소스 검색

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

YaolongHan 4 년 전

+ 5 - 5

@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
     "dependencies": {
         "@mapbox/geojson-merge": "^1.1.1",
-        "@saga-web/base": "2.1.22",
-        "@saga-web/big": "1.0.86",
-        "@saga-web/draw": "2.1.102",
-        "@saga-web/feng-map": "1.0.25",
-        "@saga-web/graph": "2.1.112",
+        "@saga-web/base": "2.1.24",
+        "@saga-web/big": "1.0.90",
+        "@saga-web/draw": "2.1.104",
+        "@saga-web/feng-map": "1.0.26",
+        "@saga-web/graph": "2.1.115",
         "ant-design-vue": "^1.4.10",
         "axios": "^0.19.2",
         "core-js": "^3.4.4",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ export default {
     mounted() {},
     methods: {
         goLogin() {
+            this.$store.commit('SETSSOTOKEN', null)
             let ssoServer = ''
             if (window.location.host == 'http://glsms.wanda-dev.cn') {
                 ssoServer = 'http://oauth.wanda-dev.cn'
             } else {
                 ssoServer = 'http://oauth.wanda.cn'
-            this.$store.commit('SETSSOTOKEN', null)
             let systemcode = 'CAD156',
                 signal = new Date().getTime(),
                 version = '1.0.0'

