@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+import $ from './../../utils/Tool'
+import router from './../../utils/router'
+import {getSetting,getLocation} from './../../utils/auth'
+const AUTH = require('../../utils/auth')
+import icons from "../../utils/icon"
+import {getPropertyData,submitAdjust,getCurrentSeason} from '../../requests/api';
+import Toast from '../../vant-weapp/dist/toast/toast';
+import {
+ userCheck,
+ powerCheck,
+ getEquipmentAction,
+ getfeedBack,
+ getSpacedetail,
+ openSpace,
+ workLeave,
+ contactTenant
+} from "../../requests/api";
+let timer=null;
+ /**
+ * 页面的初始数据
+ */
+ data: {
+ spaceDetail:null,
+ effectTime:-1,
+ statusList: icons.statusList,
+ spacestatusList:icons.spacestatusList,
+ spaceStatus: "",
+ spaceStatusId:null,
+ tempType: [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ value: "有点冷",
+ checked: false,
+ imgSrc: "../../static/images/cold.png"
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ value: "有点热",
+ checked: false,
+ imgSrc: "../../static/images/hot.png"
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ value: "太冷了",
+ checked: false,
+ imgSrc: "../../static/images/severityCold.png"
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4,
+ value: "太热了",
+ checked: false,
+ imgSrc: "../../static/images/severityHot.png"
+ },
+ ],
+ windType: [{
+ id: 5,
+ value: '风太大',
+ checked: false,
+ imgSrc: "../../static/images/severityWind.png"
+ }],
+ windTypeValue:-1,
+ tempTypeValue:-1,
+ currentIndex:-1,
+ StandardMode:true, //模式选择
+ envNamelist:$.store.get("envNamelist"),
+ imgbaseUrl:$.store.get("imgbaseUrl"),
+ headerShow:false,
+ pageHight:0,
+ guideInit:false,
+ guideStep:1,
+ longitude:null,
+ latitude:null,
+ feedBack:false, //控制反馈弹窗
+ targetTemp:null,
+ trunAction:false,
+ equipmentStatustext:'',
+ equipmentStatus:null,
+ willAvg:null,
+ tragetChart:[],
+ tragetChartcopy:[],
+ customPlan:[],
+ customPlancopy:null,
+ planTemp:null,
+ trunupAction:false, //开机提示框
+ secondIcon:0,
+ secondSpaceStatus:null,
+ chartIndex:null,
+ targetIndex:0,
+ singleOffice:false,
+ nextOpenTime:'',
+ bgSeasonType:null,
+ havePower:{
+ result:"fail",
+ message:""
+ },
+ picInitUrl:$.store.get("picInitUrl"),
+ },
+ goBack(){
+ router.pop()
+ },
+ changeMode(){
+ if(this.data.spaceDetail.isClose.toString()!=="true"){
+ this.setData({StandardMode:!this.data.StandardMode},()=>{
+ if(!this.data.StandardMode){
+ this.setData({effectTime:-1})
+ this.getChartDate();
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ toDetail(e){
+ if(Object.keys(e.currentTarget.dataset).length){
+ router.push("detail",e.currentTarget.dataset)
+ }else{
+ router.push("detail",{name:"温度",
+ localname:"温度",
+ param:"temperature",
+ funcid:"Tdb",
+ spaceid:this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ projectid:this.data.spaceDetail.projectId})
+ }
+ },
+ // 检查是否过引导
+ checkGuide(){
+ if(this.data.spaceDetail.isClose.toString()=="true"){
+ return
+ }
+ !$.storage.get('guideInit')&&this.getPageheight();
+ this.setData({'guideInit':!$.storage.get('guideInit')})
+ },
+ // 反馈数据
+ changeType(e) {
+ if(this.data.bgSeasonType=="Transition"){
+ wx.showModal({
+ title: '现在是过渡季不可调节',
+ showCancel: false,
+ confirmText:"我知道了",//默认是“确定”
+ // confirmColor: 'skyblue',//确定文字的颜色
+ success: function (res) {
+ },
+ fail: function (res) { },//接口调用失败的回调函数
