].Frequency)
Swap(state[0], state[-1]);
_foundState = --state;
if (state.Frequency > MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY)
private void Update2(PpmState state, PpmContext context)
_foundState = state;
_foundState.Frequency += 4;
context.SummaryFrequency += 4;
if (state.Frequency > MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY)
_runLength = _initialRunLength;
private See2Context MakeEscapeFrequency(PpmContext context)
uint numberStatistics = (uint)2 * context.NumberStatistics;
See2Context see2Context;
if (context.NumberStatistics != 0xff)
// Note that context.Flags is always in the range 0 .. 28 (this ensures that the index used for the second
// dimension of the see2Contexts array is always in the range 0 .. 31).
numberStatistics = context.Suffix.NumberStatistics;
int index1 = _probabilities[context.NumberStatistics + 2] - 3;
int index2 = ((context.SummaryFrequency > 11 * (context.NumberStatistics + 1)) ? 1 : 0) +
((2 * context.NumberStatistics < numberStatistics + _numberMasked) ? 2 : 0) + context.Flags;
see2Context = _see2Contexts[index1, index2];
_coder._scale = see2Context.Mean();
see2Context = _emptySee2Context;
_coder._scale = 1;
return see2Context;
private void Rescale(PpmContext context)
uint oldUnitCount;
int adder;
uint escapeFrequency;
uint index = context.NumberStatistics;
byte localSymbol;
byte localFrequency;
PpmContext localSuccessor;
PpmState p1;
PpmState state;
for (state = _foundState; state != context.Statistics; state--)
Swap(state[0], state[-1]);
state.Frequency += 4;
context.SummaryFrequency += 4;
escapeFrequency = (uint)(context.SummaryFrequency - state.Frequency);
adder = (_orderFall != 0 || _method > ModelRestorationMethod.Freeze) ? 1 : 0;
state.Frequency = (byte)((state.Frequency + adder) >> 1);
context.SummaryFrequency = state.Frequency;
escapeFrequency -= (++state).Frequency;
state.Frequency = (byte)((state.Frequency + adder) >> 1);
context.SummaryFrequency += state.Frequency;
if (state[0].Frequency > state[-1].Frequency)
p1 = state;
localSymbol = p1.Symbol;
localFrequency = p1.Frequency;
localSuccessor = p1.Successor;
Copy(p1[0], p1[-1]);
while (localFrequency > (--p1)[-1].Frequency);
p1.Symbol = localSymbol;
p1.Frequency = localFrequency;
p1.Successor = localSuccessor;
while (--index != 0);
if (state.Frequency == 0)
while ((--state).Frequency == 0);
escapeFrequency += index;
oldUnitCount = (uint)((context.NumberStatistics + 2) >> 1);
context.NumberStatistics -= (byte)index;
if (context.NumberStatistics == 0)
localSymbol = context.Statistics.Symbol;
localFrequency = context.Statistics.Frequency;
localSuccessor = context.Statistics.Successor;
localFrequency = (byte)((2 * localFrequency + escapeFrequency - 1) / escapeFrequency);
if (localFrequency > MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY / 3)
localFrequency = (byte)(MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY / 3);
_allocator.FreeUnits(context.Statistics, oldUnitCount);
context.FirstStateSymbol = localSymbol;
context.FirstStateFrequency = localFrequency;
context.FirstStateSuccessor = localSuccessor;
context.Flags = (byte)((context.Flags & 0x10) + ((localSymbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00));
_foundState = context.FirstState;
context.Statistics = _allocator.ShrinkUnits(context.Statistics, oldUnitCount,
(uint)((context.NumberStatistics + 2) >> 1));
context.Flags &= 0xf7;
index = context.NumberStatistics;
state = context.Statistics;
context.Flags |= (byte)((state.Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00);