+ 298 - 307

@@ -4,79 +4,76 @@
-  <div class="view">
-    <div class="legend-tab2">
-      <div class="legend-table2-box">
-        <div class="legend-table2" v-if="editTable.length>0">
-            <el-table
-              v-loading="loading"
-              :header-cell-style='{background:"rgba(2,91,170,0.1)",fontFamily:"PingFangSC-Medium,PingFang SC;",color:"rgba(0,0,0,0.85);",fontSize:"12px"}'
-              ref="multipleTable"
-              :max-height="tableHeigth"
-              :data="editTable"
-              tooltip-effect="dark"
-              width="100%"
-              @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"
-              id="lenged_tab"
-            >
-              <el-table-column prop label="项目" :show-overflow-tooltip="true">
-                <template slot-scope="{row}">{{row.Name||'--'}}</template>
-              </el-table-column>
-              <el-table-column prop label="数量">
-                <template slot-scope="{row}">
-                  <div v-if="row.IsModify">
-                    <div
-                      v-if="row.Num!=row.RealNum && (row.Num!=null && row.RealNum!=null)"
-                      class="redData"
+    <div class='view'>
+        <div class='legend-tab2'>
+            <div class='legend-table2-box'>
+                <div class='legend-table2' v-if='editTable.length>0'>
+                    <el-table
+                        v-loading='loading'
+                        :header-cell-style='{background:"rgba(2,91,170,0.1)",fontFamily:"PingFangSC-Medium,PingFang SC;",color:"rgba(0,0,0,0.85);",fontSize:"12px"}'
+                        ref='multipleTable'
+                        :max-height='tableHeigth'
+                        :data='editTable'
+                        tooltip-effect='dark'
+                        width='100%'
+                        @selection-change='handleSelectionChange'
+                        id='lenged_tab'
-                      <el-tooltip
-                        class="item"
-                        effect="dark"
-                        :content="`当前图例 ${row.Name} 与平面图中的不一致,平面图中为${row.RealNum}`"
-                        placement="top"
-                      >
-                        <el-input @change="changeTable(row)" v-model="row.Num" size="mini"></el-input>
-                      </el-tooltip>
-                    </div>
-                    <div v-else-if="row.Num==null||row.RealNum==null">
-                      <el-input @change="changeTable(row)" v-model="row.Num" size="mini"></el-input>
-                    </div>
-                    <div v-else-if="!row.Num" class="nullData">
-                      <el-input @change="changeTable(row)" v-model="row.Num" size="mini"></el-input>
-                    </div>
-                    <div v-else style="width:50px">
-                      <el-input @change="changeTable(row)" v-model="row.Num" size="mini"></el-input>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
+                        <el-table-column prop label='项目' :show-overflow-tooltip='true'>
+                            <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.Name||'--'}}</template>
+                        </el-table-column>
+                        <el-table-column prop label='数量'>
+                            <template slot-scope='{row}'>
+                                <div v-if='row.IsModify'>
+                                    <div v-if='row.Num!=row.RealNum && (row.Num!=null && row.RealNum!=null)' class='redData'>
+                                        <el-tooltip
+                                            class='item'
+                                            effect='dark'
+                                            :content='`当前图例 ${row.Name} 与平面图中的不一致,平面图中为${row.RealNum}`'
+                                            placement='top'
+                                        >
+                                            <el-input @change='changeTable(row)' v-model='row.Num' size='mini'></el-input>
+                                        </el-tooltip>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div v-else-if='row.Num==null||row.RealNum==null'>
+                                        <el-input @change='changeTable(row)' v-model='row.Num' size='mini'></el-input>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div v-else-if='!row.Num' class='nullData'>
+                                        <el-input @change='changeTable(row)' v-model='row.Num' size='mini'></el-input>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div v-else style='width:50px'>
+                                        <el-input @change='changeTable(row)' v-model='row.Num' size='mini'></el-input>
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
-                  <!-- 第二部分数据 -->
-                  <div v-else>
-                    <el-tooltip
-                      v-if="!row.IsModify"
-                      class="item"
-                      effect="dark"
-                      :content="`当前图例 ${row.Name},从平面图中直接获取,如需编辑请修改平面图`"
-                      placement="top"
-                    >
-                      <div class="dataTwo">{{row.Num}}</div>
-                    </el-tooltip>
-                  </div>
-                </template>
-              </el-table-column>
-              <el-table-column prop label="单位">
-                <template slot-scope="{row}">{{row.Unit||'--'}}</template>
-              </el-table-column>
-              <el-table-column prop label="图例" align="center">
-                <template slot-scope="{row}">
-                  <div v-if="row.Url" class="Url-img">
-                    <img :src="`/serve/topology-wanda/Picture/query/${row.Url}`" alt />
-                  </div>
-                  <div v-else>{{'--'}}</div>
