@@ -15,14 +15,16 @@
<el-option v-for="item in showTypes" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"></el-option>
<el-button size="small" style="width: 80px;" @click="addDevice" icon="iconfont icon-tianjia">添加资产</el-button>
+<!-- <el-button size="small" @click="Batch" v-show="!onlyRead" :disabled="!(tableData && tableData.length)">批量维护信息点-->
+<!-- </el-button>-->
<el-button size="small" style="width: 80px;" @click="reset" icon="iconfont icon-shuaxin">刷新</el-button>
<el-button v-show="!onlyRead" size="small" style="width: 80px;" @click="undo" icon="iconfont icon-undo">撤销
<qrcode :qrcodeUrl="qrcodeUrl" :dialog="myDialog" :addBody="true" ref="qrcode"/>
- <firm ref="firm" :mess="mess" @changeFirm="firmChange" :dialog="myDialog"/>
+ <firm :firmDataType="firmDataType" ref="firm" :mess="mess" @changeFirm="firmChange" :dialog="myDialog"/>
<supply-dialog @change="supplyChange" ref="supply" :id="id" :dialog="myDialog"/>
- <supplier-dialog ref="supplier" @changeSupplier="supplierChange" :dialog="myDialog"/>
+ <supplier-dialog :firmDataType="firmDataType" ref="supplier" @changeSupplier="supplierChange" :dialog="myDialog"/>
<guarantee-dialog @change="guaranteeChange" :id="id" ref="guarantee" :dialog="myDialog"/>
:read="onlyRead ? true : false"
@@ -30,24 +32,34 @@
+ :firmDataType="firmDataType"
:read="onlyRead ? true : false"
+ :firmDataType="firmDataType"
+ :firmDataType="firmDataType"
+ :firmDataType="firmDataType"
+ />
+ <pic-dialog
+ :read="onlyRead ? true : false"
+ :dialog="myDialog"
+ :keysArr="picsArr"
+ @change="changePics"
+ :firmDataType="firmDataType"
- <pic-dialog :read="onlyRead ? true : false" :dialog="myDialog" :keysArr="picsArr" @change="changePics"/>
<div class="center middle_sty" style="height: 91%" v-show="!mess.deviceId && (!tableData || !tableData.length)">
<i class="icon-wushuju iconfont"></i>
@@ -105,6 +117,18 @@
<el-button v-show="showAddByDie" type="primary" :disabled="dieNum == 0" @click="createByDie">批量创建</el-button>
+ <!-- 维护信息弹窗-->
+ <batchDialog
+ ref="batchDialogs"
+ @code="fourVendors"
+ :firmName="firmName"
+ :allObject="allObject"
+ :page="batchPage"
+ :newEnclosure="newEnclosure"
+ @getAllData="getAllData"
+ @multiples="multiples"
+ @upDataDevice="upDataDevice"
+ />
@@ -115,7 +139,10 @@
- updateProperty
+ updateProperty,
+ queryEquip, //替换掉
+ queryUpdate,//替换掉
+ updateEquip//替换掉
} from "@/api/scan/request";
import tools from "@/utils/scan/tools"
@@ -143,6 +170,7 @@
import lookPic from "@/components/ledger/lib/lookImages"
import Handsontable from "handsontable-pro"
import 'handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.css'
+ import batchDialog from "../../dialogs/list/batchDialog";
// import "@/assets/js/chosen.jquery.min";
// import "@/assets/js/handsontable-chosen-editor";
@@ -165,7 +193,8 @@
// detailsDialog,
- lookPic
+ lookPic,
+ batchDialog
created() {
@@ -180,6 +209,16 @@
data() {
return {
+ batchPage: {
+ size: 50,
+ sizes: [10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200],
+ total: 0,
+ currentPage: 1
+ },
+ newEnclosure:[],
+ firmName: '',//维护信息显示厂家名称
+ firmDataType: 'row',
+ allObject: [],
options: [{
value: true,
label: '只读模式'
@@ -272,6 +311,9 @@
+ this.getTableData()
+ // 信息维护
+ this.newEnclosure = res.Content.filter(i=>i.InputMode =='F2')
@@ -310,14 +352,64 @@
this.copyMain = tools.deepCopy(this.tableData)
this.page.total = res.Total
if (this.tableData && this.tableData.length) {
- // if (this.onlyRead) {
- // this.getBatch(this.tableData)
- // }
+ if (this.onlyRead) {
+ this.getBatch(this.tableData)
+ }
+ //获取所以主体数据---用于维护信息
+ getAllData() {
+ if (!!this.mess.deviceId) {
+ // 查询step2
+ let params = {
+ "Cascade": [
+ {
+ "Name": "property",
+ "Projection": [
+ "Family", "EquipLocalName", "EquipLocalID", "EquipID", "CodeType"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "building",
+ "Projection": [
+ "BuildLocalName", "BuildName", "BuildID"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "floor",
+ "Projection": [
+ "FloorLocalName", "FloorName", "FloorID"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ Filters: `category='${this.mess.deviceId}'`,
+ PageSize: this.batchPage.size,
+ Orders: "createTime desc, EquipID desc",
+ PageNumber: this.batchPage.currentPage,
+ "Projection": [
+ "BuildingId", "FloorId", "Category", "EquipLocalName", "EquipLocalID", "EquipID", "BIMID"
+ ]
+ };
+ if (this.mess.buildId == "noKnow") {
