@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+(function() {
+ function B(a) { console.log("$f.fireEvent", [].slice.call(a)) }
+ function y(a) { if (!a || typeof a != "object") return a; var d = new a.constructor; for (var c in a)
+ if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) d[c] = y(a[c]);
+ return d }
+ function o(a, d) { if (a) { var c, p = 0,
+ f = a.length; if (f === undefined)
+ for (c in a) { if (d.call(a[c], c, a[c]) === false) break } else
+ for (c = a[0]; p < f && d.call(c, p, c) !== false; c = a[++p]); return a } }
+ function s(a) { return document.getElementById(a) }
+ function w(a, d, c) {
+ if (typeof d != "object") return a;
+ a && d && o(d, function(p, f) {
+ if (!c ||
+ typeof f != "function") a[p] = f
+ });
+ return a
+ }
+ function z(a) { var d = a.indexOf("."); if (d != -1) { var c = a.substring(0, d) || "*",
+ p = a.substring(d + 1, a.length),
+ f = [];
+ o(document.getElementsByTagName(c), function() { this.className && this.className.indexOf(p) != -1 && f.push(this) }); return f } }
+ function E(a) { a = a || window.event; if (a.preventDefault) { a.stopPropagation();
+ a.preventDefault() } else { a.returnValue = false;
+ a.cancelBubble = true } return false }
+ function i(a, d, c) { a[d] = a[d] || [];
+ a[d].push(c) }
+ function v() {
+ return "_" + ("" + Math.random()).substring(2,
+ 10)
+ }
+ function n(a, d, c) {
+ function p() {
+ function g(k) {!f.isLoaded() && f._fireEvent("onBeforeClick") !== false && f.load(); return E(k) }
+ if ($f(a)) { $f(a).getParent().innerHTML = "";
+ F = $f(a).getIndex();
+ t[F] = f } else { t.push(f);
+ F = t.length - 1 }
+ L = parseInt(a.style.height, 10) || a.clientHeight;
+ if (typeof d == "string") d = { src: d };
+ A = a.id || "fp" + v();
+ G = d.id || A + "_api";
+ d.id = G;
+ c.playerId = A;
+ if (typeof c == "string") c = { clip: { url: c } };
+ if (typeof c.clip == "string") c.clip = { url: c.clip };
+ c.clip = c.clip || {};
+ if (a.getAttribute("href", 2) && !c.clip.url) c.clip.url =
+ a.getAttribute("href", 2);
+ h = new e(c.clip, -1, f);
+ c.playlist = c.playlist || [c.clip];
+ var q = 0;
+ o(c.playlist, function() { var k = this; if (typeof k == "object" && k.length) k = { url: "" + k };
+ o(c.clip, function(u, C) { if (C !== undefined && k[u] === undefined && typeof C != "function") k[u] = C });
+ c.playlist[q] = k;
+ k = new e(k, q, f);
+ j.push(k);
+ q++ });
+ o(c, function(k, u) { if (typeof u == "function") { h[k] ? h[k](u) : i(x, k, u);
+ delete c[k] } });
+ o(c.plugins, function(k, u) { if (u) r[k] = new l(k, u, f) });
+ if (!c.plugins || c.plugins.controls === undefined) r.controls = new l("controls",
+ null, f);
+ r.canvas = new l("canvas", null, f);
+ d.bgcolor = d.bgcolor || "#000000";
+ d.version = d.version || [9, 0];
+ d.expressInstall = "http://www.flowplayer.org/swf/expressinstall.swf";
+ D = a.innerHTML;
+ if (D.replace(/\s/g, "") !== "")
+ if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener("click", g, false);
+ else a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("onclick", g);
+ else { a.addEventListener && a.addEventListener("click", E, false);
+ f.load() }
+ }
+ var f = this,
+ m = null,
+ D, h, j = [],
+ r = {},
+ x = {},
+ A, G, F, J, M, L;
+ w(f, {
+ id: function() { return A },
+ isLoaded: function() { return m !== null },
+ getParent: function() { return a },
+ hide: function(g) { if (g) a.style.height = "0px"; if (m) m.style.height = "0px"; return f },
+ show: function() { a.style.height = L + "px"; if (m) m.style.height = M + "px"; return f },
+ isHidden: function() { return m && parseInt(m.style.height, 10) === 0 },
+ load: function(g) { if (!m && f._fireEvent("onBeforeLoad") !== false) { o(t, function() { this.unload() }); if ((D = a.innerHTML) && !flashembed.isSupported(d.version)) a.innerHTML = "";
+ flashembed(a, d, { config: c }); if (g) { g.cached = true;
+ i(x, "onLoad", g) } } return f },
+ unload: function() {
+ if (D.replace(/\s/g, "") !== "") {