+ complete: function (res) { },//接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)
+ })
+ return ;
+ }
+ if(this.data.havePower.result!=="success"){
+ Toast.fail(this.data.havePower.message);
+ return
+ }
+ var currentIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
+ if (e.currentTarget.dataset.type === "temp") {
+ this.setData({
+ tempTypeValue: currentIndex,
+ currentIndex:currentIndex,
+ feedBack:true
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.setData({
+ windTypeValue: currentIndex,
+ currentIndex:currentIndex,
+ feedBack:true
+ });
+ }
+ let data = {
+ "projectId":this.data.spaceDetail.projectId, //项目id
+ "objectId": this.data.spaceDetail.id, //空间id
+ "valueType": 1, //固定为1
+ "itemId": currentIndex,
+ "model":this.data.StandardMode?1:2,
+ userId:$.store.get('userId')
+ }
+ getEquipmentAction(data).then(res => {
+ this.setData({
+ equipmentStatus: res.equipmentStatus
+ });
+ let textMsg = "";
+ let textMsgarr=[];
+ this.data.equipmentStatus.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.actions) {
+ item.actions.forEach(items => {
+ let textMsgobj={};
+ textMsgobj.name=item.localName;
+ textMsgobj.actions=items;
+ textMsgarr.push(textMsgobj);
+ textMsg = textMsg + item.localName + '--' + items + ' ';
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ this.setData({
+ equipmentStatustext: textMsgarr
+ });
+ })
+ getfeedBack(data).then(res => {
+ let notice = res.notice ? res.notice.split('。') : [];
+ this.setData({
+ spaceStatus: res.spaceStatus,
+ spaceStatusId: res.icon - 1,
+ notice: notice,
+ willAvg:res.avg||'--',
+ });
+ this.buildContact();
+ })
+ },
+ // 建立租户关联
+ buildContact(){
+ let currentTenantId=$.storage.get('tenantId');
+ if(currentTenantId!==this.data.spaceDetail.tenantId){
+ // 通过扫码改变租户
+ $.store.set('projectId',this.data.spaceDetail.projectId);
+ $.store.set('tenantId',this.data.spaceDetail.tenantId);
+ $.store.set('changeTenantId',true);
+ $.storage.set('projectId',this.data.spaceDetail.projectId);
+ $.storage.set('tenantId',this.data.spaceDetail.tenantId);
+ }
+ const data={
+ "userId":$.store.get('userId'),//用户id
+ "projectId":this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,//项目id
+ "spaceId":this.data.spaceDetail.id,//空间id
+ "openId":$.store.get('openId'),
+ flag:1
+ }
+ contactTenant(data).then(res=>{
+ console.log("成功")
+ })
+ },
+ // 下班节能
+ turnDown(){
+ if(this.data.havePower.result!=="success"){
+ Toast.fail(this.data.havePower.message);
+ return
+ }
+ let data = {
+ model:1,
+ "projectId":this.data.spaceDetail.projectId, //项目id
+ "objectId":[this.data.spaceDetail.id], //空间id
+ userId:$.store.get('userId'),
+ nextOpenTime:this.data.spaceDetail.nextOpenTime||"",
+ }
+ workLeave(data).then(res=>{
+ this.setData({trunAction:true});
+ this.buildContact();
+ })
+ },
+ // 重新开启
+ turnUp(){
+ if(this.data.havePower.result!=="success"){
+ Toast.fail(this.data.havePower.message);
+ return
+ }
+ let data = {
+ "projectId":this.data.spaceDetail.projectId, //项目id
+ "objectId": this.data.spaceDetail.id, //空间id
+ model:1,
+ userId:$.store.get('userId')
+ }
+ openSpace(data).then(res=>{
+ this.setData({
+ secondSpaceStatus: res.spaceStatus,
+ secondNotice: res.notice,
+ secondIcon: res.icon,
+ trunupAction: true
+ });
+ this.buildContact();
+ })
+ },
+ commitClose(){
+ this.setData({trunupAction:false},()=>{
+ this.isfeeded(true);
+ this.getDetail();
+ })
+ },
