<!-- revit扫楼数据整理 --> <template> <div style="height:100%;"> <div class="build_header" ref="header"> <!-- 建筑选择 --> <span style="padding-right:12px;color:#999;vertical-align: middle;">建筑名称</span> <el-select v-model="buildId" style="margin-right:10px;" placeholder="请选择" @change="changeBuild"> <el-option v-for="item in buildList" :key="item.id" :label="item.localName" :value="item.id"></el-option> </el-select> <!-- 楼层选择 --> <span style="padding-right:12px;color:#999;">楼层</span> <el-select v-model="floorId" placeholder="请选择" @change="changeFloor"> <el-option v-for="item in floorList" :key="item.id" :label="item.localName" :value="item.id"></el-option> </el-select> <!-- 选择时间插件 --> <build-time :timeArr="timeArr" @checkTime="checkTime"></build-time> </div> <div class="left-main"> <div id="buildData"> <!-- 头部信息 --> <div class="point_view" ref="point"> <!-- 点位标签 --> <div class="build_label" v-show="labelShow"> <!-- 左按钮 --> <div class="turn_left"> <i class="iconfont" @click="turn(0)"></i> </div> <!-- 主体视窗 --> <div class="label_view"> <el-scrollbar> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide" :class="checkPointClass == 'all' ? 'active_swiper' : ''" @click="checkPoint('all','all','all')"> <div class="all_view"> <h3>全部</h3> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide" v-for="(item,index) in PTArr" :key="index" :class="checkPointClass == index ? 'active_swiper' : ''" @click="checkPoint(index,item.Id,item.Name)"> <div class="img_view"> <div :class="index == 0 ? 'msg_view' : 'title_view'"> <h3>{{ item.Name }}</h3> <p> 附近的资产: <span>{{ item.Total }}</span> 个( <em>{{ item.Nocheck }}</em> 个未完成修订) </p> </div> <img v-if="index != 0" v-load @error="setErrorImg" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Image +'&width=200'" :alt="item.Name"> <el-button type="text" v-if="index != 0" class="btn" @click.stop="getTable(item.Id,index)">查看详情 </el-button> <i v-if="index != 0" class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="refreshImg(index)"></i> </div> </div> </div> </el-scrollbar> </div> <!-- 右按钮 --> <div class="turn_right"> <i class="iconfont" @click="turn(1)"></i> </div> </div> <!-- 控制点位标签显示 --> <div class="label_show"> <el-button plain @click="labelShowBtn">{{ labelChecked }}</el-button> </div> </div> <!-- 全部与未完成 --> <div class="build_operate" ref="operate"> <el-radio-group v-model="checked" @change="changeChecked(checked)"> <el-radio-button :label="''">全部</el-radio-button> <el-radio-button :label="0">未完成修订</el-radio-button> </el-radio-group> <div class="undo_btn" @click="undo"> <el-button plain>撤回</el-button> </div> <div class="undo_btn" @click="refresh"> <el-button plain>刷新</el-button> </div> <div class="undo_btn" @click="download"> <el-button plain>下载</el-button> </div> <p class="build_msg" v-show="buildMsgShow" :class="buildMsg ? 'blink' : ''"> 其他设备族的资产只能在对应页签内维护,设备族变更的资产刷新后不匹配的信息点值将丢失,将会在对应的页签内显示</p> </div> <!-- 主体表格与tab --> <div class="build_table"> <el-tabs type="card" v-model="tabAvtive" @tab-click="createHotBtn"> <el-tab-pane v-for="(item,index) in facilityList" :key="index" :name="'table' + index" :label="item.familyName + '(' + item.count + ')'"> <div style="padding: .2rem;width:100%;padding-bottom:35px;" v-loading="loading"> <div :id="'table' + index" v-loading="tableLoading"></div> <div class="data_page center"> <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page.sync="currentPage[tabChecked]" :page-sizes="pageSizeArrs" :page-size="pageSizeArr[tabChecked]" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="pageCount[tabChecked]"></el-pagination> </div> </div> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> </div> <!-- 图片查看浮层 --> <div class="mouse_move" style="backgroundColor:#ccc;height:3px;cursor:n-resize;" @mousedown="drag" @mouseup="mouseUp"></div> <div class="build_pic" v-bind:style="{height:picHeight+'px'}" ref="picview"> <!-- <div class="pic_show" @click="picNoShow">关闭</div> --> <div class="turn_left"> <i class="iconfont" @click="turnPic(0)"></i> </div> <div class="pic_view"> <div class="swiper-container" id="swiperPic" v-show="tablePicArr.Pic.length"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide" v-for="(item,$index) in tablePicArr.Nameplate" :key="item.Key"> <div class="img_view"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImgUrl('Nameplate',$index)"></i> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide" v-for="(item,$index) in tablePicArr.Pic" :key="item.Key"> <div class="img_view" v-if="item.Type != 'image_video'"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '铭牌照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '设备正面照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '带二维码的设备远景照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '设备左侧照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '设备右侧照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '设备背面照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '带二维码的设备近景照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '视频资料' && item.Type == 'image'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <div v-if="item.Type == 'video'" style="width:100%;height:100%;"> <video style="width:100%;height:100%;" :src="'/image-service/common/file_get/'+ item.Key + '?systemId=dataPlatform'" controls :poster="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ delVideo(item.Key) +'&width=200'"></video> </div> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '其他照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <img v-load @error="setErrorImg" @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" v-if="item.Name == '全景照片'" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" :title="item.Name" :alt="item.Name"> <!