+ if (f._fireEvent("onBeforeUnload") ===
+ false) return f;
+ try { if (m) { m.fp_close();
+ f._fireEvent("onUnload") } } catch (g) {}
+ m = null;
+ a.innerHTML = D
+ }
+ return f
+ },
+ getClip: function(g) { if (g === undefined) g = J; return j[g] },
+ getCommonClip: function() { return h },
+ getPlaylist: function() { return j },
+ getPlugin: function(g) { var q = r[g]; if (!q && f.isLoaded()) { var k = f._api().fp_getPlugin(g); if (k) { q = new l(g, k, f);
+ r[g] = q } } return q },
+ getScreen: function() { return f.getPlugin("screen") },
+ getControls: function() { return f.getPlugin("controls") },
+ getConfig: function(g) { return g ? y(c) : c },
+ getFlashParams: function() { return d },
+ loadPlugin: function(g, q, k, u) { if (typeof k == "function") { u = k;
+ k = {} } var C = u ? v() : "_";
+ f._api().fp_loadPlugin(g, q, k, C);
+ q = {};
+ q[C] = u;
+ u = new l(g, null, f, q); return r[g] = u },
+ getState: function() { return m ? m.fp_getState() : -1 },
+ play: function(g, q) {
+ function k() { g !== undefined ? f._api().fp_play(g, q) : f._api().fp_play() }
+ m ? k() : f.load(function() { k() }); return f },
+ getVersion: function() { if (m) { var g = m.fp_getVersion();
+ g.push("flowplayer.js 3.1.4"); return g } return "flowplayer.js 3.1.4" },
+ _api: function() {
+ if (!m) throw "Flowplayer " + f.id() +
+ " not loaded when calling an API method";
+ return m
+ },
+ setClip: function(g) { f.setPlaylist([g]); return f },
+ getIndex: function() { return F }
+ });
+ o("Click*,Load*,Unload*,Keypress*,Volume*,Mute*,Unmute*,PlaylistReplace,ClipAdd,Fullscreen*,FullscreenExit,Error,MouseOver,MouseOut".split(","), function() { var g = "on" + this; if (g.indexOf("*") != -1) { g = g.substring(0, g.length - 1); var q = "onBefore" + g.substring(2);
+ f[q] = function(k) { i(x, q, k); return f } }
+ f[g] = function(k) { i(x, g, k); return f } });
+ o("pause,resume,mute,unmute,stop,toggle,seek,getStatus,getVolume,setVolume,getTime,isPaused,isPlaying,startBuffering,stopBuffering,isFullscreen,toggleFullscreen,reset,close,setPlaylist,addClip,playFeed".split(","),
+ function() { var g = this;
+ f[g] = function(q, k) { if (!m) return f; var u = null;
+ u = q !== undefined && k !== undefined ? m["fp_" + g](q, k) : q === undefined ? m["fp_" + g]() : m["fp_" + g](q); return u === "undefined" || u === undefined ? f : u } });
+ f._fireEvent = function(g) {
+ if (typeof g == "string") g = [g];
+ var q = g[0],
+ k = g[1],
+ u = g[2],
+ C = g[3],
+ H = 0;
+ c.debug && B(g);
+ if (!m && q == "onLoad" && k == "player") { m = m || s(G);
+ M = m.clientHeight;
+ o(j, function() { this._fireEvent("onLoad") });
+ o(r, function(N, K) { K._fireEvent("onUpdate") });
+ h._fireEvent("onLoad") }
+ if (!(q == "onLoad" && k != "player")) {
+ if (q ==
+ "onError")
+ if (typeof k == "string" || typeof k == "number" && typeof u == "number") { k = u;
+ u = C }
+ if (q == "onContextMenu") o(c.contextMenu[k], function(N, K) { K.call(f) });
+ else if (q == "onPluginEvent") { if (C = r[k.name || k]) { C._fireEvent("onUpdate", k);
+ C._fireEvent(u, g.slice(3)) } } else {
+ if (q == "onPlaylistReplace") { j = []; var O = 0;
+ o(k, function() { j.push(new e(this, O++, f)) }) }
+ if (q == "onClipAdd") { if (k.isInStream) return;
+ k = new e(k, u, f);
+ j.splice(u, 0, k); for (H = u + 1; H < j.length; H++) j[H].index++ }
+ var I = true;
+ if (typeof k == "number" && k < j.length) {
+ J = k;
+ if (g =
+ j[k]) I = g._fireEvent(q, u, C);
+ if (!g || I !== false) I = h._fireEvent(q, u, C, g)
+ }
+ o(x[q], function() { I = this.call(f, k, u);
+ this.cached && x[q].splice(H, 1); if (I === false) return false;
+ H++ });
+ return I
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typeof a == "string" ? flashembed.domReady(function() { var g = s(a); if (g) { a = g;
+ p() } else throw "Flowplayer cannot access element: " + a; }) : p()
+ }
+ function b(a) { this.length = a.length;
+ this.each = function(d) { o(a, d) };