+ knowClick(){
+ this.setData({feedBack:false,tempTypeValue:-1,windTypeValue:-1,},()=>{
+ this.isfeeded();
+ });
+ },
+ knowCloseClick(){
+ this.setData({feedBack:false,trunAction:false},()=>{
+ this.getDetail();
+ this.isfeeded(true);
+ });
+ },
+ // 获取容器高度
+ getPageheight:function(){
+ let that =this;
+ wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#j_page').boundingClientRect(function(rect){
+ that.setData({'pageHight':rect.height})
+ }).exec()
+ },
+ //使页面滚动到容器底部
+ pageScrollToBottom: function() {
+ wx.pageScrollTo({
+ scrollTop: this.data.pageHight
+ })
+ },
+ // 步骤引导函数
+ nextStep(e){
+ if(this.data.guideStep==2){
+ $.storage.set('guideInit',true);
+ this.setData({'guideInit':false})
+ }
+ this.setData({'guideStep':2})
+ this.pageScrollToBottom();
+ },
+ async isGetSetting(value) {
+ let {authSetting} = await getSetting();
+ if(authSetting['scope.userLocation']){
+ await this.getUserLocation();
+ }else{
+ wx.showModal({
+ title: '是否授权当前位置',
+ content: '需要获取您的地理位置,请确认授权',
+ confirmColor: '#f16765',
+ success: res => {
+ if (res.confirm) {
+ wx.openSetting({
+ success: async data => {
+ await this.getUserLocation();
+ value&&this.checkPower();
+ },
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.setData({havePower: {result: "fail",message: "未定位到您的位置"}})
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取位置信息
+ async getUserLocation(cb) {
+ var that = this;
+ let {latitude,longitude} = await getLocation();
+ this.setData({latitude,longitude});
+ },
+ // 是否有操作权限
+ async checkPower() {
+ await this.isGetSetting('cb');
+ const data = {
+ "criteria": {
+ "projectId":this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,
+ "spaceId": this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ "userId": $.store.get('userId'),
+ "tenantId": this.data.spaceDetail.tenantId,
+ "longitude": this.data.longitude,
+ "latitude": this.data.latitude
+ }
+ };
+ await powerCheck(data).then(res => {
+ this.setData({
+ havePower: res
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ // 获取实时曲线
+ async getChartDate(){
+ wx.showLoading({
+ title:"加载中"
+ });
+ let data={
+ projectId:this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,
+ spaceId:this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ funcid:'Tdb'
+ }
+ let res = await getPropertyData(data);
+ if(!res){
+ throw "网络错误";
+ }
+ let {propertyData,dayTarget}=res;
+ // 获取期望温度
+ this.getHopeTemp(dayTarget).then(()=>{
+ this.initDaytarget(dayTarget);
+ this.initChartdate(propertyData,dayTarget);
+ });
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ },
+ initChartdate(propertyData,dayTarget){
+ if(!propertyData&&!propertyData.length&&dayTarget&&!dayTarget.length){
+ return ;
+ }
+ // 目标 { time: "1951",release:0, sales: 38,标准区间: [ 25, 45 ] },
+ let baseArr=propertyData&&propertyData.slice(1) || [];
+ let tragetChart = [];
+ baseArr.forEach(item=>{
+ item[1] = (item[1]=="-9999")?null:item[1];
+ })
+ if(baseArr.length===dayTarget.length){
+ dayTarget.forEach((item,index)=>{
+ let time ='';
+ item.time&&(time = item.time.slice(0,2)+':'+item.time.slice(2,4));
+ item['temperatureMin']&&(item['temperatureMin']=Number(item['temperatureMin'].toFixed(1)));
+ item['temperatureMax']&&(item['temperatureMax']=Number(item['temperatureMax'].toFixed(1)));
+ let initObj={
+ time:time,
+ release:index,
+ sales:baseArr[index][1],