-- <i @click="delPic($index)" class="iconfont icon-guanbi" style="z-index:99;background:#fff;position:absolute;right:10px;top:10px;" ></i>--> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImgUrl('Pic',$index)"></i> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div v-show="!tablePicArr.Pic.length"> <p>{{ tablePicMsg ? tablePicMsg : '请选择资产' }}</p> </div> </div> <div class="turn_right"> <i class="iconfont" @click="turnPic(1)"></i> </div> </div> <!-- 查看图片、视频、全景图页面唤起 --> <div class="iframe_view" v-if="iframeShow"> <div class="iframe_no" @click="iframeShow = false"> <i class="iconfont icon-guanbi"></i> </div> <iframe id="google_ads_frame2" name="google_ads_frame2" frameborder="0" :src="iframeSrc" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe> </div> <!-- 编辑点位标签弹窗 --> <el-dialog title="点位标签编辑" class="modification" :visible.sync="dialogTableVisible" @close="closeDialog"> <div class="content_box"> <div class="mod_title"> <div class="qr_code"> <img v-if="pointList.PointId" :src="'/ScanBuilding/service/qrcode/point?projectId=' + projectId + '&pointId=' + pointList.PointId + '&FloorId=' + floorId + '&width=200&height=200'" alt> <p v-else>暂无二维码</p> </div> <!-- 头部信息 --> <div class="msg_main"> <p :title="floorName">现场位置:{{ floorName ? floorName : '暂无' }}</p> <div class="input_view"> <input type="text" v-model="pointList.PointName" @focus="nameShow = true" @blur="nameNotShow" @keyup.enter="savePointChange" placeholder="点位标签的名称"> <i class="iconfont icon-check" v-show="nameShow" @click="savePointChange"></i> </div> <div class="input_view"> <input type="text" v-model="pointList.PointLocalId" @focus="noShow = true" @blur="noNotShow" @keyup.enter="savePointChange" placeholder="点位标签的本地编码"> <i class="iconfont icon-check" v-show="noShow" @click="savePointChange"></i> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 表格信息 --> <div class="cant_mod"> <div class="msg_table"> <div class="table_header">编码及关系</div> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>点位标签id</td> <td>{{ pointList.PointId }}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>模型id</td> <td>{{ pointList.BimId ? pointList.BimId : '暂无' }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- 照片信息 --> <div class="locale_pic"> <p>现场照片</p> <div v-if="pointList.ImageList"> <!-- //图片排序 --> <ul> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.place" v-if="imgList.place.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.nameplate" v-if="imgList.nameplate.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.ahead" v-if="imgList.ahead.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.qrCodeLooger" v-if="imgList.qrCodeLooger.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.left" v-if="imgList.left.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.right" v-if="imgList.right.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.bottom" v-if="imgList.bottom.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.qrCode" v-if="imgList.qrCode.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.panorama" v-if="imgList.panorama.length" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="(item,index) in imgList.else" v-if="imgList.else.length && item.Type != 'image_video'" class="img_view"> <img @click="seeBig(item.Key,item.Name,item.Type)" :src="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ item.Key +'&width=200'" alt> <i class="iconfont icon-shuaxin icon" @click.stop="changeImage(index)"></i> </li> <li v-for="item in imgList.video" style="border: 1px solid #ccc;"> <video style="width:100%;height:100%;" :src="'/image-service/common/file_get/'+ item.Key + '?systemId=dataPlatform'" controls :poster="'/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&key='+ delVideo(item.Key) +'&width=200'"></video> </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else>暂无照片</div> </div> <div id="viewer"></div> </div> </div> </el-dialog> <!-- 删除提示 --> <el-dialog title="提示" :visible.sync="deldialog"> <span>你确定删除该资产吗?</span> <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="refresh">取 消</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="delTrue">确 定</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> <drag v-show="dragShow" @closeDrag="dragShow = false" :iframeSrc="dragSrc"></drag> </div> </div> <div class="right-main"> <recommend ref="recommend" @loadData="loadData"></recommend> </div> </div> </template> <script> import buildTime from "@/components/data_admin/selectTime"; import drag from "@/components/data_admin/drag"; import Swiper from "swiper"; import tools from "@/utils/scan/tools" import recommend from "@/components/data_admin/buildData/recommend-2"; import showTools from "@/utils/handsontable/notShow" import text from "@/utils/handsontable/mainText" // import DragResize from '@/assets/js/resize' import "@/assets/js/chosen.jquery.min"; import "@/assets/js/handsontable-chosen-editor"; import handsonUtils from "@/utils/scan/hasontableUtils" import 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.min.css' import Handsontable from "handsontable-pro" import 'handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.css' import zhCN from 'handsontable-pro/languages/zh-CN'; //接口 import { getPT, //根据时间、建筑名称、楼层查询点位标签 getPoint, //获取点位标签详情 updatePoint, //修改点位标签 getTabFamily, //获取tab标签 getTableHeader, //获取表格数据头部 getTableMain, //获取表格主体内容 upDateTableMain, //提交修改设备资产 delErrAssets, //删除设备资产 getdelMain, //获取过滤掉后的表格主体 getBasicMatch, //获取完全匹配的厂商库id // buildingQuery, //数据中心-建筑查询 // floorQuery, //数据中心-楼层查询 queryLocationPoint, //数据中心-点位标签查询 updateLocationPoint, //数据中心-更新点位标签 getEquipBelongs, //数据中心-获取设备族 queryProperty, //数据中心-资产查询 deleteProperty, //数据中心-删除资产 updateProperty, //数据中心-更新资产 // getDataDictionary, //数据中心-查询表头 queryPropertyTypeCount, //数据中心-资产分类及数量 queryPropertyPoint, //数据中心-位置标签及对应资产数量 } from "@/api/scan/request"; import { getDataDictionary } from "@/api/dict"; import { buildingQuery } from '@/api/object/build'; import { floorQuery } from '@/api/object/floor'; import { mapGetters, mapActions } from "vuex" export default { components: { buildTime, drag, recommend }, data() { return { buildList: [], buildId: "", floorList: [], floorId: "", timeArr: ["一个月内", "一周内", "近三天", "昨天", "今天"], checkTimeArr: [], PTArr: [], value: "", //select的值 swiper: "", //点位标签的swiper labelChecked: "请选择点位标签!", //按钮文案 labelShow: true, //头部的点位标签的显示 swiper2: "", //图片的swiper dialogTableVisible: false, //编辑点位标签弹窗显示 dialogVisible: false, //请求错误弹窗 ajaxMsg: "", //请求错误提示 picShow: false, //最底层图片窗 pointList: "", //点位标签详情数组 pointId: "all", //点位标签详情查询需求的id checkPointClass: "all", //点击点位标签的当前标签 pointCheck: "", //当前点击到的点位标签 checked: 0, //审核标志 facilityList: [], //设备list myHotArr: [], //Handsontable实例数组 code: "", //被选中的设备族 myHotHeaderArr: [], //表格实例的头部数组 myHotMainArr: [], //表格实例的主体内容数组 tabChecked: 0, //tab当前被选中的 currentPageArr: [], //当前选中页数数组 pageCount: [], //总共数据条数 pageSizeArrs: [10, 30, 50, 100], //下拉页数个数 pageSizeArr: [], //数组当前页个数 currentPage: [], //当前页数 loading: false, //loading动画 deldialog: false, //删除提示 delArr: [], //需要删除的Fmid tablePicArr: { Pic: [] }, //底部pic的数组 tabAvtive: "table0", //tab活跃页 deepArr: [], //删除存储数组 iframeSrc: "", //iframe的src iframeShow: false, //iframe的显示 tableLoading: false, //table的loading AllFamily: [], //所有的Family filtersArr: [], //表格数据被过滤后的下标 tablePicMsg: "", //设备照片提示语 rowArr: "", //鼠标单击表格时的位置 nameShow: false, //点位标签名的勾号是否显示 noShow: false, //点位标签no是否显示 imgList: [], //点位标签的图片数组 floorName: "", //被选中的楼层名 buildMsgShow: false, //提示显示与否 buildMsg: false, //是否跳动 picHeight: 180, //图片容器的高度 dragShow: false, //拖拽容器的显示 dragSrc: '', //拖拽元素的src infos: "", //点击时的信息 }; }, created() { //默认时间赋值 this.checkTimeArr = [ this.getNowFormatDate(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)), this.getNowFormatDate(new Date()) ]; // 获取建筑信息 this.getBuilding(); //获取所有所有的设备族 this.getAllFamily(); }, computed: { ...mapGetters("layout", [ "projectId", "userId", "secret" ]) }, methods: { //获取所有设备族 getAllFamily() { let pa = { data: { orders: 'family asc', distinct: true, pageSize: 500, projection: ["family", "familyName"] } } getEquipBelongs(pa, res => { this.AllFamily = res.content.map(t => { return { Code: t.family, Name: t.familyName } }) }) }, //重新获取数据loadhot loadData() { let param = { BeginTime: this.checkTimeArr[0], BuildId: this.buildId, Checked: this.checked, EndTime: this.checkTimeArr[1], Family: this.code, FloorId: this.floorId, PageNum: this.currentPage[this.tabChecked], PageSize: this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked], PointId: this.pointCheck, ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId }; getdelMain(param).then(res => { if (res.data.Result == "success") { let data = res.data.FmList if (data && data.length) { //如果数据存在,有localname取localname,否则取随机生成name data = data.map(item => { item.Infos.EquipLocalName = item.Infos.EquipLocalName || item.Infos.EquipName return item }) } this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked] = data; this.pageCount[this.tabChecked] = res.data.Count; let dom = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]; //存储一个数组防止删除操作找寻不到删除的该数组 this.tableLoading = false; this.deepArr = this.deepCopy(data); if (!!this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]) { this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].loadData(data) this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked] = data } else { this.createHot( this.tabChecked, data, this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked] ); } this.loading = false } else { this.$message.error("请求错误:" + res.data.ResultMsg) } }) // .catch(_ => { // this.$message.error("请求错误") // }) }, //删除图片 delPic(index) { let param = {} if (!!this.tablePicArr && this.tablePicArr.Pic.length) { this.$confirm("<p>你确定删除此照片吗?</p><div style='height:200px;'><img style='display: block;margin: auto;' src='/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dataPlatform&width=200&height=200&key=" + this.tablePicArr.Pic[index].key + "' /></div>", "删除图片", { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true }).then(() => { if (this.tablePicArr.Pic[index].name == "铭牌照片") { this.delPicPost("Nameplate", this.tablePicArr.Pic[index].key) } else { this.delPicPost("Pic", this.tablePicArr.Pic[index].key) } }).catch(_ => { this.$message("取消删除") }) } else { this.