-                </template>
-              </el-table-column>
-            </el-table>
-        </div>
-        <!-- <div class='legend-table2' v-if='tbData2.length>0'>
+                                <!-- 第二部分数据 -->
+                                <div v-else>
+                                    <el-tooltip
+                                        v-if='!row.IsModify'
+                                        class='item'
+                                        effect='dark'
+                                        :content='`当前图例 ${row.Name},从平面图中直接获取,如需编辑请修改平面图`'
+                                        placement='top'
+                                    >
+                                        <div class='dataTwo'>{{row.Num}}</div>
+                                    </el-tooltip>
+                                </div>
+                            </template>
+                        </el-table-column>
+                        <el-table-column prop label='单位'>
+                            <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.Unit||'--'}}</template>
+                        </el-table-column>
+                        <el-table-column prop label='图例' align='center'>
+                            <template slot-scope='{row}'>
+                                <div v-if='row.Url' class='Url-img'>
+                                    <img :src='`/serve/topology-wanda/Picture/query/${row.Url}`' alt />
+                                </div>
+                                <div v-else>{{'--'}}</div>
+                            </template>
+                        </el-table-column>
+                    </el-table>
+                </div>
+                <!-- <div class='legend-table2' v-if='tbData2.length>0'>
                     <el-table ref='multipleTable' height='430px' :data='tbData2' tooltip-effect='dark' @selection-change='handleSelectionChange'>
                         <el-table-column prop='project' label='项目' width='100'></el-table-column>
                         <el-table-column prop='num' label='数量'>
@@ -91,8 +88,8 @@
                             <template slot-scope='scope'>{{ scope.row.lege }}</template>
-        </div>-->
-        <!-- <div class='legend-table2' v-if='tbData3.length>0'>
+                </div>-->
+                <!-- <div class='legend-table2' v-if='tbData3.length>0'>
                     <el-table ref='multipleTable' height='430px' :data='tbData3' tooltip-effect='dark' @selection-change='handleSelectionChange'>
                         <el-table-column prop='project' label='项目' width='100'></el-table-column>
                         <el-table-column prop='num' label='数量'>
@@ -107,265 +104,259 @@
                             <template slot-scope='scope'>{{ scope.row.lege }}</template>
-        </div>-->
-      </div>
-      <div class="lengend-text">广场上没有的图例数量填写为0</div>
-      <div class="swich">
-        <el-switch v-model="value" @change="changeSwitch"></el-switch>
-        <span>隐藏数量为0的项目</span>
-      </div>
+                </div>-->
+            </div>
+            <div class='lengend-text'>本楼层没有的图例数据填为 0</div>
+            <div class='swich'>
+                <el-switch v-model='value' @change='changeSwitch'></el-switch>
+                <span>隐藏数量为0的项目</span>
+            </div>
-      <div class="legendFoot">
-        <el-button size="mini" @click="cancel">取消</el-button>
-        <el-button
-          size="mini"
-          v-if="editNum.length==0"
-          type="primary"
-          disabled
-          style="opacity: 0.5"
-        >保存</el-button>
-        <el-button size="mini" v-else @click="save" type="primary">保存</el-button>
-      </div>
+            <div class='legendFoot'>
+                <el-button size='mini' @click='cancel'>取消</el-button>
+                <el-button size='mini' v-if='editNum.length==0' type='primary' disabled style='opacity: 0.5'>保存</el-button>
+                <el-button size='mini' v-else @click='save' type='primary'>保存</el-button>
+            </div>
+        </div>
-  </div>
-import { updateStatis } from "@/api/public.js";
-import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
+import { updateStatis } from '@/api/public.js'
+import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
 export default {
-  props: ["editTable", "loading", "tableHeigth"],
-  data() {
-    return {
-      value: false,
-      tbData1: [],
-      tbData2: [],
-      tbData3: [],
-      editNum: []
-    };
-  },
-  computed: {
-    ...mapGetters(["plazaId"])
-  },
-  methods: {
-    handleSelectionChange(val) {
-      this.multipleSelection = val;
-    },
-    // 编辑图例取消
-    cancel() {
-      if (this.editNum.length > 0) {
-        this.$confirm("图例中的数据发生变化, 是否需要保存?", {
-          confirmButtonText: "保存",
-          cancelButtonText: "放弃修改",
-          type: "warning"
-        })
-          .then(() => {
-            this.$emit("saveNum", this.editNum);
-          })
-          .catch(() => {
-            this.$message({
-              type: "info",
-              message: "已放弃修改"
-            });
-            this.editNum = [];
-            this.$emit("saveNum", this.editNum);
-          });
-      } else {
-        this.$store.commit("SETSHOWVIEW", 1);
-        this.$emit("saveNum", this.editNum);
-      }
+    props: ['editTable', 'loading', 'tableHeigth'],
+    data() {
+        return {
+            value: false,
+            tbData1: [],
+            tbData2: [],
+            tbData3: [],
+            editNum: []
+        }
-    // 编辑图里保存
-    save() {
-      this.queryEdit(this.editNum);
+    computed: {
+        ...mapGetters(['plazaId'])
-    // 编辑数量
-    queryEdit(val) {
-      let arr = [];
-      if (val.length > 0) {
-        val.forEach(e => {
-          let obj = {
-            BuildingId: "1",
-            Num: e.Num == "" ? null : Number(e.Num),
-            GraphElementId: e.GraphElementId,
-            FloorId: this.$cookie.get("floorMapId"),
-            ProjectId: e.ProjectId,
-            CategoryId: e.GraphCategoryId
-          };
-          arr.push(obj);
-        });
-      }
-      let params = {
-        postParams: {
-          Content: arr
-        }
-      };
+    methods: {
+        handleSelectionChange(val) {
+            this.multipleSelection = val
+        },
+        // 编辑图例取消
+        cancel() {
+            if (this.editNum.length > 0) {
+                this.$confirm('图例中的数据发生变化, 是否需要保存?', {
+                    confirmButtonText: '保存',
+                    cancelButtonText: '放弃修改',
+                    type: 'warning'
+                })
+                    .then(() => {
+                        this.$emit('saveNum', this.editNum)
+                    })
+                    .catch(() => {
+                        this.$message({
+                            type: 'info',
+                            message: '已放弃修改'
+                        })
+                        this.editNum = []
+                        this.$emit('saveNum', this.editNum)
+                    })
+            } else {
+                this.$store.commit('SETSHOWVIEW', 1)
+                this.$emit('saveNum', this.editNum)
+            }
+        },
+        // 编辑图里保存
+        save() {
+            this.queryEdit(this.editNum)
+        },
+        // 编辑数量
+        queryEdit(val) {
+            let arr = []
+            if (val.length > 0) {
+                val.forEach(e => {
+                    let obj = {
+                        BuildingId: '1',
+                        Num: e.Num == '' ? null : Number(e.Num),
+                        GraphElementId: e.GraphElementId,
+                        FloorId: this.$cookie.get('floorMapId'),
+                        ProjectId: e.ProjectId,
+                        CategoryId: e.GraphCategoryId
+                    }
+                    arr.push(obj)
+                })
+            }
+            let params = {
+                postParams: {
+                    Content: arr
+                }
+            }
-      updateStatis(params)
-        .then(res => {
-          if (res.Result == "success") {
-            this.$message({
-              message: "操作成功",
-              type: "success"
-            });
-            this.$emit("changeSwitch", true);
-            this.$store.commit("SETSHOWVIEW", 1);
-          } else {
-            this.$message({
-              message: "操作失败",
-              type: "error"
-            });
-          }
-        })
-        .catch(err => {
-          this.$message({
-            message: err,
-            type: "error"
-          });
-        });
-    },
-    // 修改图例数量
-    changeTable(val) {
-      this.editNum.push(val);
-      let result = [],
-        obj = {};
-      for (var i = 0; i < this.editNum.length; i++) {
-        if (!obj[this.editNum[i].GraphElementId]) {
-          result.push(this.editNum[i]);
-          obj[this.editNum[i].GraphElementId] = true;
+            updateStatis(params)
+                .then(res => {
+                    if (res.Result == 'success') {
+                        this.$message({
+                            message: '操作成功',
+                            type: 'success'
+                        })
+                        this.$emit('changeSwitch', true)
+                        this.$store.commit('SETSHOWVIEW', 1)
+                    } else {
+                        this.$message({
+                            message: '操作失败',
+                            type: 'error'
+                        })
+                    }
+                })
+                .catch(err => {
+                    this.$message({
+                        message: err,
+                        type: 'error'
+                    })
+                })
+        },
+        // 修改图例数量
+        changeTable(val) {
+            this.editNum.push(val)
+            let result = [],
+                obj = {}
+            for (var i = 0; i < this.editNum.length; i++) {
+                if (!obj[this.editNum[i].GraphElementId]) {
+                    result.push(this.editNum[i])
+                    obj[this.editNum[i].GraphElementId] = true
+                }
+            }
+            this.editNum = result
+        },
+        // 修改隐藏为0的项目的开关
+        changeSwitch(val) {
+            this.$emit('handleSwich2', val)
-      }
-      this.editNum = result;
+        // init() {
+        // this.tbData1 = []
+        // this.tbData2 = []
+        // this.tbData3 = []
+        // if (this.editTable.length > 0) {
+        //     this.tbData1 = this.editTable
+        // 以下不要动 不要删
+        // let len = this.tableData.length
+        // if (len <= 10) {
+        //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData
+        // } else if (len > 10 && len <= 20) {
+        //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, 10)
+        //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(10, len)
+        // } else if (len > 10 && len <= 30) {
+        //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, 10)
+        //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(10, 20)
+        //     this.tbData3 = this.tableData.slice(20, len)
+        // } else {
+        //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, parseInt(len / 3))
+        //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(parseInt(len / 3), parseInt(len / 3) * 2)
+        //     this.tbData3 = this.tableData.slice(parseInt(len / 3) * 2, len)
+        // }
+        // }
+        // },
-    // 修改隐藏为0的项目的开关
-    changeSwitch(val) {
-      this.$emit("handleSwich2", val);
-    }
-    // init() {
-    // this.tbData1 = []
-    // this.tbData2 = []
-    // this.tbData3 = []
-    // if (this.editTable.length > 0) {
-    //     this.tbData1 = this.editTable
-    // 以下不要动 不要删
-    // let len = this.tableData.length
-    // if (len <= 10) {
-    //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData
-    // } else if (len > 10 && len <= 20) {
-    //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, 10)
-    //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(10, len)
-    // } else if (len > 10 && len <= 30) {
-    //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, 10)
-    //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(10, 20)
-    //     this.tbData3 = this.tableData.slice(20, len)
-    // } else {
-    //     this.tbData1 = this.tableData.slice(0, parseInt(len / 3))
-    //     this.tbData2 = this.tableData.slice(parseInt(len / 3), parseInt(len / 3) * 2)
-    //     this.tbData3 = this.tableData.slice(parseInt(len / 3) * 2, len)
-    // }
-    // }
-    // },
-  },
-  mounted() {},
-  watch: {
-    editTable: {
-      handler() {
-        setTimeout(()=>{
-              let tabHeight = document.getElementById("lenged_tab").offsetHeight
-        let dom = document.getElementsByClassName("legend-tab2")[0];
-        let dom2 = document.getElementsByClassName('legend-table2')[0];
-        console.log('tabHeight',tabHeight)
-        if (!dom) {
-          return;
+    mounted() {},
+    watch: {
+        editTable: {
+            handler() {
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    let tabHeight = document.getElementById('lenged_tab').offsetHeight
+                    let dom = document.getElementsByClassName('legend-tab2')[0]
+                    let dom2 = document.getElementsByClassName('legend-table2')[0]
+                    console.log('tabHeight', tabHeight)
+                    if (!dom) {
+                        return
+                    }
+                    dom.style.height = tabHeight + 100 + 'px'
+                    dom2.style.height = tabHeight + 100 + 'px'
+                })
+            },
+            deep: true
-         dom.style.height=tabHeight + 100 + 'px';
-         dom2.style.height=tabHeight + 100 + 'px';
-        })
-      },
-      deep: true
-  }
 <style lang="less" scoped>
 .view {
-  // position: relative;
-  .legend-tab2 {
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 0;
-    right: 47px;
-    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
-    box-shadow: 0px 2px 8px 0px rgba(31, 36, 41, 0.06);
-    border-radius: 2px;
-    border: 1px solid rgba(228, 229, 231, 1);
-    .legend-table2-box {
-      display: flex;
-      justify-content: flex-end;
-      .legend-table2 {
-        padding: 16px 10px;
-        height: 430px;
-        width: 100%;
-      }
+    // position: relative;
+    .legend-tab2 {
+        position: absolute;
+        top: 0;
+        right: 47px;
+        background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
+        box-shadow: 0px 2px 8px 0px rgba(31, 36, 41, 0.06);
+        border-radius: 2px;
+        border: 1px solid rgba(228, 229, 231, 1);
+        .legend-table2-box {
+            display: flex;
+            justify-content: flex-end;
+            .legend-table2 {
+                padding: 16px 10px;
+                height: 430px;
+                width: 100%;
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  .dataTwo {
-    padding: 0 5px;
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
-  .swich {
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 16px;
-    bottom: 56px;
-    span {
-      margin-left: 8px;
+    .dataTwo {
+        padding: 0 5px;
+        cursor: pointer;
+    }
+    .swich {
+        position: absolute;
+        right: 16px;
+        bottom: 56px;
+        span {
+            margin-left: 8px;
+        }
+    }
+    .Url-img {
+        width: 20px;
+        height: 22px;
+        line-height: 20px;
+        margin: 0 auto;
+        img {
+            display: block;
+            max-width: 100%;
+            max-height: 100%;
+            margin: 0 auto;
+        }
+    }
+    .lengend-text {
+        font-size: 12px;
+        color: red;
+        padding-left: 16px;
+        margin-top: -37px;
-  }
-  .Url-img {
-    width: 20px;
-    height: 22px;
-    line-height: 20px;
-    margin: 0 auto;
-    img {
-      display: block;
-      max-width: 100%;
-      max-height: 100%;
-      margin: 0 auto;
+    .legendFoot {
+        position: absolute;
+        right: 16px;
+        bottom: 12px;
-  }
-  .lengend-text {
-    font-size: 12px;
-    color: red;
-    padding-left: 16px;
-    margin-top: -50px;
-  }
-  .legendFoot {
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 16px;
-    bottom: 12px;
-  }
 <style lang="less">
 .view {
-  .el-input--mini .el-input__inner {
-    width: 50px;
-  }
-  .el-input__inner {
-    padding: 0 5px;
-  }
-  .legend-container .el-table td,
-  .legend-container .el-table th {
-    padding: 3px 0 !important;
-  }
-  .nullData {
-    .el-input__inner {
-      color: #ccc !important;
+    .el-input--mini .el-input__inner {
+        width: 50px;
-  }
-  .redData {
     .el-input__inner {
-      border: 1px solid rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.5) !important;
+        padding: 0 5px;
+    }
+    .legend-container .el-table td,
+    .legend-container .el-table th {
+        padding: 3px 0 !important;
+    }
+    .nullData {
+        .el-input__inner {
+            color: #ccc !important;
+        }
+    }
+    .redData {
+        .el-input__inner {
+            border: 1px solid rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.5) !important;
+        }
-  }

+ 2 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { readGroup, queryStatis } from '@/api/public'
 import { queryShops } from '@/api/equipmentList.js'
 import { STopologyParser } from '@/lib/parsers/STopologyParser'
 import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
-import { SImageItem } from '@saga-web/graph/lib'
+import { SImageItem, SImageShowType } from '@saga-web/graph/lib'
 import bus from '@/utils/bus.js'
 // import { uuid } from "@/components/mapClass/until";
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ export default {
                 if (window.fengmapData.frImg) {
                     let imgItem = new SImageItem(null, `${this.mapServerURL}/webtheme/${this.fmapID}/${window.fengmapData.frImg}`)
+                    imgItem.showType = SImageShowType.AutoFit;
                     this.view.scene = this.scene

+ 3 - 0

@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@ export default {
     mounted() {
+    updated(){
+        this.setSelected()
+    },
     created() {}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
         __token = null
     beforeunload && (__token = JSON.parse(beforeunload).ssoToken)
     if (!ignore.includes(to.path)) {
-        let token = __token || store.getters['ssoToken'] || query().token
+        let token = __token || query().token || store.getters['ssoToken']
         // 开发环境模式token有模式值
         if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'aly' || process.env.NODE_ENV == 'serve') {
             token = 'admin:chuyushu'

+ 18 - 7

@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
                 <tj-table v-else-if='dialogInfo.id.slice(0,4)=="TJQD"' :param='param'></tj-table>
                 <!-- 主要设备清单 标准设备表格 -->
                 <!-- 内部设备清单 -->
-                <standTable v-else-if='dialogInfo.id.slice(2,4)=="QD"' :param='param' :major='dialogInfo.id'></standTable>
+                <standTable
+                    v-else-if='dialogInfo.id.slice(2,4)=="QD"'
+                    :param='param'
+                    :major='dialogInfo.id'
+                    :InfoName='`${systemName}-${dialogInfo.label}`'
+                ></standTable>
                 <!-- 电井商铺范围清单 -->
                 <djsp-table v-else-if='dialogInfo.id.slice(0,4)=="GJSP"' :param='param'></djsp-table>
                 <!-- 查看图纸 -->
@@ -42,7 +47,13 @@
                         <!-- 主要设备清单 标准设备表格加tab -->
-                        <tableList v-if='value.id.slice(0,4)=="RDQD"' :param='param' ref='list1' major='弱电'></tableList>
+                        <tableList
+                            v-if='value.id.slice(0,4)=="RDQD"'
+                            :InfoName='`${systemName}-${dialogInfo.label}`'
+                            :param='param'
+                            ref='list1'
+                            major='弱电'
+                        ></tableList>
                         <tableList v-else-if='value.id.slice(0,4)=="NTQD"' :param='param' ref='list2' major='暖通'></tableList>
                         <!-- 维保表格 -->
                         <wb-table v-else-if='value.id.slice(2,4)=="WB"' :smsxt='smsxt' :tabLabel='tabLabel' :diff='diff' :major='dialogInfo.id'></wb-table>
@@ -101,7 +112,7 @@ import djspTable from './table/djspTable'
 import { queryPic, queryTab } from '@/api/public.js'
 import fenbuPic from './fenbuPic'
 export default {
-    props: ['systemName', 'smsxt'],
+    props: ['systemName', 'smsxt', 'info'],
     data() {
         return {
             activeName: '',
@@ -339,6 +350,10 @@ export default {
             height: 100% !important;
+    .is-active {
+        color: #025baa !important;
+        border-color: #025baa !important;
+    }
     .el-tabs__item {
         padding: 5px 16px;
         height: 30px;
@@ -362,10 +377,6 @@ export default {
     .el-tabs__active-bar {
         background-color: transparent !important;
-    .is-active {
-        color: #025baa;
-        border-color: #025baa;
-    }
     .el-dialog__wrapper {
         transition-duration: 0.3s;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
         <!-- 图例 -->
         <div class='legend-boxs'>
             <Legend :innerLeng='1' :floors='floors' type='0' :categoryId='`${typecode=="FBT1"?"FZQZL":"XFBFYCFL"}`'></Legend>
+            <floor-list v-if='floors.length>0' :changeDataFlag='false' :floorsArr='floors' @emitFloor='emitFloor' :id='"floor"'></floor-list>
-        <floor-list v-if='floors.length>0' :changeDataFlag='false' :floorsArr='floors' @emitFloor='emitFloor' :id='"floor"'></floor-list>
         <div v-show='floors.length>0' class='canvas-box'>
             <floorMap ref='floorMap' :modalHeight='modalHeight' :loadName='""' :categoryId='`${typecode=="FBT1"?"FZQZL":"XFBFYCFL"}`' :type='"floor"'></floorMap>

+ 0 - 1

@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ export default {
             this.objCount = objCount
         emitFloor(item) {
-            this.floorInfo = item

+ 11 - 5

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-                @blur="getList"
+                @blur='getList'
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-                @blur="getList"
+                @blur='getList'
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
-                @blur="getList"
+                @blur='getList'
@@ -79,7 +79,13 @@
         <!-- 标准表格详情钻取表 -->
-        <el-dialog width='1260px' title='标准设备展开清单' style='height:900px!important;overflow: hidden;' :visible.sync='innerVisible' append-to-body>
+        <el-dialog
+            width='1260px'
+            :title='`${InfoName}-${systemName}`'
+            style='height:900px!important;overflow: hidden;'
+            :visible.sync='innerVisible'
+            append-to-body
+        >
             <eq-detail ref='qdDialog' :row='row' :major='major'></eq-detail>
@@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ export default {
     computed: {
-    props: ['param', 'major'],
+    props: ['param', 'major', 'systemName', 'InfoName'],
     methods: {
         indexMethod(index) {
             return (this.currentPage - 1) * this.size + index + 1

+ 4 - 4

@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ export default {
 <style lang="less" scoped>
-<style lang="less" scoped>
+<style lang="less">
 .detail-dialog {
     .el-dialog__wrapper {
         overflow: hidden !important;
+    .el-dialog__header {
+        background: #fff !important;
+    }
     /deep/.el-dialog {
         margin-top: 7vh !important;
         overflow-y: scroll !important;
-    /deep/.el-dialog__header {
-        background: #fff !important;
-    }

+ 5 - 3

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
         <!-- 标准表格详情钻取表 -->
-        <el-dialog width='90%' style='height:900px;overflow: hidden;' title='标准设备展开清单' :visible.sync='innerVisible' append-to-body>
+        <el-dialog width='90%' style='height:900px;overflow: hidden;' :title='`${InfoName}-${type_name}`' :visible.sync='innerVisible' append-to-body>
             <eq-detail ref='qdDialog' :row='row' :major='major'></eq-detail>
@@ -102,10 +102,11 @@ export default {
             floor: '',
             row: {},
             sbjc: '',
-            manufacturer: ''
+            manufacturer: '',
+            type_name: ''
-    props: ['major', 'param'],
+    props: ['major', 'param', 'InfoName'],
     components: { EqDetail, Select },
     computed: {
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ export default {
             return (this.currentPage - 1) * this.size + index + 1
         rowHandle(row) {
+            this.type_name = row.type_name
             this.innerVisible = true
             this.row = row

+ 1 - 1

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default {
         font-size: 16px;
         font-family: PingFangSC-Medium, PingFang SC;
         font-weight: 500;
-        color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
+        color:#fff;
         line-height: 24px;
     .el-dialog__body {

+ 3 - 3

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
             <!-- <el-button type='info' plain disabled> -->
-            <div class='view-button' :disabled='true' @click='findxmzl'>
+            <div class='view-button' :disabled='true' @click='findxmzl' title='数字化移交系统上线后可用'>
                 <img src='../../assets/imgs/wd.png' alt />
@@ -106,13 +106,13 @@
                                 <el-table-column label='总包/分包' prop='type' width='80' align='center'>
                                     <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.type||'--'}}</template>
-                                <el-table-column label='专业' width='60' prop='professional'>
+                                <el-table-column label='专业' width='70' prop='professional'>
                                     <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.professional||'--'}}</template>
                                 <el-table-column prop='unit ' label='施工单位'>
                                     <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.unit ||'--'}}</template>
-                                <el-table-column label='联系人' prop width='60' :show-overflow-tooltip='true'>
+                                <el-table-column label='联系人' prop width='70' :show-overflow-tooltip='true'>
                                     <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.lxr||'--'}}</template>
                                 <el-table-column prop='phone' label='联系电话' width='110'>

+ 5 - 5

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
             <el-table-column type='index' label='序号' width='50' :index='indexMethod'></el-table-column>
             <el-table-column prop='sbjc' label='设备名称' min-width='150' :show-overflow-tooltip='true' resizable>
-                <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sbjc||'--'}}</template>
+                <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.type_name||'--'}}</template>
             <el-table-column prop='assetnum' label='设备编号' :show-overflow-tooltip='true'>
                 <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.assetnum||'--'}}</template>
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ export default {
             if (this.mcbhChange) {
                 if (data.keyword) {
-                    data.keyword = `${data.keyword + ';' + this.mcbhChange}:sbjc,sbbh`
+                    data.keyword = `${data.keyword + ';' + this.mcbhChange}:type_name,sbbh`
                 } else {
-                    data.keyword = `${this.mcbhChange}:sbjc,sbbh`
+                    data.keyword = `${this.mcbhChange}:type_name,sbbh`
             if (this.ssppbh) {
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ export default {
                 if (res.data.data) {
                     let sb_status = [],
                         sbglgs = []
-                    sb_status = res.data.data.sms_asset.sb_status ? res.data.data.sms_asset.sb_status : []
-                    sbglgs = res.data.data.sms_asset.sbglgs ? res.data.data.sms_asset.sbglgs : []
+                    sb_status = res.data.data.sms_asset ? res.data.data.sms_asset.sb_status : []
+                    sbglgs = res.data.data.sms_asset ? res.data.data.sms_asset.sbglgs : []
                     if (sb_status.length > 0) {
                         sb_status.forEach(el => {
                             let obj = {

+ 39 - 4

@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
+                            :systemName='systemName'
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@
-                                 @blur="Index4"
+                                @blur='Index4'
@@ -623,7 +624,7 @@ export default {
         // 核心设备
         Index2() {
             let postParams = {
-                locationsid: this.location
+                location: this.location
             let data = {
                 plazaId: this.plazaId,
@@ -632,9 +633,9 @@ export default {
             if (this.sbjcInput) {
                 if (data.keyword) {
-                    data.keyword = `${data.keyword + ';' + this.sbjcInput}:sbjc`
+                    data.keyword = `${data.keyword + ';' + this.sbjcInput}:type_name`
                 } else {
-                    data.keyword = `${this.sbjcInput}:sbjc`
+                    data.keyword = `${this.sbjcInput}:type_name`
             if (this.ppxhInput) {
@@ -1159,4 +1160,38 @@ export default {
+// compute-tab 1366px适配
+@media screen and (max-width: 1366px) {
+    // 表格高度设置
+    .compute-tab {
+        .el-tabs,
+        .el-tabs__content {
+            height: 470px !important;
+        }
+        // 机房内核心设备 padding设置
+        #pane-3 {
+            .compute-table .el-table td,
+            .compute-box .compute-table .el-table th {
+                padding: 3px 0 !important;
+            }
+        }
+        // 维修记录,维保记录 padding设置
+        #pane-4,
+        #pane-5 {
+            .compute-table .el-table td,
+            .compute-box .compute-table .el-table th {
+                padding: 0 !important;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+@media screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
+    // 表格高度设置
+    .compute-tab {
+        .el-tabs,
+        .el-tabs__content {
+            height: 600px !important;
+        }
+    }

+ 3 - 3

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
                 <el-table-column type='index' label='序号' width='60' :index='indexMethod'></el-table-column>
                 <el-table-column prop :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label='设备简称' resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.classqc||'--'}}</template>
+                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.type_name||'--'}}</template>
                 <el-table-column prop label='数量' :show-overflow-tooltip='true' width='80'>
                     <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sl||'--'}}</template>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-        <el-dialog width='90%' title='设备清单' :visible.sync='innerVisible' append-to-body>
+        <el-dialog width='90%' :title='`${systemName}-${row.type_name}`' :visible.sync='innerVisible' append-to-body>
             <detail v-if='row' :row='row' :floorChange='floorChange'></detail>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import { Select } from 'meri-design'
 import Detail from './detail'
 export default {
-    props: ['table3', 'total', 'page', 'size', 'loading', 'floorChange'],
+    props: ['table3', 'total', 'page', 'size', 'loading', 'floorChange', 'systemName'],
     data() {
         return {
             innerVisible: false,