+ 标准区间:[item['temperatureMin'],item['temperatureMax']],
+ }
+ tragetChart.push(initObj);
+ })
+ }
+ this.setData({tragetChart,tragetChartcopy:tragetChart})
+ },
+ initDaytarget(value){
+ if(!value||!value.length){
+ return
+ }
+ let customPlan=[];
+ // 格式化单位 15px为1度 28 18
+ let lenpx=25;
+ value.forEach((item,index)=>{
+ if(item.time.slice(2,6)=="0000"){
+ let obj={};
+ obj.time=item.date+item.time;
+ obj.id=index;
+ obj.name=item.time.slice(0,2)+':'+item.time.slice(2,4);
+ obj.maxValue= item.temperatureMax;
+ obj.minValue = item.temperatureMin || 0;
+ obj.distance=(obj.maxValue-obj.minValue)|| 0;
+ obj.height=obj.distance*lenpx;
+ obj.planTemp=Number(((obj.maxValue+obj.minValue)/2).toFixed(1));
+ obj.y=(28 - obj.maxValue)*lenpx;
+ customPlan.push(obj)
+ }
+ })
+ this.setData({customPlancopy:this.copyobj(customPlan)})
+ },
+ getHopeTemp(value){
+ return new Promise((reslove,reject)=>{
+ if(!value||!value.length){
+ return
+ }
+ let data=new Date();
+ let hour = data.getHours();
+ let min = data.getMinutes();
+ let minIndex = Math.floor(min/15);
+ if(minIndex>=3){
+ hour = hour + 1;
+ min = 0;
+ }else{
+ min = (minIndex+1)*15;
+ }
+ let targetTime = (hour>=10?`${hour}`:`0${hour}`)+(min>=10?`${min}`:`0${min}`);
+ let isDatelist=[];
+ let targetTemp;
+ let targetIndex;
+ value.forEach((item,index)=>{
+ if(item.temperatureMax&&item.temperatureMin){
+ isDatelist.push(index)
+ }
+ if(item.time===`${targetTime}00`){
+ targetTemp= parseInt((item.temperatureMax + item.temperatureMin)/2);
+ targetIndex = index
+ }
+ })
+ if(targetTemp){
+ this.setData({targetTemp:targetTemp,targetIndex:targetIndex})
+ }else{
+ let index = isDatelist.pop();
+ targetTemp = parseInt((value[index].temperatureMax + value[index].temperatureMin)/2);
+ this.setData({targetTemp:targetTemp,targetIndex:targetIndex})
+ }
+ reslove();
+ })
+ // 获取当前时间最近的15分钟
+ },
+ // 更改即时调节选项
+ effectChange(event){
+ this.setData({
+ effectTime: event.detail,
+ },()=>{
+ let changeDate=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.tragetChartcopy));
+ if(event.detail==='1'){
+ let len = (this.data.targetIndex+8)>changeDate.length?changeDate.length:(this.data.targetIndex+8)
+ for(var i=this.data.targetIndex;i<len;i++){
+ changeDate[i].sales = this.data.targetTemp;
+ changeDate[i]['标准区间'] =[changeDate[i].sales-1,changeDate[i].sales+1];
+ }
+ }else if(event.detail==='2'){
+ let len = changeDate.length;
+ for(var i=this.data.targetIndex;i<len;i++){
+ changeDate[i].sales = this.data.targetTemp;
+ changeDate[i]['标准区间'] =[changeDate[i].sales-1,changeDate[i].sales+1];
+ }
+ }else{
+ let len = (this.data.targetIndex+4)>changeDate.length?changeDate.length:(this.data.targetIndex+4);
+ let start = (this.data.targetIndex-4)<0?0:(this.data.targetIndex-4);
+ for(var i=start;i<len;i++){
+ changeDate[i].sales = this.data.targetTemp;
+ changeDate[i]['标准区间'] =[changeDate[i].sales-1,changeDate[i].sales+1];
+ }
+ }
+ this.setData({tragetChart:changeDate});
+ });
+ },
+ // 加期望温度
+ addClick(){
+ let tepNum=this.data.targetTemp;
+ let firstNum = tepNum.toString().split('.')[0]
+ let lastNum = tepNum.toString().split('.')[1]
+ if(lastNum>=5){
+ this.setData({targetTemp:Number(firstNum)+1})
+ }else{
+ this.setData({targetTemp:Number(firstNum)+0.5})
+ }
+ },
+ // 减期望温度
+ minusClick(){
+ let tepNum=this.data.targetTemp;
+ let firstNum = tepNum.toString().split('.')[0]
+ let lastNum = tepNum.toString().split('.')[1]
