FLASHW.cs 1.1 KB

  1. namespace Microsoft.Win32
  2. {
  3. //FLASHW定义
  4. public static partial class NativeMethods
  5. {
  6. /// <summary>
  7. /// Stop flashing. The system restores the window to its original state.
  8. /// </summary>
  9. public const int FLASHW_STOP = 0x00000000;
  10. /// <summary>
  11. /// Flash the window caption.
  12. /// </summary>
  13. public const int FLASHW_CAPTION = 0x00000001;
  14. /// <summary>
  15. /// Flash the taskbar button.
  16. /// </summary>
  17. public const int FLASHW_TRAY = 0x00000002;
  18. /// <summary>
  19. /// Flash both the window caption and taskbar button. This is equivalent to setting the FLASHW_CAPTION | FLASHW_TRAY flags.
  20. /// </summary>
  21. public const int FLASHW_ALL = 0x00000003;
  22. /// <summary>
  23. /// Flash continuously, until the FLASHW_STOP flag is set.
  24. /// </summary>
  25. public const int FLASHW_TIMER = 0x00000004;
  26. /// <summary>
  27. /// Flash continuously until the window comes to the foreground.
  28. /// </summary>
  29. public const int FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 0x0000000C;
  30. }
  31. }