+ this.size = function() { return a.length } }
+ var e = function(a, d, c) {
+ var p = this,
+ f = {},
+ m = {};
+ p.index = d;
+ if (typeof a == "string") a = { url: a };
+ w(this,
+ a, true);
+ o("Begin*,Start,Pause*,Resume*,Seek*,Stop*,Finish*,LastSecond,Update,BufferFull,BufferEmpty,BufferStop".split(","), function() { var h = "on" + this; if (h.indexOf("*") != -1) { h = h.substring(0, h.length - 1); var j = "onBefore" + h.substring(2);
+ p[j] = function(r) { i(m, j, r); return p } }
+ p[h] = function(r) { i(m, h, r); return p }; if (d == -1) { if (p[j]) c[j] = p[j]; if (p[h]) c[h] = p[h] } });
+ w(this, {
+ onCuepoint: function(h, j) {
+ if (arguments.length == 1) { f.embedded = [null, h]; return p }
+ if (typeof h == "number") h = [h];
+ var r = v();
+ f[r] = [h, j];
+ c.isLoaded() &&
+ c._api().fp_addCuepoints(h, d, r);
+ return p
+ },
+ update: function(h) { w(p, h);
+ c.isLoaded() && c._api().fp_updateClip(h, d); var j = c.getConfig();
+ w(d == -1 ? j.clip : j.playlist[d], h, true) },
+ _fireEvent: function(h, j, r, x) {
+ if (h == "onLoad") { o(f, function(F, J) { J[0] && c._api().fp_addCuepoints(J[0], d, F) }); return false }
+ x = x || p;
+ if (h == "onCuepoint") { var A = f[j]; if (A) return A[1].call(c, x, r) }
+ if (j && "onBeforeBegin,onMetaData,onStart,onUpdate,onResume".indexOf(h) != -1) {
+ w(x, j);
+ if (j.metaData)
+ if (x.duration) x.fullDuration = j.metaData.duration;
+ else x.duration =
+ j.metaData.duration
+ }
+ var G = true;
+ o(m[h], function() { G = this.call(c, x, j, r) });
+ return G
+ }
+ });
+ if (a.onCuepoint) { var D = a.onCuepoint;
+ p.onCuepoint.apply(p, typeof D == "function" ? [D] : D);
+ delete a.onCuepoint }
+ o(a, function(h, j) { if (typeof j == "function") { i(m, h, j);
+ delete a[h] } });
+ if (d == -1) c.onCuepoint = this.onCuepoint
+ },
+ l = function(a, d, c, p) {
+ var f = {},
+ m = this,
+ D = false;
+ p && w(f, p);
+ o(d, function(h, j) { if (typeof j == "function") { f[h] = j;
+ delete d[h] } });
+ w(this, {
+ animate: function(h, j, r) {
+ if (!h) return m;
+ if (typeof j == "function") { r = j;
+ j = 500 }
+ if (typeof h ==
+ "string") { var x = h;
+ h = {};
+ h[x] = j;
+ j = 500 }
+ if (r) { var A = v();
+ f[A] = r }
+ if (j === undefined) j = 500;
+ d = c._api().fp_animate(a, h, j, A);
+ return m
+ },
+ css: function(h, j) { if (j !== undefined) { var r = {};
+ r[h] = j;
+ h = r }
+ d = c._api().fp_css(a, h);
+ w(m, d); return m },
+ show: function() { this.display = "block";
+ c._api().fp_showPlugin(a); return m },
+ hide: function() { this.display = "none";
+ c._api().fp_hidePlugin(a); return m },
+ toggle: function() { this.display = c._api().fp_togglePlugin(a); return m },
+ fadeTo: function(h, j, r) {
+ if (typeof j == "function") { r = j;
+ j = 500 }
+ if (r) {
+ var x =
+ v();
+ f[x] = r
+ }
+ this.display = c._api().fp_fadeTo(a, h, j, x);
+ this.opacity = h;
+ return m
+ },
+ fadeIn: function(h, j) { return m.fadeTo(1, h, j) },
+ fadeOut: function(h, j) { return m.fadeTo(0, h, j) },
+ getName: function() { return a },
+ getPlayer: function() { return c },
+ _fireEvent: function(h, j) {
+ if (h == "onUpdate") {
+ var r = c._api().fp_getPlugin(a);
+ if (!r) return;
+ w(m, r);
+ delete m.methods;
+ if (!D) {
+ o(r.methods, function() { var x = "" + this;
+ m[x] = function() { var A = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ A = c._api().fp_invoke(a, x, A); return A === "undefined" || A === undefined ? m : A } });
+ D = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (r = f[h]) { r.apply(m, j);
+ h.substring(0, 1) == "_" && delete f[h] }
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ t = [];
+ window.flowplayer = window.$f = function() {
+ var a = null,
+ d = arguments[0];
+ if (!arguments.length) { o(t, function() { if (this.isLoaded()) { a = this; return false } }); return a || t[0] }
+ if (arguments.length == 1)
+ if (typeof d == "number") return t[d];
+ else { if (d == "*") return new b(t);