+ if(lastNum>5){
+ this.setData({targetTemp:Number(firstNum)+0.5})
+ }else if(lastNum<=5){
+ this.setData({targetTemp:Number(firstNum)})
+ }else{
+ this.setData({targetTemp:Number(firstNum)-0.5})
+ }
+ },
+ // 修改期望温度
+ taboneSubmit(){
+ if(this.data.havePower.result!=="success"){
+ Toast.fail(this.data.havePower.message);
+ return
+ }
+ if(!this.data.effectTime||this.data.effectTime<0){
+ wx.showToast({
+ title:"未选择保持时间",
+ icon:"none",
+ duration: 1500
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ const data={
+ "projectId": this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,
+ "objectId": this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ "valueType": 2,
+ "model":2,
+ "durationType":this.data.effectTime || '',
+ "value":this.data.targetTemp
+ }
+ submitAdjust(data).then(res=>{
+ if(res.result="success"){
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ wx.showToast({
+ title:"提交成功",
+ duration: 2000
+ })
+ }, 300)
+ }
+ this.setData({effectTime:-1})
+ this.buildContact();
+ this.getChartDate();
+ })
+ },
+ // 修改全天温度
+ tabtwoSubmit(){
+ if(this.data.havePower.result!=="success"){
+ Toast.fail(this.data.havePower.message);
+ return
+ }
+ let customPlan = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.customPlan));
+ customPlan.forEach(item=>{
+ delete item.id;
+ delete item.name;
+ delete item.planTemp;
+ delete item.y;
+ delete item.height;
+ delete item.distance;
+ })
+ const data={
+ "projectId": this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,
+ "objectId": this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ "valueType": 3,
+ "model":2,
+ "value":this.data.targetTemp,
+ "customPlan":customPlan
+ }
+ submitAdjust(data).then(res=>{
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ wx.showToast({
+ title:"提交成功",
+ duration: 2000
+ })
+ }, 300)
+ this.buildContact();
+ this.getChartDate();
+ })
+ },
+ showTips(){
+ wx.showModal({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '非工作时间如需使用空调,或遇特殊问题,请联系环境管理员',
+ showCancel:false,
+ success: function (res) {
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ chartChange(e){
+ let y =e.detail.y;
+ this.throttle(this.updateChart(y,e),500)
+ },
+ preventTouchMove: function () {
+ return
+ },
+ updateChart(y,e){
+ let lenpx=25;
+ let planTempMax = 28 - y/lenpx;
+ let {index,distance} =e.currentTarget.dataset;
+ let planTemp = Number(((planTempMax*2 - distance)/2).toFixed(1));
+ let target=`customPlan[${index}].y`;
+ let targetplan=`customPlan[${index}].planTemp`;
+ let targetTempMax=`customPlan[${index}].maxValue`;
+ let targetTempMin=`customPlan[${index}].minValue`;
+ this.setData({[target]:y,[targetplan]:planTemp,chartIndex:index,[targetTempMax]:planTempMax,[targetTempMin]:planTempMax-2});
+ },
+ throttle(func, delay) {
+ let prev = Date.now();
+ return function() {
+ let context = this;
+ let args = arguments;
+ let now = Date.now();
+ if (now - prev >= delay) {
+ func.apply(context, args);
+ prev = Date.now();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ fillZore(value) {
+ if (value < 10) {
+ value = 0 + value
+ }
+ return value
+ },
+ formatTimeall(value) {
+ let stringValue;
+ const date = new Date();
+ var nowMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
+ let nowDay = date.getDate();
+ let torrowDay = new Date(date);