context.Flags |= (byte)(((++state).Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00);
while (--index != 0);
escapeFrequency -= (escapeFrequency >> 1);
context.SummaryFrequency += (ushort)escapeFrequency;
context.Flags |= 0x04;
_foundState = context.Statistics;
private void Refresh(uint oldUnitCount, bool scale, PpmContext context)
int index = context.NumberStatistics;
int escapeFrequency;
int scaleValue = (scale ? 1 : 0);
context.Statistics = _allocator.ShrinkUnits(context.Statistics, oldUnitCount, (uint)((index + 2) >> 1));
PpmState statistics = context.Statistics;
context.Flags =
(byte)((context.Flags & (0x10 + (scale ? 0x04 : 0x00))) + ((statistics.Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00));
escapeFrequency = context.SummaryFrequency - statistics.Frequency;
statistics.Frequency = (byte)((statistics.Frequency + scaleValue) >> scaleValue);
context.SummaryFrequency = statistics.Frequency;
escapeFrequency -= (++statistics).Frequency;
statistics.Frequency = (byte)((statistics.Frequency + scaleValue) >> scaleValue);
context.SummaryFrequency += statistics.Frequency;
context.Flags |= (byte)((statistics.Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00);
while (--index != 0);
escapeFrequency = (escapeFrequency + scaleValue) >> scaleValue;
context.SummaryFrequency += (ushort)escapeFrequency;
private PpmContext CutOff(int order, PpmContext context)
int index;
PpmState state;
if (context.NumberStatistics == 0)
state = context.FirstState;
if ((Pointer)state.Successor >= _allocator._baseUnit)
if (order < _modelOrder)
state.Successor = CutOff(order + 1, state.Successor);
state.Successor = PpmContext.ZERO;
if (state.Successor == PpmContext.ZERO && order > ORDER_BOUND)
return PpmContext.ZERO;
return context;
return PpmContext.ZERO;
uint unitCount = (uint)((context.NumberStatistics + 2) >> 1);
context.Statistics = _allocator.MoveUnitsUp(context.Statistics, unitCount);
index = context.NumberStatistics;
for (state = context.Statistics + index; state >= context.Statistics; state--)
if (state.Successor < _allocator._baseUnit)
state.Successor = PpmContext.ZERO;
Swap(state, context.Statistics[index--]);
else if (order < _modelOrder)
state.Successor = CutOff(order + 1, state.Successor);
state.Successor = PpmContext.ZERO;
if (index != context.NumberStatistics && order != 0)
context.NumberStatistics = (byte)index;
state = context.Statistics;
if (index < 0)
_allocator.FreeUnits(state, unitCount);
return PpmContext.ZERO;
if (index == 0)
context.Flags = (byte)((context.Flags & 0x10) + ((state.Symbol >= 0x40) ? 0x08 : 0x00));
Copy(context.FirstState, state);
_allocator.FreeUnits(state, unitCount);
context.FirstStateFrequency = (byte)((context.FirstStateFrequency + 11) >> 3);
Refresh(unitCount, context.SummaryFrequency > 16 * index, context);
return context;
private PpmContext RemoveBinaryContexts(int order, PpmContext context)
if (context.NumberStatistics == 0)
PpmState state = context.FirstState;
if ((Pointer)state.Successor >= _allocator._baseUnit && order < _modelOrder)
state.Successor = RemoveBinaryContexts(order + 1, state.Successor);
state.Successor = PpmContext.ZERO;
if ((state.Successor == PpmContext.ZERO) &&
(context.Suffix.NumberStatistics == 0 || context.Suffix.Flags == 0xff))
_allocator.FreeUnits(context, 1);
return PpmContext.ZERO;
return context;
for (PpmState state = context.Statistics + context.NumberStatistics; state >= context.Statistics; state--)
if ((Pointer)state.Successor >= _allocator._baseUnit && order < _modelOrder)
state.Successor = RemoveBinaryContexts(order + 1, state.Successor);
state.Successor = PpmContext.ZERO;
return context;