+ o(t, function() { if (this.id() == d.id || this.id() == d || this.getParent() == d) { a = this; return false } }); return a }
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ var c = arguments[1],
+ p = arguments.length == 3 ? arguments[2] : {};
+ if (typeof d == "string")
+ if (d.indexOf(".") != -1) { var f = [];
+ o(z(d), function() { f.push(new n(this, y(c), y(p))) }); return new b(f) } else { var m = s(d); return new n(m !== null ? m : d, c, p) }
+ else if (d) return new n(d, c, p)
+ }
+ return null
+ };
+ w(window.$f, { fireEvent: function() { var a = [].slice.call(arguments),
+ d = $f(a[0]); return d ? d._fireEvent(a.slice(1)) : null }, addPlugin: function(a, d) { n.prototype[a] = d; return $f }, each: o, extend: w });
+ if (typeof jQuery == "function") jQuery.prototype.flowplayer = function(a, d) {
+ if (!arguments.length || typeof arguments[0] ==
+ "number") { var c = [];
+ this.each(function() { var p = $f(this);
+ p && c.push(p) }); return arguments.length ? c[arguments[0]] : new b(c) }
+ return this.each(function() { $f(this, y(a), d ? y(d) : {}) })
+ }
+(function() {
+ function B() { if (n.done) return false; var b = document; if (b && b.getElementsByTagName && b.getElementById && b.body) { clearInterval(n.timer);
+ n.timer = null; for (b = 0; b < n.ready.length; b++) n.ready[b].call();
+ n.ready = null;
+ n.done = true } }
+ function y(b, e) { if (e)
+ for (key in e)
+ if (e.hasOwnProperty(key)) b[key] = e[key];
+ return b }
+ function o(b) {
+ switch (s(b)) {
+ case "string":
+ b = b.replace(new RegExp('(["\\\\])', "g"), "\\$1");
+ b = b.replace(/^\s?(\d+)%/, "$1pct");
+ return '"' + b + '"';
+ case "array":
+ return "[" + w(b, function(t) { return o(t) }).join(",") +
+ "]";
+ case "function":
+ return '"function()"';
+ case "object":
+ var e = [];
+ for (var l in b) b.hasOwnProperty(l) && e.push('"' + l + '":' + o(b[l]));
+ return "{" + e.join(",") + "}"
+ }
+ return String(b).replace(/\s/g, " ").replace(/\'/g, '"')
+ }
+ function s(b) { if (b === null || b === undefined) return false; var e = typeof b; return e == "object" && b.push ? "array" : e }
+ function w(b, e) { var l = []; for (var t in b)
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(t)) l[t] = e(b[t]);
+ return l }
+ function z(b, e) {
+ var l = y({}, b),
+ t = document.all;
+ b = '<object width="' + l.width + '" height="' + l.height + '"';
+ if (t &&
+ !l.id) l.id = "_" + ("" + Math.random()).substring(9);
+ if (l.id) b += ' id="' + l.id + '"';
+ if (l.cachebusting) l.src += (l.src.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + Math.random();
+ b += l.w3c || !t ? ' data="' + l.src + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"' : ' classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"';
+ b += ">";
+ if (l.w3c || t) b += '<param name="movie" value="' + l.src + '" />';
+ l.width = l.height = l.id = l.w3c = l.src = null;
+ for (var a in l)
+ if (l[a] !== null) b += '<param name="' + a + '" value="' + l[a] + '" />';
+ a = "";
+ if (e) {
+ for (var d in e)
+ if (e[d] !== null) a += d + "=" +
+ (typeof e[d] == "object" ? o(e[d]) : e[d]) + "&";
+ a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1);
+ b += '<param name="flashvars" value=\'' + a + "' />"
+ }
+ b += "</object>";
+ return b
+ }
+ function E(b, e, l) {
+ var t = flashembed.getVersion();
+ y(this, { getContainer: function() { return b }, getConf: function() { return e }, getVersion: function() { return t }, getFlashvars: function() { return l }, getApi: function() { return b.firstChild }, getHTML: function() { return z(e, l) } });
+ var a = e.version,
+ d = e.expressInstall,
+ c = !a || flashembed.isSupported(a);
+ if (c) {
+ e.onFail = e.version = e.expressInstall =
+ null;
+ b.innerHTML = z(e, l)
+ } else if (a && d && flashembed.isSupported([6, 65])) { y(e, { src: d });
+ l = { MMredirectURL: location.href, MMplayerType: "PlugIn", MMdoctitle: document.title };
+ b.innerHTML = z(e, l) } else if (b.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g, "") === "") {