$message.error("请确定该资产有pic信息") } }, delPicPost(name, key) { let myInfos = this.infos.Infos[name].map(item => { if (item.Key == key) { return undefined } else { return item } }).filter(b => b); let param = {} param.BuildId = this.infos.BuildId param.BuildName = this.infos.BuildName param.Checked = this.infos.Checked param.CodeType = this.infos.CodeType param.CreateTime = this.infos.CreateTime param.Family = this.infos.Family param.FamilyName = this.infos.FamilyName param.FloorId = this.infos.FloorId param.FmId = this.infos.FmId param.FmName = this.infos.FmName param.LastUpdate = this.infos.LastUpdate param.ProjId = this.infos.ProjId param.X = this.infos.X param.Y = this.infos.Y param.Infos = {} if (!!this.infos.Infos.Pic && this.infos.Infos.Pic.length) { param.Infos.Pic = tools.copyArr(this.infos.Infos.Pic) } if (!!this.infos.Infos.Nameplate && this.infos.Infos.Nameplate.length) { param.Infos.Nameplate = tools.copyArr(this.infos.Infos.Nameplate) } param.Infos[name] = myInfos let Pj = { ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId } upDateTableMain(Pj, [param]).then(res => { if (res.data.Result == "success") { if (!!param.Infos.Nameplate) { this.tablePicArr.Pic = param.Infos.Nameplate.concat(param.Infos.Pic) } else { this.tablePicArr.Pic = param.Infos.Pic } this.$message.success("删除成功") this.getTableMain() } else { this.$message.error("请求错误:" + res.data.ResultMsg) } }).catch(_ => { this.$message.error("请求错误") }) }, //图片div移动事件 drag(el) { let picDiv = this.$refs["picview"]; let startY = el.clientY; const _this = this; document.onmousemove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let endY = e.clientY; _this.picHeight = _this.picHeight - endY + startY; if (_this.picHeight > 245) { _this.mouseUp() } startY = endY; }; }, //移动图片容器的时候鼠标up时触发重新渲染表格高度 mouseUp(el) { document.onmousemove = null; if (this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]) { let windowH = document.documentElement.clientHeight let headerH = this.$refs["header"].offsetHeight; let pointH = this.$refs["point"].offsetHeight; let operateH = this.$refs["operate"].offsetHeight; let picH = this.$refs["picview"].offsetHeight; let height = windowH - headerH - 48 - operateH - picH - 32 - 32 - 32; this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].container.children[0].style.height = height + 'px' this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].container.parentNode.style.height = height + 'px' } this.createPicSwiper(); }, //获取建筑列表 getBuilding() { buildingQuery({}, res => { this.buildList = res.content; }); }, //获取点位标签详情 getPointDetail() { let pa = { Filters: `Id='${this.pointId}'` } queryLocationPoint(pa, res => { this.pointList = res.Content[0]; this.imgList = this.delImage(res.Content[0].ImageList || []); this.dialogTableVisible = true; }) }, delImage(imageList) { let list = { place: [], nameplate: [], ahead: [], qrCodeLooger: [], left: [], right: [], bottom: [], video: [], else: [], qrCode: [], panorama: [] }; let imgList = imageList; for (let i = 0; i < imgList.length; i++) { switch (imgList[i].name) { case "安装位置": list.place.push(imgList[i]); break; case "铭牌照片": list.nameplate.push(imgList[i]); break; case "设备正面照片": list.ahead.push(imgList[i]); break; case "带二维码的设备远景照片": list.qrCodeLooger.push(imgList[i]); break; case "设备左侧照片": list.left.push(imgList[i]); break; case "设备右侧照片": list.right.push(imgList[i]); break; case "设备背面照片": list.right.push(imgList[i]); break; case "带二维码的设备近景照片": list.qrCode.push(imgList[i]); break; case "视频": list.video.push(imgList[i]); break; case "全景照片": list.panorama.push(imgList[i]); break; default: list.else.push(imgList[i]); } } return list; }, //保存点位标签详情的修改 savePoint() { let pa = { Content: [this.pointList] } updateLocationPoint(pa, res => { this.$message.success('更新成功') }) }, //获取点位标签 getPT() { let pa = { buildingId: this.buildId, endingTime: this.checkTimeArr[1], startTime: this.checkTimeArr[0] } if (this.floorId == 'all') { pa.floorId = `all` } else if (this.floorId != 'noKnow') { pa.floorId = this.floorId } queryPropertyPoint(pa, res => { this.PTArr = res.Content; this.labelShow = true; this.createPTSwiper(); }) }, //获取楼层列表 getFloorData() { let param = { filters: `buildingId='${this.buildId}'`, orders: 'floorSequenceId desc' }; floorQuery(param, res => { this.floorList = res.content this.floorList.unshift({ name: "全部", localName: "全部", id: "all" }, { name: "未明确楼层", localName: "未明确楼层", id: "noKnow" }) }); }, //保存设备资产的更新 upDateTableMain(paramList) { let param = { ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId }; upDateTableMain(param, paramList).then(result => { if (result.data.Result == "success") { return; } else { this.dialogVisible = true; this.ajaxMsg = "保存出错"; } }); }, //获取设备族列表 getTabFamily() { let pa = { buildingId: this.buildId, checked: this.checked, endingTime: this.checkTimeArr[1], pointId: this.pointId, startTime: this.checkTimeArr[0] } if (this.floorId == 'noKnow') { pa.floorId = 'isNull' } else if (this.floorId != 'all') { pa.floorId = this.floorId } queryPropertyTypeCount(pa, res => { console.log('================='); console.log(res); this.myHotArr.length = this.myHotMainArr.length = this.pageCount.length = this.currentPageArr.length = this.pageSizeArr.length = this.currentPage.length = res.content.length; for (let i = 0; i < this.pageCount.length; i++) { this.pageCount[i] = 10; this.currentPageArr[i] = 1; this.pageSizeArr[i] = 10; this.currentPage[i] = 1; } if (this.facilityList.length == res.content.length) { this.facilityList = res.content; this.createHotBtn({ index: this.tabAvtive.split("table")[1] }); } else { this.facilityList = res.content; this.createHotBtn({ index: 0 }); } }) }, //点击刷新图片 refreshImg(index) { if (this.PTArr[index].Image.indexOf("time") != "-1") { let url = this.PTArr[index].Image.split("time"); this.PTArr[index].Image = url[0] + "time=" + new Date().getTime(); } else { this.PTArr[index].Image = this.PTArr[index].Image + "&time=" + new Date().getTime(); } }, //第一个输入框失去焦点 nameNotShow() { let that = this; let timer = window.setTimeout(function () { that.nameShow = false; if (!that.nameShow) { window.clearTimeout(timer); } }, 1000); }, //第二个输入框失去焦点 noNotShow() { let that = this; let timer = window.setTimeout(function () { that.noShow = false; if (!that.noShow) { window.clearTimeout(timer); } }, 1000); }, //修改底部图片url changeImgUrl(name, index) { let data = this.tablePicArr[name][index]; if (data.key.indexOf("time") != "-1") { let url = data.key.split("time"); data.key = url[0] + "time=" + new Date().getTime(); } else { data.key = data.key + "&time=" + new Date().getTime(); } }, labelShowBtn() { this.labelShow = !this.labelShow; }, //弹窗图片刷新 changeImage(index) { let data = this.pointList.ImageList[index]; if (data.key.indexOf("time") != "-1") { let url = data.key.split("time"); data.key = url[0] + "time=" + new Date().getTime(); } else { data.key = data.key + "&time=" + new Date().getTime(); } }, //图片加载失败替换url setErrorImg(e) { let el = e.path[0]; el.style.cssText = "width:100%;height100%;display:block;"; }, //获取表格头部内容与下拉内容 getTableHeader() { let param = { code: this.code, ProjId: this.projectId }; if (!!this.code) { let pa = { type: this.code, orders: 'sort asc', pageSize: 500 } getDataDictionary(pa, res => { this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked] = res.content; this.getTableMain(); }) } }, //获取表格主体内容 async getTableMain() { let pa = { pageNumber: this.currentPage[this.tabChecked], pageSize: this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked], filters: `createTime>='${this.checkTimeArr[0]}';createTime<='${this.checkTimeArr[1]}';buildingId='${this.buildId}';family='${this.code}'` } //;codeType in [ -1,-2,-3,0,2] // 添加建筑条件 if (this.floorId == 'noKnow') { pa.filters += `;floorId isNull` } else if (this.floorId != 'all') { pa.filters += `;floorId='${this.floorId}'` } // 添加完成修订条件 if (this.checked === 0) { pa.filters += `;checked=false or checked isNull` } // 添加标签条件 if (!this.pointCheck) { pa.filters += `;pointId isNull` } else if (this.pointCheck != 'all') { pa.filters += `;pointId='${this.pointCheck}'` } queryProperty(pa, res => { let data = res.content this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked] = data; this.pageCount[this.tabChecked] = res.total; let dom = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]; this.tableLoading = false; this.deepArr = this.deepCopy(data); if (!!this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]) { this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].loadData(data) this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked] = data } else { this.createHot(this.tabChecked, data, this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked]); } this.loading = false }) }, getTabsData2() { let param = { BeginTime: this.checkTimeArr[0], BuildId: this.buildId, Checked: this.checked, EndTime: this.checkTimeArr[1], Family: this.code, FloorId: this.floorId, PageNum: this.currentPage[this.tabChecked], PageSize: this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked], PointId: this.pointCheck, ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId } getdelMain(param).then(result => { this.buildMsgShow = false; if (result.data.Result == "success") { let data = result.data.FmList if (data && data.length) { //如果数据存在,有localname取localname,否则取随机生成name data = data.map(item => { item.Infos.EquipLocalName = item.Infos.EquipLocalName || item.Infos.EquipName return item }) } this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked] = result.data.FmList; this.pageCount[this.tabChecked] = result.data.Count; let dom = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]; //存储一个数组防止删除操作找寻不到删除的该数组 this.tableLoading = false; this.deepArr = this.deepCopy(result.data.FmList); if (!result.data.Count) { // this.loading = false; // this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].loadData(result.data.FmList); } else { this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked] && this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked] != '') { this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].destroy() } this.createHot( this.tabChecked, result.data.FmList, this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked] ); }); } this.loading = false; } else { // this.dialogVisible = true; // this.ajaxMsg = "请求出错"; this.$message.error("请求出错") } }); }, download() { if (!!this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]) { let fileName = '' this.buildList.map(item => { if (item.id == this.buildId) { fileName += item.localName } }) this.floorList.map(item => { if (item.id == this.floorId) { fileName += '-' + item.localName } }) this.facilityList.map((item, index) => { if (index == this.tabChecked) { fileName += '-' + item.familyName + item.count } }) this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin('exportFile').downloadFile("csv", { filename: fileName, columnHeaders: true, exportHiddenRows: true, exportHiddenColumns: true, rowHeaders: true }) } else { this.$message("请确定存在表格") } }, //删除资产 delErrAssets() { let param = { ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId }; let paramList = this.delArr; delErrAssets(param, paramList).then(result => { if (result.data.Result == "success") { this.deldialog = false; this.getTabFamily(); return; } else { this.