+ torrowDay.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
+ let torrowMonth = torrowDay.getMonth() + 1;
+ nowDay = this.fillZore(nowDay);
+ nowMonth = this.fillZore(nowMonth);
+ torrowMonth = this.fillZore(torrowMonth);
+ if (nowMonth == value.substring(4, 6) || torrowMonth == value.substring(4, 6)) {
+ if (value.substring(6, 8) == nowDay) {
+ stringValue = "今日"
+ }
+ let torrowVlue = torrowDay.getDate();
+ torrowVlue = this.fillZore(torrowVlue);
+ if (value.substring(6, 8) == torrowVlue) {
+ stringValue = "明日"
+ }
+ }
+ if (stringValue) {
+ stringValue = stringValue + `${value.substring(8,10)}:${value.substring(10,12)}`
+ } else {
+ stringValue = `${value.substring(4,6)}月${value.substring(6,8)}日${value.substring(8,10)}:${value.substring(10,12)}`
+ }
+ return stringValue
+ },
+ isfeeded(value){
+ !value&&router.pop();
+ },
+ copyobj(a){
+ var c={};
+ c=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
+ return c;
+ },
+ tabChange(event){
+ let that = this;
+ if(event.detail.name==1){
+ that.setData({customPlan:null,chartIndex:null},()=>{
+ that.setData({customPlan:this.copyobj(this.data.customPlancopy)})
+ })
+ }else{
+ this.setData({effectTime:-1})
+ this.getChartDate();
+ }
+ },
+ getnowSeason(){
+ let day = new Date();
+ let year = day.getFullYear();
+ let month = day.getMonth() + 1;
+ let today = day.getDate();
+ const data={
+ projectId:this.data.spaceDetail.projectId,
+ date:`${year}${month}${today}`
+ }
+ getCurrentSeason(data).then(res=>{
+ if(res.result=="success"){
+ this.setData({bgSeasonType:res.data})
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ /**
+ * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+ */
+ onLoad: function (options) {
+ options = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options)));
+ if(options.md1){
+ this.getDetail(options.md1);
+ }else{
+ this.setData({spaceDetail:options},()=>{
+ this.checkGuide();
+ this.getnowSeason();
+ if(this.data.spaceDetail.roomFuncType&&this.data.spaceDetail.roomFuncType.startsWith("31")){
+ this.setData({singleOffice:true})
+ }
+ this.checkPower();
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ async getDetail(value){
+ let data;
+ if(value){
+ let projectId = 'Pj' + value.substring(2, 12);
+ this.setData({spaceId:value,projectId:projectId});
+ data= {
+ criteria: {
+ "spaceId": value,
+ "userId": $.store.get('userId'),
+ "projectId": projectId
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ data= {
+ criteria: {
+ "spaceId": this.data.spaceDetail.id,
+ "userId": $.store.get('userId'),
+ "projectId": this.data.spaceDetail.projectId
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wx.showLoading();
+ let res = await getSpacedetail(data);
+ wx.hideLoading();
+ let {content} = res;
+ this.setData({spaceDetail:content[0]},()=>{
+ this.checkGuide();
+ this.getnowSeason();
+ if(this.data.spaceDetail.nextOpenTime){
+ let value = this.formatTimeall(this.data.spaceDetail.nextOpenTime);
+ this.setData({nextOpenTime:value})
+ }
+ if(this.data.spaceDetail.roomFuncType&&this.data.spaceDetail.roomFuncType.startsWith("31")){
+ this.setData({singleOffice:true})
+ }
+ });
+ $.storage.get("wxqcode")&&$.storage.set("wxqcode",'');
+ // 判断是否可以调节
+ await this.checkPower();
+ },
+ /**
+ * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
+ */
+ onReady: function () {
+ setTimeout(()=>{
+ this.setData({'headerShow':true})
+ },500)
+ },