@@ -1,285 +1,292 @@
- <el-dialog
- title='修改BIM模型中的坐标'
- v-if='dialog.bimcode'
- custom-class='custom-dialog'
- :visible.sync='dialog.bimcode'
- width='900px'
- @close='handleClose'
- >
- <div id='bim-code' v-if='Object.keys(bimcodeobj).length>0'>
- <div class='eq'>
- <span class='eq-name'>设备名称 </span>
- {{bimcodeobj.EquipLocalName || bimcodeobj.EquipName|| '--'}}
- </div>
- <div>
- <noAllDataFloor @change='changeFloor' ref='floors' @getFloorMap='getFloorMap'></noAllDataFloor>
- <span v-if='isShow' class='errMsg'>请选择设备所属建筑楼层</span>
- </div>
- <div class='canvas-box' v-loading='canvasLoading'>
- <canvas v-show='isdata' :id='`floorCanvas${id}`' :width='cadWidth' :height='cadHeight' ref='canvas' tabindex='0'></canvas>
- <p v-show='!isdata'>当前楼层暂无平面图,请前往“建筑楼层管理”中给楼层添加平面图</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div slot='footer' class='footer'>
- <el-button @click='handleClose'>取 消</el-button>
- <el-button type='primary' @click='save'>确 定</el-button>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
+ <el-dialog
+ title='修改BIM模型中的坐标'
+ v-if='dialog.bimcode'
+ custom-class='custom-dialog'
+ :visible.sync='dialog.bimcode'
+ width='900px'
+ @close='handleClose'
+ >
+ <div id='bim-code' v-if='Object.keys(bimcodeobj).length>0'>
+ <div class='eq'>
+ <span class='eq-name'>设备名称 </span>
+ {{ bimcodeobj.EquipLocalName || bimcodeobj.EquipName || '--' }}
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <noAllDataFloor @change='changeFloor' ref='floors' @getFloorMap='getFloorMap'></noAllDataFloor>
+ <span v-if='isShow' class='errMsg'>请选择设备所属建筑楼层</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class='canvas-box' v-loading='canvasLoading'>
+ <canvas v-show='isdata' :id='`floorCanvas${id}`' :width='cadWidth' :height='cadHeight' ref='canvas'
+ tabindex='0'></canvas>
+ <p v-show='!isdata'>当前楼层暂无平面图,请前往“建筑楼层管理”中给楼层添加平面图</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div slot='footer' class='footer'>
+ <el-button @click='handleClose'>取 消</el-button>
+ <el-button type='primary' @click='save'>确 定</el-button>
+ </div>
+ </el-dialog>
- import noAllDataFloor from './noAllDataFloor'
- import {FloorView, LocationPointScene} from '@saga-web/cad-engine/lib'
- import {SPoint} from '@saga-web/draw/lib'
- import {updateEquip} from '@/api/scan/request'
- import {SGraphyItem} from '@saga-web/graphy/lib'
+import noAllDataFloor from './noAllDataFloor'
+import { FloorView, LocationPointScene } from '@saga-web/cad-engine/lib'
+import { SPoint } from '@saga-web/draw/lib'
+import { updateEquip } from '@/api/scan/request'
+import { SGraphyItem } from '@saga-web/graphy/lib'
- export default {
- components: {
- noAllDataFloor,
+export default {
+ components: {
+ noAllDataFloor,
+ },
+ props: {
+ dialog: {
+ type: Object,
+ default: function () {
+ return {
+ bimcode: false,
+ }
+ },
- props: {
- dialog: {
- type: Object,
- default: function () {
- return {
- bimcode: false,
- }
- },
- },
- bimcodeobj: {
- default: {},
- },
+ bimcodeobj: {
+ default: {},
- data() {
- return {
- cadWidth: 800,
- cadHeight: 400,
- Buildfloor: '',
- value: [],
- isdata: true,
- floorData: {},
- canvasLoading: false,
- isShow: false,
- id: 'ty',
- view: '',
- drawMainScene: '',
- floorToMap: {},
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ cadWidth: 800,
+ cadHeight: 400,
+ Buildfloor: '',