$message.error("请求出错") } }); }, delVideo(key) { return key }, //修改撕码状态 changeAeestsCode() { let param = { ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId }; let paramList = this.delArr; paramList.map(item => { item.CodeType = 3 return item }) upDateTableMain(param, paramList).then(result => { if (result.data.Result == "success") { this.deldialog = false; this.getTabFamily(); return; } else { this.$message.error("请求出错") } }); }, //关闭点位标签详情 closeDialog() { this.getPT(); }, //点击tab创建对应的表格 createHotBtn(tab) { this.loading = true; this.tabChecked = tab.index; this.rowArr = ""; this.code = this.facilityList.length ? this.facilityList[tab.index].family : null; this.getTableHeader(); }, //创建点位标签swiper createPTSwiper() { this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.$refs['swiperPoint']) { this.$refs['swiperPoint'].style.transform = '' } this.swiper = ""; this.swiper = new Swiper("#swiper", { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 30 }); }); }, //生成图片查看swiper createPicSwiper() { let sizeNum; if (this.picHeight <= 200) { sizeNum = 5; } else if (this.picHeight < 400) { sizeNum = 4; } else if (this.picHeight < 600) { sizeNum = 3; } else { sizeNum = 2; } this.$nextTick(() => { this.swiper2 = new Swiper("#swiperPic", { slidesPerView: sizeNum, spaceBetween: 30 }); }); }, //点位标签详情中的enter事件 savePointChange() { this.savePoint(); }, //点击点位标签整个swiper事件 checkPoint(val, id, name) { name = name || ""; if (name == "") { this.labelChecked = "请选择点位标签!"; } else if (name == "all") { this.labelChecked = "全部"; } else { this.labelChecked = name; } this.checkPointClass = val; if (id) { this.pointId = id; } else { this.pointId = ""; } this.pointCheck = id; this.changeChecked(0); }, getTable(pointId, index) { this.pointId = pointId; // this.loading = true this.getPointDetail(); }, //表格实例的单击事件 tableDown(el, rowArr) { if (rowArr.row < 0) { return } let filter = this.filtersArr[this.tabChecked]; //被筛选过后的数组 let trimmedArr = this.trimmedRows(); //是否启用了排序 let isSort = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("columnSorting").isSorted(); if (trimmedArr.length && isSort) { let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("columnSorting") .rowsMapper.__arrayMap; let infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][ trimmedArr[sortArr[rowArr.row]] ]; this.getInfors(infos, rowArr); } else if (isSort) { //排序后的数组 let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("columnSorting") .rowsMapper.__arrayMap; let infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][sortArr[rowArr.row]]; this.getInfors(infos, rowArr); } else if (trimmedArr.length) { let infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][trimmedArr[rowArr.row]]; this.getInfors(infos, rowArr); } else { let infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][rowArr.row]; this.getInfors(infos, rowArr); } }, getInfors(data, rowArr, falg = false) { let val = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getActiveEditor().prop; this.$refs.recommend.randerData(data, val, this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked]) if (data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc && (data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Pic || data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Nameplate)) { if (data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Nameplate) { this.tablePicArr.Pic = data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Nameplate.concat(data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Pic) || []; } else { this.tablePicArr.Pic = data.LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Pic || []; } } else { this.tablePicArr.Pic = []; } if (this.tablePicArr.Pic && this.tablePicArr.Pic.length) { this.dragSrc = process.env.BASE_URL + ":8890/photo-View.html?type=" + // process.env.BASE_URL + "/photo-View.html?type=" + // "" + this.tablePicArr.Pic[0].type + "&key=" + this.tablePicArr.Pic[0].key + "&name=" + this.tablePicArr.Pic[0].name; } this.infos = tools.deepClone(data) this.tablePicMsg = "该设备照片为空"; this.picShow = true; this.createPicSwiper(); this.rowArr = rowArr; }, //下层的弹窗不显示 picNoShow() { this.picShow = false; }, //修改楼层 changeFloor() { this.checkPointClass = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this.floorList.length; i++) { if (this.floorId == this.floorList[i].id) { this.floorName = this.floorList[i].localName; } } this.getPT(); this.checkPoint("all", this.pointId); }, //切换时间事件 checkTime(val) { this.checkTimeArr = val; this.getPT(); this.checkPoint("all", this.pointId); this.refresh(); }, //swiper点击label切换按钮事件 turn(val) { if (val) { this.swiper.slideNext(); } else { this.swiper.slidePrev(); } }, //swiper切换照片按钮事件 turnPic(val) { if (val) { this.swiper2.slideNext(); } else { this.swiper2.slidePrev(); } }, //头部建筑名称切换事件 changeBuild() { this.getFloorData(); }, //获取现在的时间 getNowFormatDate(str) { var date = new Date(str); var seperator1 = "-"; var seperator2 = ":"; var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var strDate = date.getDate(); if (month >= 1 && month <= 9) { month = "0" + month; } if (strDate >= 0 && strDate <= 9) { strDate = "0" + strDate; } var currentdate = date.getFullYear() + seperator1 + month + seperator1 + strDate + " " + date.getHours() + seperator2 + date.getMinutes() + seperator2 + date.getSeconds(); return currentdate; }, //点击图片查看大图 seeBig(key, name, type) { this.dragSrc = process.env.BASE_URL + ":8890/photo-View.html?type=" + // process.env.BASE_URL + "/photo-View.html?type=" + type + "&key=" + key + "&name=" + name; this.dragShow = true }, //改变页条数 handleSizeChange(val) { this.tableLoading = true; this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked] = val; this.clearHot(); this.getTableMain(); }, //改变当前页 handleCurrentChange(val) { this.tableLoading = true; this.currentPageArr[this.tabChecked] = val; this.clearHot(); this.getTableMain(); }, //改变checked,全部未完成修订 changeChecked(val) { this.checked = val; this.tabChecked = 0; this.tabAvtive = "table0"; this.clearHot(); this.getTabFamily(); // this.createHotBtn({index:0}) }, //当表格中的内容被修改 tdChange(changeData, source) { // 修改了的数据 let filter = this.filtersArr[this.tabChecked]; if (changeData) { let trimmedArr = this.trimmedRows(); let param = handsonUtils.getParam(changeData, source, this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked], trimmedArr); let data = []; //获取第一个点击的数组 let firstObj = handsonUtils.getUnshiftParam(changeData, source, this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked], trimmedArr); for (let i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { data.push(param[i]); } //如果data中包含/且data长度为1,将其转换成. if (changeData.length == 1 && changeData[0][1].indexOf("/") > 0) { changeData[0][1] = changeData[0][1].split("/").join(".") } //存在data进行修改请求 if (data && data.length) { this.updateBusiness(data, changeData, firstObj); } } }, //修改请求 updateBusiness(data, change, obj) { let pa = { Content: data } updateProperty(pa, res => { this.getTabFamily(); }) }, //判断文案是否相同 async getIdForVender(param) { return await getBasicMatch(param).then(res => { if (res.data.result == "success") { return res.data.content } else { this.$message.error("请求错误" + res.data.resultMsg) } }).catch(error => { this.$message.error(error) }) }, getParam(changeData, source) { let param = ""; //被筛选过后的数组 let trimmedArr = this.trimmedRows(); //是否启用了排序 let isSort = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked] .getPlugin("columnSorting") .isSorted(); if (trimmedArr.length && isSort) { //排序后的数组 let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin( "columnSorting" ).rowsMapper.__arrayMap; param = changeData.map(item => { return this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getSourceDataAtRow( trimmedArr[sortArr[item[0]]] ); }); } else if (isSort) { //排序后的数组 let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin( "columnSorting" ).rowsMapper.__arrayMap; param = changeData.map(item => { return this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getSourceDataAtRow( sortArr[item[0]] ); }); } else if (trimmedArr.length) { param = changeData.map(item => { return this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getSourceDataAtRow( trimmedArr[item[0]] ); }); } else { param = changeData.map(item => { return this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getSourceDataAtRow(item[0]); }); } return param }, //处理右键删除 romoveFm(index, amout) { let delData = tools.differenceArr(this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked], this.deepArr) this.$confirm('确认删除?') .then(_ => { let param = { ProjId: this.projectId, UserId: this.userId }; let paramList = delData.map(item => { item.CodeType = 3 return item }) upDateTableMain(param, paramList).then(result => { if (result.data.Result == "success") { this.deldialog = false; this.getTabFamily(); return; } else { this.dialogVisible = true; this.ajaxMsg = "请求出错"; } }); }) .catch(_ => { this.$message("取消删除") }); }, // 刷新当前表格 refresh() { this.deldialog = false; this.loading = true; if (this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked]) { this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].destroy(); } this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked] = ""; this.getTableMain(); }, //确定要删除 delTrue() { //删除 // this.delErrAssets(); //撕码 this.changeAeestsCode() }, //撤回操作 undo() { this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].undo(); }, //创建表格实例 createHot(variableNum, data, headerArr) { if (!headerArr) { return } let maxRow = ""; //当当前页数*当前页个数小于总个数时,当前表格行数为当前页数 if ( this.pageCount[this.tabChecked] >= this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked] * this.currentPage[this.tabChecked] ) { maxRow = this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked]; } else { maxRow = this.pageCount[this.tabChecked] % this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked]; } let containter = document.getElementById("table" + variableNum); let height = 0; let winHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; let headerH = this.$refs["header"].offsetHeight; let pointH = this.$refs["point"].offsetHeight; let operateH = this.$refs["operate"].offsetHeight; let picH = this.