+ b.innerHTML = "<h2>Flash version " + a + " or greater is required</h2><h3>" + (t[0] > 0 ? "Your version is " + t : "You have no flash plugin installed") + "</h3>" + (b.tagName == "A" ? "<p>Click here to download latest version</p>" : "<p>Download latest version from <a href='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer'>here</a></p>");
+ if (b.tagName == "A") b.onclick = function() { location.href = "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" }
+ }
+ if (!c && e.onFail) { a = e.onFail.call(this); if (typeof a == "string") b.innerHTML = a }
+ if (document.all) window[e.id] = document.getElementById(e.id)
+ }
+ var i = typeof jQuery == "function",
+ v = { width: "100%", height: "100%", allowfullscreen: true, allowscriptaccess: "always", quality: "high", version: null, onFail: null, expressInstall: null, w3c: false, cachebusting: false };
+ if (i) {
+ jQuery.tools = jQuery.tools || {};
+ jQuery.tools.flashembed = {
+ version: "1.0.4",
+ conf: v
+ }
+ }
+ var n = i ? jQuery : function(b) { if (n.done) return b(); if (n.timer) n.ready.push(b);
+ else { n.ready = [b];
+ n.timer = setInterval(B, 13) } };
+ window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() { __flash_unloadHandler = function() {};
+ __flash_savedUnloadHandler = function() {} });
+ window.flashembed = function(b, e, l) { if (typeof b == "string") { var t = document.getElementById(b); if (t) b = t;
+ else { n(function() { flashembed(b, e, l) }); return } } if (b) { if (typeof e == "string") e = { src: e };
+ t = y({}, v);
+ y(t, e); return new E(b, t, l) } };
+ y(window.flashembed, {
+ getVersion: function() {
+ var b = [0, 0];
+ if (navigator.plugins && typeof navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] == "object") { var e = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description; if (typeof e != "undefined") { e = e.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1");
+ b = parseInt(e.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10);
+ e = /r/.test(e) ? parseInt(e.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0;
+ b = [b, e] } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ try { e = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7") } catch (l) {
+ try {
+ e = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
+ b = [6, 0];
+ e.AllowScriptAccess = "always"
+ } catch (t) { if (b[0] == 6) return b }
+ try { e = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash") } catch (a) {}
+ }
+ if (typeof e == "object") { e = e.GetVariable("$version"); if (typeof e != "undefined") { e = e.replace(/^\S+\s+(.*)$/, "$1").split(",");
+ b = [parseInt(e[0], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10)] } }
+ }
+ return b
+ },
+ isSupported: function(b) { var e = flashembed.getVersion(); return e[0] > b[0] || e[0] == b[0] && e[1] >= b[1] },
+ domReady: n,
+ asString: o,
+ getHTML: z
+ });
+ if (i) jQuery.fn.flashembed = function(b, e) {
+ var l = null;
+ this.each(function() {
+ l =
+ flashembed(this, b, e)
+ });
+ return b.api === false ? this : l
+ }
+(function() {
+ function B() { if (!i) { i = true; if (v) { for (var n = 0; n < v.length; n++) v[n].call(window, []);
+ v = [] } } }
+ function y(n) { var b = window.onload;
+ window.onload = typeof window.onload != "function" ? n : function() { b && b();
+ n() } }
+ function o() {
+ if (!E) {
+ E = true;
+ document.addEventListener && !z.opera && document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B, false);
+ z.msie && window == top && function() { if (!i) { try { document.documentElement.doScroll("left") } catch (b) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return }
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+ n ? setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0) : B()
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+ DomReady.ready(s);
+ B.html5media = s
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