+ value: [],
+ isdata: true,
+ floorData: {},
+ canvasLoading: false,
+ isShow: false,
+ id: 'ty',
+ view: '',
+ drawMainScene: '',
+ floorToMap: {},
+ }
+ },
+ created() {
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ console.log(this.bimcodeobj)
+ this.init()
+ },
+ methods: {
+ init() {
+ this.isShow = true
+ this.$nextTick(function () {
+ if (this.bimcodeobj.FloorId) {
+ this.isShow = false
+ if (this.$refs.floors) {
+ this.$refs.floors.setValue([this.bimcodeobj.BuildingId, this.bimcodeobj.FloorId])
+ }
+ })
- created() {},
- mounted() {
- console.log(this.bimcodeobj)
- this.init()
+ //切换楼层
+ changeFloor(value) {
+ this.Buildfloor = value
+ this.isShow = true
+ if (value.length > 1) {
+ this.isShow = false
+ this.floorData = this.floorToMap[value[1]]
+ } else {
+ this.isShow = false
+ this.floorData = {}
+ }
+ this.getFloorData()
- methods: {
- init() {
- this.isShow = true
- this.$nextTick(function () {
- if (this.bimcodeobj.FloorId) {
- this.isShow = false
- }
- if (this.$refs.floors) {
- this.$refs.floors.setValue([this.bimcodeobj.BuildingId, this.bimcodeobj.FloorId])
- }
- })
- },
- //切换楼层
- changeFloor(value) {
- this.Buildfloor = value
- this.isShow = true
- if (value.length > 1) {
- this.isShow = false
- this.floorData = this.floorToMap[value[1]]
- } else {
- this.isShow = false
- this.floorData = {}
- }
- this.getFloorData()
- },
- // 初始化canvas
- initGraphy(Id, type) {
- // type=1 => id:模型id 这里不需要
- // type=2 => id:floormap jsonz格式
- // type = 3 => id:floormap png或者jpg格式
- let that = this
- that.clearGraphy()
- that.drawMainScene = new LocationPointScene()
- that.canvasLoading = true
- if (type == 2) {
- that.drawMainScene.loadUrl(`/image-service/common/file_get?systemId=revit&key=${Id}`).then((res) => {
- that.getGraphtSuc(res)
- })
- } else if (type == 3) {
- that.drawMainScene.loadImg(`/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key=${Id}`, (res) => {
- that.getGraphtSuc(res)
- })
- }
- },
- // 获取底图成功
- getGraphtSuc(res) {
- this.canvasLoading = false
- if (res == 'error') {
- this.FloorMap = ''
- this.$message.warning('数据解析异常')
- return
- }
- if (res.Result == 'failure') {
- this.showTools = false
- this.$message.warning(res.Message)
- return
- }
- this.view.scene = this.drawMainScene
- if (this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson) {
- let obj = {
- X: this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson.X,
- Y: -this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson.Y,
- }
- //回写编辑
- this.drawMainScene.addMarker(obj)
+ // 初始化canvas
+ initGraphy(Id, type) {
+ // type=1 => id:模型id 这里不需要
+ // type=2 => id:floormap jsonz格式
+ // type = 3 => id:floormap png或者jpg格式
+ let that = this
+ that.clearGraphy()
+ that.drawMainScene = new LocationPointScene()
+ that.canvasLoading = true
+ if (type == 2) {
+ that.drawMainScene.loadUrl(`/image-service/common/file_get?systemId=revit&key=${Id}`).then((res) => {
+ that.getGraphtSuc(res)
+ })
+ } else if (type == 3) {
+ that.drawMainScene.loadImg(`/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key=${Id}`, (res) => {
+ that.getGraphtSuc(res)
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ // 获取底图成功
+ getGraphtSuc(res) {
+ this.canvasLoading = false
+ if (res == 'error') {
+ this.FloorMap = ''
+ this.$message.warning('数据解析异常')
+ return
+ }
+ if (res.Result == 'failure') {