+ params.Filters += `;buildingId isNull`
+ } else if (this.mess.buildId && this.mess.buildId != "all") {
+ params.Filters += `;buildingId='${this.mess.buildId}'`
+ }
+ if (this.mess.floorId == "noKnow") {
+ params.Filters += `;floorId isNull`
+ } else if (this.mess.floorId && this.mess.floorId != "all") {
+ params.Filters += `;floorId='${this.mess.floorId}'`
+ }
+ queryEquip(params, res => {
+ this.allObject = res.Content
+ this.batchPage.total = res.Total
+ })
+ }
+ },
getBatch(data) {
let param = {
@@ -1061,6 +1153,181 @@
this.graphyId = graphyId
this.assetGroupList = assetGroupList
+ // 批量信息维护
+ Batch() {
+ this.firmDataType = 'dialog'
+ this.$refs.batchDialogs.batchDialog = true
+ },
+ // 接受维护信息传来的code,显示弹窗
+ fourVendors(code) {
+ this.firmDataType = 'dialog'
+ switch (code) {
+ //品牌型号弹窗
+ case 'DPManufacturerID':
+ // this.dataFirmType = 'dia'
+ this.myDialog.firm = true;
+ break;
+ //供应商信息弹窗
+ case 'DPSupplierID':
+ this.myDialog.supplier = true;
+ break;
+ //维修商信息弹窗
+ case 'DPMaintainerID':
+ this.myDialog.maintainer = true;
+ break;
+ //保险公司信息
+ case 'DPInsurerID':
+ this.myDialog.insurer = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ forValue(arr, val) {
+ let enclosure = []
+ arr && arr.length && arr.map(i => {
+ if (i.Path == val) {
+ enclosure = i.value
+ }
+ })
+ return enclosure
+ },
+ multiples(val) {
+ this.firmDataType = 'dialog'
+ switch (val) {
+ case 'LedgerParam.InsuranceDoc.InsuranceFile': //保险文件
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Archive': //设备文档
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.Siteinstall.CheckReport': //安装质检报告
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.OperationMainte.MaintainManual': //维修保养手册
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.SupplyPurchase.ApproachingAcceptance': //进场验收单
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.SupplyPurchase.AcceptanceReport': //验收报告
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.OperationManual': //操作说明书
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.EquipManufactor.OriginalCertificate': //原厂证明
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.EquipManufactor.TestReport': //检测报告
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.ProductCertification': //产品合格证
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.Siteinstall.InstallInstruction': //安装说明书
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Drawing': //设备图纸
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.Siteinstall.InstallDrawing': //安装图纸
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.SupplyPurchase.SupplierContract': //供应合同
+ this.filesArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val;
+ this.myDialog.uploadFiles = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.Siteinstall.InstallPic':
+ this.imgsArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val
+ this.myDialog.uploadImgs = true;
+ break;
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Nameplate':
+ this.imgsArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val
+ this.myDialog.uploadImgs = true;
+ break;
+ //设备照片
+ case 'LedgerParam.PhotoDoc.Pic':
+ this.picsArr = this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) ? this.forValue(this.newEnclosure, val) : [];
+ this.infoType = val
+ this.myDialog.pic = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ upDataDevice(type, data1, data2) {
+ let param = {Content: data1}
+ let param1 = {Content: data2}
+ if (type === 1) { //增量
+ //LedgerParam
+ let filterParam = this.filterCheck(param, 'sole')
+ let filterParam1 = this.filterCheck(param1, 'multiple')
+ if (filterParam) {
+ updateEquip(param, res => {
+ });
+ }
+ if (filterParam1) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ queryUpdate(param1, res => {
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ if (type === 2) {//覆盖
+ let filterParams = this.filterCheck(param, 'sole')
+ if (filterParams) {
+ updateEquip(param, res => {
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.getTableData()
+ this.getAllData()
+ }, 10)
+ },
+ filterCheck(arr, type) {
+ if (type === 'sole') {
+ for (let i of arr.Content) {
+ return Object.keys(i.LedgerParam).length
+ }
+ } else if (type === 'multiple') {
+ let nArr = [];
+ arr.Content.forEach(i => {
+ let {EquipID, ...value} = i
+ nArr.push({LedgerParam: value})
+ })
+ for (let j of nArr) {
+ return Object.keys(j.LedgerParam).length
+ }
+ }
+ }
watch: {
projectId() {