import { VuexModule, Module, Action, Mutation, getModule } from "vuex-module-decorators"; import { login, logout, getUserInfo } from "@/api/users"; import { getToken, setToken, removeToken } from "@/utils/cookies"; import store from "@/store"; export interface IUserState { token: string; name: string; avatar: string; introduction: string; roles: string[]; } @Module({ dynamic: true, store, name: "user" }) class User extends VuexModule implements IUserState { public token = getToken() || ""; public name = ""; public avatar = ""; public introduction = ""; public roles: string[] = []; @Mutation private SET_TOKEN(token: string) { this.token = token; } @Mutation private SET_NAME(name: string) { = name; } @Mutation private SET_AVATAR(avatar: string) { this.avatar = avatar; } @Mutation private SET_INTRODUCTION(introduction: string) { this.introduction = introduction; } @Mutation private SET_ROLES(roles: string[]) { this.roles = roles; } @Action public async Login(userInfo: { username: string; password: string }) { let { username, password } = userInfo; username = username.trim(); const { data } = await login({ username, password }); setToken(data.accessToken); this.SET_TOKEN(data.accessToken); } @Action public ResetToken() { removeToken(); this.SET_TOKEN(""); this.SET_ROLES([]); } @Action public async GetUserInfo() { if (this.token === "") { throw Error("GetUserInfo: token is undefined!"); } const { data } = await getUserInfo({ /* Your params here */ }); if (!data) { throw Error("Verification failed, please Login again."); } const { roles, name, avatar, introduction } = data.user; // roles must be a non-empty array if (!roles || roles.length <= 0) { throw Error("GetUserInfo: roles must be a non-null array!"); } this.SET_ROLES(roles); this.SET_NAME(name); this.SET_AVATAR(avatar); this.SET_INTRODUCTION(introduction); } @Action public async LogOut() { if (this.token === "") { throw Error("LogOut: token is undefined!"); } await logout(); removeToken(); this.SET_TOKEN(""); this.SET_ROLES([]); } } export const UserModule = getModule(User);