@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
<div id="drawFloor" v-loading="canvasLoading">
- <canvas id="floorCanvas" :width="cadWidth" :height="cadHeight" ref="canvas"></canvas>
+ <canvas id="floorCanvas" :width="cadWidth" :height="cadHeight" ref="canvas" tabindex="0"></canvas>
+ <div class="operate" v-if="showTools">
+ <canvasFun @move="moveCanvas" @fit="fit" @savePng="savePng" @saveSvg="saveSvg" @divide="divide" @clearDivide="clearDivide" @undo="undo"
+ @redo="redo" @scale="scale" :isEdit="isEdit" ref="canvasFun"></canvasFun>
+ </div>
import eventBus from "./bus.js";
import { SGraphyView } from "@sybotan-web/graphy/lib";
-import { FloorScene } from "cad-engine";
+import { DivideFloorScene } from "cad-engine"
import { SColor } from "@sybotan-web/draw/lib";
+import canvasFun from "@/components/business_space/newGraphy/canvasFun"
export default {
+ components: {
+ canvasFun
+ },
data() {
return {
drawMainScene: null,
@@ -20,61 +28,34 @@ export default {
canvasLoading: false
+ props: {
+ isEdit: {
+ default: false
+ },
+ showTools:{
+ default: false
+ }
+ },
mounted() {
- // this.initGraphy('3af6d175c34e11e993ac85337be80696');
- // let that = this;
- // eventBus.$on("suitableRatios", function () {
- // that.view.fitSceneToView();
- // });
- // eventBus.$on("changeRatios", function (val) {
- // that.changeRatios(val);
- // });
- // eventBus.$on("downImgs", function (val) {
- // that.view.saveImage("saveImage" + new Date(), "png");
- // });
- // eventBus.$on("openDrags", function (val) {
- // if (val) {
- // }
- // });
this.cadWidth = document.getElementById("drawFloor").offsetWidth;
this.cadHeight = document.getElementById("drawFloor").offsetHeight;
+ this.floor = this.$route.query.FloorID
methods: {
- clickItem(item) {
- this.$emit("clickGraphyItem", item);
- },
- // 单个个体绘制颜色
- drawItemColor(item, color) {
- item.fillColor = new SColor(color); //需要缓存的边框
- item.cacheFillColor = new SColor(color); //需要
- },
- // 绘制所有的item
- drawAllItemColor() {
- this.drawMainScene.root.children.forEach((item, index) => {
- let color = this.initColor[index % 10];
- this.drawItemColor(item, color);
- });
- },
initGraphy(ModelId) {
- this.dataKey = ModelId
- if (!this.dataKey) {
- return;
- }
- this.canvasLoading = true
- this.clearGraphy()
- // 初始化view类
- this.view = new SGraphyView("floorCanvas");
- this.drawMainScene = new FloorScene(null);
let that = this;
- this.drawMainScene.getFloorData('/modelapi/base-graph/query', { ModelId: ModelId }).then(res => {
+ this.view = new SGraphyView('floorCanvas')
+ that.drawMainScene = new DivideFloorScene();
+ // that.drawMainScene.loadUrl(`/image-service/common/file_get/${ModelId}?systemId=revit`).then(res => {
+ // that.view.scene = that.drawMainScene
+ // that.view.fitSceneToView();
+ // this.canvasLoading = false
+ // })
+ this.drawMainScene.getFloorData('/modelapi/base-graph/query', { ModelId: '5fec5a64cedd11e994a0ad55e7095c26' }).then(res => {
that.view.scene = that.drawMainScene
this.canvasLoading = false
- if (this.isScale) {
- this.cancelScale(this.view);
- }
// 单个item 高亮
heightLightitem(item, highlightColor) {
@@ -93,17 +74,59 @@ export default {
this.view.scale = val;
clearGraphy() {
- if(this.drawMainScene){
+ if (this.drawMainScene) {
this.drawMainScene.root.children = null
this.drawMainScene = null;
this.view = null;
- }
+ },
+ // canvas 获取焦点
+ focus() {
+ document.getElementById('floorCanvas').focus()
+ },
+ // 工具栏操作
+ // 移动底图
+ moveCanvas() { },
+ // 适配底图到窗口
+ fit() {
+ this.view.fitSceneToView()
+ },
+ // 保存为png
+ savePng() {
+ this.view.saveImage(`${this.floor}.png`, 'png');
+ },
+ // 保存为svg
+ saveSvg() {
+ this.view.saveSceneSvg(`${this.floor}.png`, 6400, 4800);
+ },
+ // 切割划分
+ divide() {
+ this.drawMainScene.isMarking = true;
+ },
+ // 清除切割划分
+ clearDivide() {
+ this.drawMainScene.clearSceneMark()
+ },
+ // 撤销
+ undo() {
+ console.log(this.view)
+ console.log(this.drawMainScene)
+ },
+ // 反撤销
+ redo() { },
+ // 缩放
+ scale(val) {
+ console.log(val)
+ this.view.scaleByPoint(val, this.cadWidth / 2, this.cadHeight / 2)
+ },
watch: {
- findGraphyItemId(n) {
- if (n) {
- this.heightLightitem();
+ "view.scale": {
+ // deep: true,
+ handler(n) {
+ // console.log(n)
+ // this.$refs.canvasFun.sliderVal = n;
+ console.log(this.$refs.canvasFun.sliderVal)
@@ -114,5 +137,12 @@ export default {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
+ .operate {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 50%;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
+ z-index: 99;
+ }