$refs["picview"].offsetHeight; height = winHeight - headerH - 48 - operateH - picH - 32 - 32 - 32 - 155; let headers = this.delHeader(headerArr) let customBorders = data.map((item, index) => { //铭牌识别标志 if (item.Nametemplate == 1) { return { range: { from: { row: index, col: 0 }, to: { row: index, col: headers.length } }, left: { width: 2, color: "red" }, right: { width: 2, color: "red" }, top: { width: 2, color: "red" }, bottom: { width: 2, color: "red" } } } else { return undefined } }).filter(d => d) let options = { data: data, colHeaders: headers, manualColumnResize: true, manualColumnMove: true, maxRows: maxRow, height: height, columnSorting: true, //添加排序 sortIndicator: true, //添加排序 renderAllRows: true, autoColumnSize: true, fixedColumnsLeft: 5, language: "zh-CN", contextMenu: { items: { remove_row: { name: "删除资产" } } }, // customBorders: customBorders, columns: this.getType(headerArr), afterOnCellMouseDown: this.tableDown, //鼠标单击 afterChange: this.tdChange, //修改后 afterRemoveRow: this.romoveFm, //右键删除 dropdownMenu: [ "filter_by_condition", "filter_by_value", "filter_action_bar" ], filters: true, afterFilter: this.trimmedRows, afterDocumentKeyDown: this.afterDocumentKeyDown }; console.log(options, variableNum) this.myHotArr[variableNum] = new Handsontable(containter, options); //存在点击tab后分页不正确的问题,使用0转换 this.tabChecked = 0; this.tabChecked = variableNum; let pro = document.getElementById("hot-display-license-info"); pro.parentNode.removeChild(pro); }, afterDocumentKeyDown(e) { // this.$nextTick(() => { let activeEditer = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getActiveEditor(), td, row, prop, val = e.realTarget.value, infoArr = ["Brand", "Specification", "Manufacturer", "Supplier", "Maintainer", "Insurer", "SupplierContactor", "SupplierPhone", "SupplierEmail", "SupplierWeb", "SupplierFax", "MaintainerContactor", "MaintainerPhone", "MaintainerEmail", "MaintainerWeb", "MaintainerFax", "InsurerContactor", "InsurerPhone", "InsurerEmail", "InsurerWeb", "InsurerFax"]; if (activeEditer) { td = activeEditer.TD row = activeEditer.row prop = activeEditer.prop } else { return false } let filter = this.filtersArr[this.tabChecked]; // console.log(activeEditer, val, document.getElementsByClassName("handsontableInput")[0].value) //被筛选过后的数组 if (e.which == 8) { console.log("val", val) val = val.substring(0, val.length - 1) console.log("val1", val) } let trimmedArr = this.trimmedRows(); //是否启用了排序 let isSort = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked] .getPlugin("columnSorting") .isSorted(); let infos = ""; // if (infoArr.indexOf(prop.split('.')[1]) < 0) { // return false // } if (trimmedArr.length && isSort) { let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("columnSorting") .rowsMapper.__arrayMap; infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][ trimmedArr[sortArr[row]] ]; } else if (isSort) { //排序后的数组 let sortArr = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("columnSorting") .rowsMapper.__arrayMap; infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][sortArr[row]]; } else if (trimmedArr.length) { infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][trimmedArr[row]]; } else { infos = this.myHotMainArr[this.tabChecked][row]; } if (this.$refs.recommend) { this.$refs.recommend.randerData(infos, prop, this.myHotHeaderArr[this.tabChecked], true, val) } // }) }, //获取被筛选掉的行号 trimmedRows() { // var plugin = hot.getPlugin('trimRows').trimmedRows;//获取被筛选掉的行号 var plugin = this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getPlugin("trimRows") .trimmedRows; let dataLength = this.pageSizeArr[this.tabChecked]; let dataArr = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { dataArr.push(i); } if (plugin.length <= 0) { dataArr = undefined; } else { dataArr = this.array_diff(dataArr, plugin); } this.filtersArr[this.tabChecked] = dataArr; return dataArr || []; // var DataArray = new Array(); // for (var i = 0; i < plugin.length; i++) { // // 通过行号获取数据 // DataArray.push(this.myHotArr[this.tabChecked].getSourceDataAtRow(plugin[i])); // } }, //去除数组中相同的元素 array_diff(a, b) { for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { if (a[j] == b[i]) { a.splice(j, 1); j = j - 1; } } } return a; }, //清空所有实例 clearHot() { this.myHotArr = this.myHotArr.map(item => { if (item) { return item.destroy(); } else { return; } }); }, //处理头部header方法 delHeader(arr) { let data = showTools.headerTextFilter(arr, 'property', false, 'Visible') data.unshift("标记", "点位标签", "设备族"); return data; }, //通过header生成columns getType(arr) { let data = showTools.headerTypeFilter(arr, 'property', false, 'Visible') data.unshift({ type: "checkbox", checkedTemplate: true, uncheckedTemplate: false, data: "Checked", label: { position: "after", value: "完成修订" } }, { data: "PointName", readOnly: true }, { editor: "chosen", data: "Family", renderer: tools.customDropdownRenderer, chosenOptions: { data: this.AllFamily } }); data = data.filter(item => item) return data; }, //工具函数浅复制深拷贝,防止共用存储空间 deepCopy(obj) { var out = [], i = 0, len = obj.length; for (; i < len; i++) { if (obj[i] instanceof Array) { out[i] = deepcopy(obj[i]); } else out[i] = obj[i]; } return out; } }, watch: { projectId() { //默认时间赋值 this.checkTimeArr = [ this.getNowFormatDate(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)), this.getNowFormatDate(new Date()) ]; this.buildId = "" this.floorId = "" this.buildList = [] this.floorList = [] this.tabAvtive = "table0" this.labelChecked = "请选择点位标签!" // 获取建筑信息 this.getBuilding(); //获取所有所有的设备族 this.getAllFamily(); this.checked = 0 } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .page-content { position: relative; } @import "../../../components/data_admin/buildData/style.scss"; </style> <style lang="scss" scoped> #buildData { .el-tabs__header { width: 100%; } .el-dialog { width: 900px; height: auto; } .center { text-align: center; } .el-radio-button__inner { width: 90px; } .build_label { .label_view { padding: 0 4rem; box-sizing: border-box; } } .build_pic { .turn_right { right: 0; } } } .content_box { max-height: 440px; overflow-y: auto; } </style>