+ this.showTools = false
+ this.$message.warning(res.Message)
+ return
+ }
+ this.view.scene = this.drawMainScene
+ if (this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson) {
+ let obj = {
+ X: this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson.X,
+ Y: -this.bimcodeobj.LocationJson.Y,
+ }
+ //回写编辑
+ this.drawMainScene.addMarker(obj)
+ }
+ this.view.fitSceneToView()
+ this.drawMainScene.isSpaceSelectable = false
+ this.drawMainScene.spaceClick(this, this.canvasClick) //锚点触发
+ if (this.floorData.Outline && this.floorData.Outline.length) {
+ let newArr = this.floorData.Outline.map((t) => {
+ return new SPoint(t.X, t.Y)
+ })
+ this.drawMainScene.addSceneMark(newArr)
+ }
+ },
+ //获取楼层数据
+ getFloorData() {
+ console.log(this.floorData)
+ if (this.floorData && this.floorData.StructureInfo && this.floorData.StructureInfo.FloorMap) {
+ this.isdata = true
+ let floorMap = this.floorData.StructureInfo.FloorMap
+ if (floorMap.split('.')[1].toString() == 'png' || floorMap.split('.')[1].toString() == 'jpg') {
+ this.initGraphy(floorMap, 3)
+ } else {
+ this.initGraphy(floorMap, 2)
+ }
+ } else {
+ //暂无数据
+ this.isdata = false
+ this.clearGraphy()
+ }
+ },
+ //关闭弹窗
+ handleClose(val) {
+ this.view = ''
+ this.drawMainScene = ''
+ this.$emit('closeBIM', val)
+ },
+ //保存事件
+ save() {
+ if (this.drawMainScene) {
+ if (this.drawMainScene.markerList.length) {
+ let obj = this.drawMainScene.markerList[0], BIMLocation;
+ if (this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation && this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation.split(',')[2]) {
+ BIMLocation = `${obj.x.toFixed(2)},${(obj.y * -1).toFixed(2)},${this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation.split(',')[2]}`
+ } else {
+ BIMLocation = `${obj.x.toFixed(2)},${(obj.y * -1).toFixed(2)},0`
- this.view.fitSceneToView()
- this.drawMainScene.isSpaceSelectable = false
- this.drawMainScene.spaceClick(this, this.canvasClick) //锚点触发
- if (this.floorData.Outline && this.floorData.Outline.length) {
- let newArr = this.floorData.Outline.map((t) => {
- return new SPoint(t.X, t.Y)
- })
- this.drawMainScene.addSceneMark(newArr)
+ let param = {
+ content: [
+ {
+ equipId: this.bimcodeobj.EquipID,
+ buildingId: this.Buildfloor[0],
+ floorId: this.Buildfloor[1],
+ bimLocation: BIMLocation
+ },
+ ],
+ projection: ['bimLocation', 'buildingId', 'floorId'],
- },
- //获取楼层数据
- getFloorData() {
- console.log(this.floorData)
- if (this.floorData && this.floorData.StructureInfo && this.floorData.StructureInfo.FloorMap) {
- this.isdata = true
- let floorMap = this.floorData.StructureInfo.FloorMap
- if (floorMap.split('.')[1].toString() == 'png' || floorMap.split('.')[1].toString() == 'jpg') {
- this.initGraphy(floorMap, 3)
- } else {
- this.initGraphy(floorMap, 2)
- }
- } else {
- //暂无数据
- this.isdata = false
- this.clearGraphy()
- }
- },
- //关闭弹窗
- handleClose(val) {
- this.view = ''
- this.drawMainScene = ''
- this.$emit('closeBIM', val)
- },
- //保存事件
- save() {
- if (this.drawMainScene) {
- if (this.drawMainScene.markerList.length) {
- let obj = this.drawMainScene.markerList[0], BIMLocation;
- if (this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation && this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation.split(',')[2]) {
