namespace Microsoft.Win32
public static partial class NativeMethods
/// On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows (same as HTNOWHERE, except that the DefWindowProc function produces a system beep to indicate an error).
public const int HTERROR = -2;
/// In a window currently covered by another window in the same thread (the message will be sent to underlying windows in the same thread until one of them returns a code that is not HTTRANSPARENT).
public const int HTTRANSPARENT = -1;
/// On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows.
public const int HTNOWHERE = 0;
/// In a client area.
public const int HTCLIENT = 1;
/// In a title bar.
public const int HTCAPTION = 2;
/// In a window menu or in a Close button in a child window.
public const int HTSYSMENU = 3;
/// In a size box (same as HTGROWBOX).
public const int HTSIZE = 4;
/// In a size box (same as HTSIZE).
public const int HTGROWBOX = HTSIZE;
/// In a menu.
public const int HTMENU = 5;
/// In a horizontal scroll bar.
public const int HTHSCROLL = 6;
/// In the vertical scroll bar.
public const int HTVSCROLL = 7;
/// In a Minimize button.
public const int HTMINBUTTON = 8;
/// In a Maximize button.
public const int HTMAXBUTTON = 9;
/// In the left border of a resizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window horizontally).
public const int HTLEFT = 10;
/// In the right border of a resizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window horizontally).
public const int HTRIGHT = 11;
/// In the upper-horizontal border of a window.
public const int HTTOP = 12;
/// In the upper-left corner of a window border.
public const int HTTOPLEFT = 13;
/// In the upper-right corner of a window border.
public const int HTTOPRIGHT = 14;
/// In the lower-horizontal border of a resizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window vertically).
public const int HTBOTTOM = 15;
/// In the lower-left corner of a border of a resizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally).
public const int HTBOTTOMLEFT = 16;
/// In the lower-right corner of a border of a resizable window (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally).
public const int HTBOTTOMRIGHT = 17;
/// In the border of a window that does not have a sizing border.
public const int HTBORDER = 18;
/// In a Minimize button.
public const int HTREDUCE = HTMINBUTTON;
/// In a Maximize button.
public const int HTZOOM = HTMAXBUTTON;
public const int HTSIZEFIRST = HTLEFT;
public const int HTOBJECT = 19;
/// In a Close button.
public const int HTCLOSE = 20;
/// In a Help button.
public const int HTHELP = 21;