using System;
namespace Microsoft.Win32
public static partial class NativeMethods
/// The DisconnectEx function closes a connection on a socket, and allows the socket handle to be reused.Note This function is a Microsoft-specific extension to the Windows Sockets specification.
/// A handle to a connected, connection-oriented socket.
/// A pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure. If the socket handle has been opened as overlapped, specifying this parameter results in an overlapped (asynchronous) I/O operation.
/// A set of flags that customizes processing of the function call. When this parameter is set to zero, no flags are set. The dwFlags parameter can have the following value.
/// Reserved. Must be zero. If nonzero, WSAEINVAL is returned.
/// On success, the DisconnectEx function returns TRUE. On failure, the function returns FALSE. Use the WSAGetLastError function to get extended error information. If a call to the WSAGetLastError function returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, the operation initiated successfully and is in progress. Under such circumstances, the call may still fail when the operation completes.
public delegate bool LPFN_DISCONNECTEX(
IntPtr s,
IntPtr lpOverlapped,
int dwFlags,
int dwReserved