- BIMLocation = `${obj.x.toFixed(2)},${(obj.y * -1).toFixed(2)},${this.bimcodeobj.BIMLocation.split(',')[2]}`
- } else {
- BIMLocation = `${obj.x.toFixed(2)},${(obj.y * -1).toFixed(2)},0`
- }
- let param = {
- Content: [
- {
- EquipID: this.bimcodeobj.EquipID,
- BuildingId: this.Buildfloor[0],
- FloorId: this.Buildfloor[1],
- BIMLocation
- },
- ],
- Projection: ['BIMLocation', 'BuildingId', 'FloorId'],
+ updateEquip(param, (res) => {
+ if (res.result == 'success') {
+ this.$message.success('保存成功')
+ this.handleClose('update')
- updateEquip(param, (res) => {
- if (res.Result == 'success') {
- this.$message.success('保存成功')
- this.handleClose('update')
- }
- })
- }
- }
- },
- // 清空平面图
- clearGraphy() {
- if (this.view) {
- this.view.scene = null
- return
+ })
- let id = `floorCanvas${this.id}`
- this.view = new FloorView(id)
- },
- //得到floormap
- getFloorMap(val) {
- this.floorToMap = val
- this.floorData = this.floorToMap[this.bimcodeobj.FloorId]
- this.getFloorData()
- },
- // canvas点击事件
- canvasClick(item, event) {
- if (item instanceof SGraphyItem) {
- this.clearMark()
- let obj = {
- X: event[0].x,
- Y: event[0].y,
- }
- this.drawMainScene.addMarker(obj)
- this.view.fitSceneToView()
+ }
+ },
+ // 清空平面图
+ clearGraphy() {
+ if (this.view) {
+ this.view.scene = null
+ return
+ }
+ let id = `floorCanvas${this.id}`
+ this.view = new FloorView(id)
+ },
+ //得到floormap
+ getFloorMap(val) {
+ this.floorToMap = val
+ this.floorData = this.floorToMap[this.bimcodeobj.FloorId]
+ this.getFloorData()
+ },
+ // canvas点击事件
+ canvasClick(item, event) {
+ if (item instanceof SGraphyItem) {
+ this.clearMark()
+ let obj = {
+ X: event[0].x,
+ Y: event[0].y,
- },
- //清空标记
- clearMark() {
- if (this.drawMainScene) {
- this.drawMainScene.markerList.forEach((t) => {
- this.drawMainScene.removeItem(t)
- })
- this.drawMainScene.markerList = []
- }
- },
+ this.drawMainScene.addMarker(obj)
+ this.view.fitSceneToView()
+ }
- watch: {
- bimcodeobj: {
- immediate: true,
- handler(val) {
- this.init()
- },
- },
+ //清空标记
+ clearMark() {
+ if (this.drawMainScene) {
+ this.drawMainScene.markerList.forEach((t) => {
+ this.drawMainScene.removeItem(t)
+ })
+ this.drawMainScene.markerList = []
+ }
+ },
+ watch: {
+ bimcodeobj: {
+ immediate: true,
+ handler(val) {
+ this.init()
+ },
+ },
+ },
<style lang="less" scoped>
<style lang="less" scoped>
#bim-code {
#bim-code {
- height: 500px;
- .eq {
- padding-bottom: 10px;
- .eq-name {
- color: #999999;
- padding-left: 10px;
- }
- }
- .errMsg {
- color: red;
- padding-left: 10px;
- }
- #buildFloor {
- clear: both;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- .canvas-box {
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- clear: both;
- width: 800px;
- height: 400px;
- margin-left: 10px;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
+ height: 500px;
+ .eq {
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ .eq-name {
+ color: #999999;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ }
+ .errMsg {
+ color: red;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ }
+ #buildFloor {
+ clear: both;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ }
+ .canvas-box {
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ clear: both;
+ width: 800px;
+ height: 400px;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
-<style lang="less" >
+<style lang="less">
#bim-code {
#bim-code {