@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// components/questionnaire/questionnaire.js
+import $ from '../../utils/Tool';
+import {
+ queryQuestion,
+ submitAnswer,
+ notShowQuestion
+} from "../../requests/api";
+ /**
+ * 组件的属性列表
+ */
+ options: {
+ styleIsolation: 'shared',
+ },
+ properties: {
+ },
+ lifetimes: {
+ attached: function() {
+ this.queryDate();
+ // 在组件实例进入页面节点树时执行
+ },
+ detached: function() {
+ // 在组件实例被从页面节点树移除时执行
+ },
+ },
+ /**
+ * 组件的初始数据
+ */
+ data: {
+ startValue:0,
+ checked:[],
+ tipsshow:false,
+ dialogRadio:'2',
+ answer:false,
+ questionDate:[],
+ firstDate:{},
+ otherDate:[],
+ submitFlag:false,
+ },
+ /**
+ * 组件的方法列表
+ */
+ methods: {
+ preventTouchMove(){
+ },
+ emitClose(value){
+ this.triggerEvent('surveyClose',value?{good:true}:{good:false})
+ },
+ queryDate(){
+ let data={
+ "criteria":{
+ "type":0
+ }
+ }
+ queryQuestion(data).then(res=>{
+ const [firstDate,...otherDate]= res.content;
+ otherDate.forEach(v=>{
+ v.checked=[];
+ v.remark=false;
+ v.remarkTxt="";
+ })
+ this.setData({
+ firstDate:firstDate||{},
+ otherDate:otherDate||[],
+ questionDate:res.content||[]
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ inputChange(e){
+ let {index} = e.currentTarget.dataset;
+ let mText = 'otherDate['+ index +'].remarkTxt';
+ let {value} = e.detail;
+ this.setData({
+ [mText]:value
+ })
+ },
+ closePage(){
+ this.setData({
+ tipsshow:true
+ })
+ },
+ starChange(event){
+ let that =this;
+ if(event.detail!==5){
+ this.setData({
+ startValue: event.detail,
+ answer:true
+ });
+ }else{
+ this.setData({
+ startValue: event.detail,
+ submitFlag:true
+ },()=>{
+ that.submitFeed();
+ });
+ // this.emitClose(true);
+ }
+ },
+ selectChange(event){
+ let {index} = event.currentTarget.dataset;
+ let mText = 'otherDate['+ index +'].checked';
+ let remark = 'otherDate['+ index +'].remark';
+ let flag = event.detail.includes("12");
+ let that =this;
+ this.setData({
+ [mText]: event.detail,
+ [remark]:flag
+ },()=>{
+ if(flag){
+ wx.createSelectorQuery().in(that).select('#qus_listbox').boundingClientRect(function(rect){
+ that.setData({
+ textScroll:rect.height
+ })
+ }).exec()
+ }
+ let falg = that.data.otherDate.filter((item)=>{
+ return !item.checked.length
+ });
+ !falg.length?that.setData({submitFlag:true}):that.setData({submitFlag:false});
+ });
+ },
+ radioChange(event){
+ this.setData({
+ dialogRadio: event.detail,
+ });
+ },
+ closeDialog(){
+ this.setData({
+ tipsshow:false
+ })
+ },
+ async submitMsg(){
+ if(this.data.dialogRadio==1){
+ let {id} = $.store.get('userInfo');
+ let tenantId = $.store.get('tenantId');
+ let projectId = $.store.get('projectId');
+ let data={
+ "projectId":projectId,
+ "tenantId":tenantId,
+ "userId":id,
+ "startTime":this.data.firstDate.startTime,
+ "endTime":this.data.firstDate.endTime,
+ "isDisplay": false,
+ "seasonType":this.data.firstDate.seasonType
+ }
+ await notShowQuestion(data)
+ }
+ this.setData({
+ tipsshow:false
+ })
+ this.data.dialogRadio==1?this.emitClose(true):this.emitClose();
+ },
+ submitFeed(){
+ if(!this.data.submitFlag){
+ return
+ }
+ let falgRemark=true;
+ let {id,nickname,phone,userName}= $.store.get('userInfo');
+ let startTime = this.data.firstDate.startTime;
+ let endTime = this.data.firstDate.endTime;
+ let projectId= $.store.get('projectId');
+ let tenantId= $.store.get('tenantId');
+ let dateTemplate={
+ "projectId":projectId,//项目id
+ "tenantId":tenantId,
+ "seasonType":this.data.firstDate.seasonType||'Warm',//季节类型
+ "userId":id,//用户id
+ "nickName":nickname,//微信昵称
+ "phone":phone,//手机号
+ "userName":userName,//手机号
+ "type":"0",//类型 0 小程序
+ "startTime":startTime,//调查问卷开始时间
+ "endTime":endTime,//调查问卷结束时间
+ }
+ let firstDate={...dateTemplate};
+ let startIndex=5-this.data.startValue;
+ firstDate.questionId=this.data.firstDate.questionId;
+ firstDate.questionAnswerList=[{answerId: this.data.firstDate.questionAnswerList[startIndex].answerId}];
+ let data=[firstDate];
+ if(this.data.answer){
+ this.data.otherDate.forEach(item=>{
+ let otherdate={...dateTemplate};
+ otherdate.questionId=item.questionId;
+ otherdate.questionAnswerList=[];
+ item.checked.forEach(v=>{
+ let obj={};
+ obj.answerId=v;
+ if(item.remark&&v==12){
+ item.remarkTxt?(obj.remark=item.remarkTxt):(falgRemark=false);
+ }
+ otherdate.questionAnswerList.push(obj);
+ })
+ data.push(otherdate);
+ })
+ }
+ if(!falgRemark){
+ wx.showToast({
+ title:"其他选项不能为空",
+ icon:"none",
+ duration: 1000
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ submitAnswer(data).then(res=>{
+ let that =this;
+ this.setData({dialogRadio:1},()=>{
+ that.submitMsg();
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ }