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wdl 2 years ago
1 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 25 0

+ 25 - 0

@@ -25,6 +25,30 @@ from ( select building, func_id, parent_code, branch_type,
               current_year, year_mouth, week_of_year, dt 
        from app_energy_15_min  ) t1
 group by branch_type, use_range_type, branch_type_name;
+-- 夜间能耗
+select branch_type,
+       use_range_type,
+       concat(branch_type, use_range_type) `branch_type_`,
+       branch_type_name,
+       sum(value_sum) '2022至今',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-01', value_sum, 0)) '01',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-02', value_sum, 0)) '02',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-03', value_sum, 0)) '03',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-04', value_sum, 0)) '04',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-05', value_sum, 0)) '05',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-06', value_sum, 0)) '06',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-07', value_sum, 0)) '07',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-08', value_sum, 0)) '08',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-09', value_sum, 0)) '09',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-10', value_sum, 0)) '10',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-11', value_sum, 0)) '11',
+        sum(if(year_mouth = '2022-12', value_sum, 0)) '12'
+from (
+         select building, func_id, parent_code, branch_type, branch_type_name, use_range_type, value_sum, current_hour, substr(current_hour, 12) hour_,current_year, year_mouth, week_of_year, dt
+         from app_energy_15_min  ) t1
+where hour_ in ('21', '22', '23', '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06')
+group by branch_type, use_range_type, branch_type_name;
 ### 成都 & 西安
@@ -42,6 +66,7 @@ python3 /opt/app/python_tmp/ 10101 --start_time 20221001000000 --e
+-- 成都西安夜间能耗
 select building, func_id, meter, sum(data_value)
 from (select building, func_id, meter, data_time, data_value, substr(data_time, 12, 2) hour_ 
       from energy_15_min_ot) t1